Milo was more than unimpressed with Santiago already throwing off his groove so early into practice. How was he supposed to try about any new moves or strategies if he kept hucking bludgers at him. Thankfully he seemed to move onto bothering Aroha for now so Milo could catch his breath and...
Milo's heart lept when he realized the glimmer he had been chasing had in fact been the snitch, putting on a burst of speed as he caught up to it. Ignatius had already pulled away earlier and Milo grinned as Santiago kept him even further at bay with a well timed bludger hit. The snitch dodged...
Milo kept a close eye on Ignatius as he swerved upwards, still carving his own path across the pitch. It would be better to fake him out when Milo actually had proper eyes on the snitch so he couldn't risk it right now.
Milo wasn't all that surprised when Fraser and Teddy didn't have much to say, but they were right, they did have this. He kept an eye on the Slytherin seeker as he shot across the pitch, laughing quietly to himself when Santiago hit him so quickly. He'd have to be on guard himself today though...
Milo swung his arms as he strolled out onto the pitch, getting in some stretches before Teddy or Fraser addressed the team. He was oozing confidence, simply refusing to acknowledge any thought in his mind that even so much as suggested he might not come out on top today. He'd done all the...
Milo figured they had to be getting close to the end of practice, putting on another burst of speed. He needed to nab the snitch before Teddy or Fraser blew the whistle.
Milo had let himself get distracted by the change up with the keepers, cursing himself when he realized what a headstart Aroha had on him. He tucked close to his broom, trying to get back into the chase and let out a little yip of success when Aroha took a bludger, hoping he could capitalize on...
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