Recent content by Lincoln Cade

  1. Lincoln Cade

    First Years, Lesson Two

    Lincoln had higher hopes for herbology when he walked into the greenhouse and saw a bunch of pallets laid out on the work stations. Professor Carter explained their purpose and what was inside them, they had to use the different type of tools on offer to dig through the soil and find the coins...
  2. Lincoln Cade

    First Years, Lesson One

    Lincoln was surprised by how many of the plants in the greenhouse seemed so normal, which was a little underwhelming. He wasn’t sure what he really expected but it wasn’t what he found. Pants and flowers were not something Lincoln had a particular interest in but he knew a good understanding in...
  3. Lincoln Cade

    Closed All that glitters

    The castle was like a maze and despite his best efforts his mother had given him no guidance about navigating it before he started. Something about finding his own way around the place and it being a rite of passage, which sounded like something his dad would say so he wondered how much...
  4. Lincoln Cade

    Closed ruffled feathers

    The owlery wasn’t a pleasant experience but without an owl of his own Lincoln had to brave the fowl air to use a school owl to send letters to his mother. She’d show up at the school if he went too long without writing and given the proximity of her pub, thankfully she didn’t live there anymore...
  5. Lincoln Cade

    Open Y48 Club Fair

    Lincoln nodded at Teddy and the other boy signing up as he took the parchment and signed his name to it. "See you at the first meeting," He said to them both.
  6. Lincoln Cade

    Open Y48 Club Fair

    Lincoln felt like he had been walking around the club fair for a while before he finally settled on a stall. It was the brotherhood stall he eventually stopped at. After overhearing a couple of people discussing the club with the president Lincoln was convinced it was the club for him. "Hey, I'd...
  7. Lincoln Cade

    Just a small one

    Just gonna throw Bailey at you again if we have time for a quick fling between her and Alicia depending on what plans you have for her sixth year. I can also offer Alana Cosgrove as someone Cyrus could pine over, she's a beater on the Slytherin quidditch team so she could be someone he's...
  8. Lincoln Cade

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  9. Lincoln Cade

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  10. Lincoln Cade

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  11. Lincoln Cade

    Open Class 2 Music Activity

    Lincoln, who sat close to a pair of twin girls, watched as their teacher let them have their turn with some musical instruments. Most of them were familiar to him although he did not see a piano in the group. Their house has a grand piano as well as the acoustic guitar his mother had in their...
  12. Lincoln Cade

    Students List

    Lincoln Cade - 6 years old