Recent content by Jemima Kaster

  1. Jemima Kaster

    Closed When I Grow Up

    Jemima didn't usually celebrate much of Halloween. When she was younger, and still at home, they didn't usually bother because they didn't really live around other people, their home was in the middle of no where so how was she supposed to dress up and trick or treat with people? Not to mention...
  2. Jemima Kaster

    Y36 Costume Contest

    Jemima Kaster as a Crazy Card Shark
  3. Jemima Kaster

    Y36 Club Fair

    Jemima headed into the club fair. There were so many people! She knew her brothers hadn't signed up for any clubs so she was hoping that this would mean she could actually get away from them and not have to worry about them being around her all the time. She knew the girls society had their own...
  4. Jemima Kaster

    Jemima Kaster

    Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you I drink too much and that's an issue but I'm okay Full Name: Jemima Danika Kaster Pronunciation: JeH my Mah; Dah NI kHa; Kasz TER Nicknames: Jem, Jemmy, Jems, Name Origins: Juh Mime Uh; DAN-ick-uh; k AE s - t er Date of Birth: February 8th, 2040...
  5. Jemima Kaster

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  6. Jemima Kaster

    I'm back, I guess.

    Holy Lord in Heavens, that's a hell of a year. I hope you're getting through all of that now, and what a time too. Dear Lord. Good luck with everything!
  7. Jemima Kaster

    Other Students List

  8. Jemima Kaster

    Rate the avi

    I'm not quite sure what he's doing, but I always enjoy watching him do it! 10/10