Recent content by Leo Frost

  1. L

    Hot or Not

    Familiaroutoften I hope the Ministry finds my Daughter soon, I can't do anything about it because of my Blood Status... You look Familiar, Have i seen you before?...
  2. L

    Meeting a Old Friend.

    Leo smiled "more wine" he said as he took another sip "hey the whole family will get used to you eventually... maybe... if your... tied up to a chair... wait till Kida has kids, you'll be there God Grandfather maybe, Kida's kids would be all from hell, they will tie you to a chair, gagged and...
  3. L

    Meeting a Old Friend.

    Leo laughed when Remus went back for the snack "cheese tastes better with wine" he added as he took a sip of his wine again. Leo watched Remus groan and he laughed, "well i don't care if they don't want you there, it will be fun" he said again as he leaned forward and grabbed a snack "you made...
  4. L

    Meeting a Old Friend.

    Leo laughed "More like 7 hours" he took another sip of his wine and put it on the table and leaned forward when Remus said he wouldn't go to a family get together "but Remus" he said putting on a childish pathetic pout "it would mean so much to me..." he paused for a moment and took another sip...
  5. L

    Meeting a Old Friend.

    Leo Laughed at Remus "your hopeless you know that" he said as he finished with a light chuckle "Kida will be my Translator anyway" hesaid with a mischevious smile. When Remus mentinoed the shop he smiled "i'll visit you just to laugh at you" he said as he looked at his wine and took another sip...
  6. L

    Meeting a Old Friend.

    Leo Chuckled "well i guess Kida has to get used to being by herself for once, her first year it was her cousins, 2nd year it was you, who knows what 3rd year has to hold" he said as he topped up his glass and drunk some more. When Remus started to explain some of his things he taised and eyebrow...
  7. L

    Meeting a Old Friend.

    "i agree, they should" he said "but how would i get there, heck i don't know how to get to the wizarding world without Katherine" he said When Remus said that he missed Kida more then Anything he nodded "you try being seperated from your daughter for ages, and not being allowed to see her" he...
  8. L

    Meeting a Old Friend.

    "well in that case, you need to drink more" he laughed as he took another sip of wine. "and we learn to not piss her off, she may seem innocent... but she isnt" he laughed and took another sip. "i would never do anything like that to Kida" he said as he took another sip. he knew that he could...
  9. L

    Meeting a Old Friend.

    Leo came back out of the Kitchen carrying a plate of various snacks putting them on a table. "admit it, you were dieing inside, you can't follow the rules, it was eating away at you" he said as he took another sip of his wine. "Kida dislike people who annoy her, once she dislikes them there is...
  10. L

    Meeting a Old Friend.

    Leo laughed "can't handle the work" he said "opening a shop, i can't see you as a store owner, you never seemed to follow rules" he said as he sipped his own drink. "well i have been... well muggle like" he said laughing "i've been quite well actually, Just been writing to letters Kida alot, you...
  11. L

    Meeting a Old Friend.

    Leo smirked, as soon as he saw he the wine he smiled "well ofcourse it is Remus Firn, who else knows about my wine" he said as he took the wine, when Remus asked to come in he laughed "you and i both know that its plainly obvious you are more then welcome in here, you did afterall take care of...
  12. L

    Meeting a Old Friend.

    Leo was sitting in his Study, on his desk was a bundle of letters from Kida, but at the current time he was reading a good book. he heard a knock on a door, Leo closed the book and stood up, The cottage was small, but it was still quite large, Leo had been doing some renvations which made it...
  13. L

    Sharp Claws, Strong Smells, and an Important Lettter

    Leo recieved A letter from Kida and quicky picked up a pen and paper. and began to write back he handed it to Gufo and sent him on his way
  14. L

    Summers & Frost Visit

    Leo had arrived in New south wales the day before, Kida was coming home, and he wouldnt miss seeing her for the world, He sat on the couch waiting, reading a book, occasionlly running his hands through his hair, a Habbit he had passed onto Kida, turning the pages softly, his Hazel eyes scanned...