Recent content by Lucas Fletcher

  1. Lucas Fletcher

    Your heart is all I own

    Lucas sipped his drink and looked around. He spotted Finn and smiled, wondering if he should go over and catch up with the former Ravenclaw. But before he could, someone spoke to him in a familiar tone of voice. Lucas hadn't expected to meet fans here, but it wasn't unwelcome. He looked down...
  2. Lucas Fletcher

    Your heart is all I own

    Merlin, it was weird to be here. Lucas was happy to be invited and he was obviously happy for his friends, but it was weird. First of all, to Lucas, it seemed impossible to imagine getting married. He hadn't dated anyone seriously in years, just a few flings here and there. He chalked it up to...
  3. lucas adult2.png

    lucas adult2.png

  4. Lucas Fletcher

    Closed Melting Ice Cream, Hopes, and Dreams

    Lucas was glad the conversation moved on, but he knew he was still blushing. He hated how easy it was for Kas to get to him. He hoped he wouldn't comment on it anymore. He smiled a bit at Kas' joke. "You're like, twenty, who knows what you'll do." He said with a small shrug. He knew it was a bit...
  5. Lucas Fletcher

    Closed Melting Ice Cream, Hopes, and Dreams

    Lucas felt his face flush at Kas’ joke and hoped it wasn’t as apparent to Kas as he feared it was. He looked away, clearing his throat. “Yeah,” he said, not sure if that was the right answer to that. He glanced his way again, glad the butterbeer seemed to be fine with him. With a sinking...
  6. Lucas Fletcher

    Closed Melting Ice Cream, Hopes, and Dreams

    Lucas’ heart did a little jump at the sight of Kas. He couldn’t help the wide grin that spread over his face as he approached, though it fell a bit at Kas’ joke. “If you do that I’ll eat both of them myself.” He said pointedly, though he also extended the one meant for Kas out to him. “I hope...
  7. Lucas Fletcher

    Lucas James Fletcher

    Woolongong Warriors Seeker Roleplays Melting Ice Cream, Hopes, and Dreams With Kasim Safir Obsidian Harbour Long Time No See With Connor Holland Mākutu Dinette Your heart is all I own With Linden Kinnek, Casper Kinnek, And various others Oceania Speed Dating Adults - Clifton's Table...
  8. Lucas Fletcher

    Closed Melting Ice Cream, Hopes, and Dreams

    Lucas felt oddly nervous about hanging out with Kas today. Last time he had seen him they hadn't had the time to properly talk, and now it felt like it would be their first true reunion since Kas had been expelled. Lucas had agreed to meet him after work, so he was hanging out outside the...
  9. Lucas Fletcher

    Open Y41 End of Year Feast

    Lucas wasn't entirely sure why he was now discussing his future with a random third or fourth year girl he barely knew, but he found himself unable to answer her question dishonestly. "Ideally Quidditch." He admitted, quietly praying she wouldn't bring up his recent loss. "I'll probably be doing...
  10. Lucas Fletcher

    Open Y41 End of Year Feast

    Lucas had been lost in thought, mentally going over his graduation speech and trying not to linger on the fact that this was truly his final celebration of any kind at Hogwarts. He hadn't paid too much attention to the speech and was glad to start piling food on his plate. The question of the...
  11. Lucas Fletcher

    Open Once a Badger, Always a Badger

    After speaking to Kas, Lucas decided he had to at least try to be social. Weird as it was, he was Head Boy, it sort of felt like his job to at least talk to his fellow graduates and wish them a nice life, or whatever. He nearly ran into Linden and Cas, who were, of course, holding hands. Lucas...
  12. Lucas Fletcher

    Closed Face to Face

    Lucas had been anxious about his guests. He had invited Connor and Kas, and had been very worried Kas wouldn't show up. He had been happy to see both of them in the audience during his speech, but he still hadn't actually talked to Kas, not since he suddenly disappeared from the school last...
  13. Lucas Fletcher

    Y41 Graduation Ceremony: Graduates

    Lucas was glad his speech was over, feeling mostly relieved as he sat down and waited for his name to be called. He watched as Casper and Linden sat very close, realizing they were holding hands. He looked away, feeling unreasonably annoyed. He knew he had no reason to resent them, but he felt...
  14. Lucas Fletcher

    Brotherhood members, enjoy a party to finish the semester off with a bang!

    Brotherhood members, enjoy a party to finish the semester off with a bang!