Recent content by Leia Hume

  1. Leia Hume

    Closed Invitations

    Leia hadn't ever thought to describe her romance with Kia as a slowburn, though she did know what the term was. She tried to remember what it had been, the dynamic it had been and then shrugged before launching into the story, giving perhaps a little too much detail about it, but being unable to...
  2. Leia Hume

    Closed Invitations

    Leia shrugged a little, and then smiled fondly in thinking about Kia. About how they had met, how they had become friends and then something more. "School," she said. "We were in the same house and year, but didn't hang out much, and then we did," she said. "I wasn't open either, and I wasn't...
  3. Leia Hume

    Closed Invitations

    Leia knew Vader loved her, but she didn't expect Dart to be so insistent about it. Or to be so eager to get to know her. "Kia is biased," Leia teased gently. "She's my girlfriend, if she didn't find me interesting we'd have problems, but she's great, so great," Leia said with a fondness. "She's...
  4. Leia Hume

    Closed Invitations

    Leia sat down when he offered the spot to her and shrugged a little, smiling back a bit shyly. "I'm the least interesting of my siblings," she replied with a little shrug. Knowing that both Padme and Vader had been and were more interesting than she certainly would be, and there was no reason...
  5. Leia Hume

    Closed Invitations

    Leia gave a little nod. "Good," Leia said. "Take care of him," she added, making it lightly threatening. "No, Dart, this has been helpful. I wish Padme could see that we miss her, and that we want her back, but...she's made her choice. You have been very helpful Dart," she said with a good...
  6. Leia Hume

    Closed Invitations

    Leia listened to Dart's story and could immediately see why Vader loved him. She had always known nothing was going on between Ava and Vader, but him loving her, and whoever he was with loving her was a non-negotiable. She gave a little roll of her eyes. "Of course she could never hate you," she...
  7. Leia Hume

    Closed Invitations

    Leia knew that he wouldn't entirely get why this was difficult, why she felt so hurt by Padme not wanting her or Vader around, certainly not after their childhood. A lot of which Leia as the one with the most normal name and youngest had only ever experienced a fraction of. "How did you lose...
  8. Leia Hume

    Closed Invitations

    Leia huffed at what he said, but it wasn't at him, not really. She was just frustrated at her sister, frustrated at her leaving and cutting both herself, and Vader out. But seemingly keeping in contact with Dart. Though perhaps that was why. Leia was sure Padme knew both she and Vader would go...
  9. Leia Hume

    Closed Invitations

    Leia huffed at what he said, though of course she didn't want to force it out of him if that was what Padme wanted, she just didn't really understand why. Sure, over the years at school as both she and Vader had achieved highly, she had fallen away, fallen out of touch, but Leia had assumed that...
  10. Leia Hume

    Closed Invitations

    Leia tilted her head a little and then said, "Oh, okay," leia took the flowers and then welcomed him inside. "I can see why Vader likes you," she said immediately and she knew immediately that she liked Dart. He rambled, he bought flowers for her. He was good with Ava and the kids. "Come on,"...
  11. Leia Hume

    Closed Invitations

    Leia had decided after her conversation with Kia and a little conversation with Vader to invite Dart, or D'Artagnan to the flat tht she and Kia shared. She wanted to get to know him, not just because he had information she wanted, but he was also her brother's current love and she hadn't Vader...
  12. Leia Hume

    Closed Meet The Family?

    Leia reached for Kia to bring her back to her, to keep her in close and just linger in being next to her for a moment, but it seemed Kia was already moving. "Yeah," she agreed, getting up and beginning to follow Kia into the pantry. Pretty eager to make dinner with her.
  13. Leia Hume

    Closed Meet The Family?

    Leia laughed lightly, but listened with a fondness over what Kia was listing. She glanced towards the plant that was the present and rolled her eyes, they were absolutely going to kill it. She glanced back at Kia and gave a little smile. "I like seeing you happy and sappy," she complimented gently.
  14. Leia Hume

    Closed Meet The Family?

    Leia nodded easily. "Yeah," she agreed, it would need to be like light armour, but armour nonetheless. She glanced at her girlfriend and blushed deeply at what she said. She blushed deeply at the compliment and kissed Kia back eagerly. "You're sappy today,"
  15. Leia Hume

    Closed Meet The Family?

    Leia leaned into Kia, listening as she spoke. Feeling that her work was absolutely influencing the thing that Kia was doing. "That's what I keep asking," she agreed with a little smile. "Although, clothes probably do need to be a bit more durable most, given spells," she did add...