Recent content by Leonardo Orr

  1. Leonardo Orr

    Closed Baked Goods

    Leonardo nodded, at the very least he wasn't imagining that the shop was recent. he was sure he would've noticed it eventually. He was very surprised when she seemed to know who he was, and his cheeks reddened deeply, and he took a step back. He ducked his head a little and was pretty...
  2. Leonardo Orr

    Closed Baked Goods

    Being immediately called out to by someone in the store, he took a step back, his cheeks reddening and he glanced at the ground. He had money, so he could buy something, but he just, it hadn't really been his intention. But he did, step in. "Sorry, I was staring at the," he trailed off...
  3. Leonardo Orr

    Closed Baked Goods

    Nights were long. This was something that Leo had come to realise. he hadn't been sleeping well, if much at all. He was trying, but it was hard, there was something about his roommate which kept him on edge, and on an edge where sleeping became so much more difficult. He had taken up some...
  4. Leonardo Orr

    Rate the avi

    10/10 I don't know her character much, but I do love that avatar. Feels very right.
  5. Leonardo Orr

    Rate the Sig

    10/10 I do love how colourful and vibrant it is. These are such rich and warm colours. Suits Anisha perfectly.
  6. Leonardo Orr

    Open Coffee Before Work

    Leo shook his head lightly. "It's okay, it's pretty new," he said, and he didn't think it was something that needed an apology, since it had always just been his nickname. "Honeydukes," he said with a little motion in the direction of the shop. "It'," he wouldn't call it fun, since he...
  7. Leonardo Orr

    Open Coffee Before Work

    Leonardo was contently sipping his coffee letting his mind be empty and enjoying the peace of the morning. He glanced therefore a little in surprise as a person, a girl who'd been a few years ahead of him approached him. "Just Leo. You're Estella, right?" he said, wanting more people to call him...
  8. Leonardo Orr

    Open Coffee Before Work

    Leo had taken all the shifts at work that he could. he was working every day that he could, needing the money to be able to move out. There was no requirement for him to move out, but Leo didn't think he should stick around too long. He was sure that now he was of age, freshly 18, it was more...
  9. Leonardo Orr

    Open Y45 End of Year Feast

    Leo had a been a bit in denial about the fact this was coming. He had known it was, school and time didn't stop for anyone. He had been trying to figure what he'd do with his life before he left the place, but he hadn't managed it. He didn't know still what he wanted. Leo knew he'd be able to...
  10. Leonardo Orr

    Open Hufflepuff House Meeting Y45 S2

    Leo didn't mind the end of year events, either hosted by clubs or hosted by his house. Well, he had tended to not mind, but really with his NEWTs right around the corner he did just want to focus on revising and making sure all of the information was in his head. Leonardo found a spot in the...
  11. Leonardo Orr

    Y45 Graduation Ceremony: Graduates

    Leonardo Orr, wasn't sure how he felt about graduating and going off into the big world. He knew that he still had no idea what he wanted to do. He still had no clue what path would be best for him. No idea what career he could do. He wasn't even sure he knew what he wanted from life. But it...
  12. Leonardo Orr

    Open Prepping for Winter - WPC Event

    Leo didn't really have time for the club events, he had NEWTs that he wasn't going to pass well if he didn't dedicate himself to revising. But the offer of being outside was too tempting. So he was outside. Leo had always liked doing things with his hands, a physical activity over an essay or...
  13. Leonardo Orr

    Career Prep Event: Part Two

    Leonardo felt no closer to know what he wanted to do. There were too many options and too many of them he knew he couldn't manage. His father had been an auror for a time, and then a hit wizard, neither things he wanted. He knew his grandfather had dealt with curses for a time, and that wasn't...
  14. Leonardo Orr

    Career Prep: Yvonne's Table

    Leonardo gave a tight expression, as if trying and then failing to smile. She asked a few questions and he paused, since he wasn't that sure what he liked. He had what he was good at, but liked was a strong word. "I'm good at charms and muggle studies," he answered in lieu of actually picking a...
  15. Leonardo Orr

    Career Prep: Yvonne's Table

    Leonardo had signed up for the career prep, though somewhat unhelpfully, he didn't know what he was prepping for. He did come prepared, he had a folder of his grades - largely EEs apart from divination, and a list of things he was good at, though no actual plan or idea for what he wanted. What...