Recent content by Magne Kleos

  1. Magne Kleos

    Third Years Lesson Two

    Magne walked into the charms classroom and took his usual spot in the room. He took out his books and notes and his wand and placed them down on the desk. He wasn’t able to raise his hand quickly enough to answer the question, but then just took the quill and began getting down what the...
  2. Magne Kleos

    Third Years, Lesson Three

    Magne walked into the history of magic classroom and took his spot in the room. He was a little disappointed by the fact htis was another lecture. Magne had hoped they might be able to do something else, though he didn’t mind necessarily lectures, he just knew what the professor had said about...
  3. Magne Kleos

    Third Years, Lesson Two

    Magne walked into the history of magic classroom and took his spot in the room. He took out his books and notes and placed them down in front of him. He smiled at the mention of greece and then began taking notes from what the professor was saying about the celts. He was making sure that he got...
  4. Magne Kleos

    Astronomy 3:2

    Magne walked into the astronomy classroom and was pretty surprised of where they would be going, he hadn’t been there in a long while - or well - he’d been close to it. He took the snow suit and put it on before taking the portkey. The trip itself was informative and interesting, and it was...
  5. Magne Kleos

    Open On the Lookout

    Magne shook his head. "I keep meaning to ask someone to the dance, and then I forget," he saids to her. "But it's okay, because I then just look for my friends to hang out with. Are you waiting for someone?" he returned the question to her.
  6. Magne Kleos

    Y48 Dueling Match #2

    Current Points: 65 Magne wasn't quick enough for the spell, it was almost like he'd expected another question. his wand flew out of his hand and to the girl. "Oh," he said with a laugh. Action(s) Taken: hit by spell, duel lost Point Changes: +15 Points Remaining: 80 (but also 0)
  7. Magne Kleos

    Open On the Lookout

    Magne gave her a brief hug and then pulled out of it and gave a warm smile. "I always feel underdressed," he said with a smile, looking his outfit down. "I'm not a fancy dance guy, what about you?" he asked her with a warm tone.
  8. Magne Kleos

    Open On the Lookout

    Magne smiled as he was greeted by someone he knew, someone he liked. "Hey Tanith!" he said as he waved at her, and when she was close went in to give her a hug. "YOu look really nice," he complimented easily.
  9. Magne Kleos

    Y48 Dueling Match #2

    Current Points: 95 Magne really wasn't sure now was the time to have a conversation, especially as it seemed to distract her enough. He just about blocked her spell. "My parents came here for work," he replied, before sending, "Stupefy," back Action(s) Taken: cast spell twice, spell successful...
  10. Magne Kleos

    Open On the Lookout

    Magne liked dances a whole lot. They were just really really fun to him. He liked being able to just hang out with friends, eat some good snacks and have a good time. It was just always fun. He had put on most of a suit, he didn't really have a full suit, but he was close enough to it. He headed...
  11. Magne Kleos

    Y48 Dueling Match #2

    Current Points: 105 Magne wondered what the point of the question had been as he managed to just about block her spell. "Where are you from?" he asked, before then casting the antler jinx. Action(s) Taken: cast spell twice Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 95
  12. Magne Kleos

    Third Years Lesson One

    Magne walked into the charms classroom, giving the professor a little wave as he made his way to the usual spot he took in the class. He looked up at the professor as the woman got started. He took his quill and wrote down what ht eprofessor told them about what they would be covering, and then...
  13. Magne Kleos

    Y48 Dueling Match #2

    Current Points: 120 Magne dodged out the way of her spell, as the question was thrown at him. "Greece," he shot back. Before settling on a spell he knew better, the slug vomiting curse Action(s) Taken: cast spell, dodged Point Changes: -10, -5 Points Remaining: 105
  14. Magne Kleos

    Y48 Dueling Match #2

    Current Points: 130 Magne blocked the spell quickly and then tried to cast "Tarantallegra," he tripped a little over the pronounciation, the spell was weak. Action(s) Taken: cast spell twice Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 120
  15. Magne Kleos

    Y48 Dueling Match #2

    Current Points: 140 Magne was quick to get the shield up, the spell felt weak but it held. He cast the leek jinx back Action(s) Taken: cast spell twice Point Changes: -10 Points Remaining: 130