Recent content by Hugo De Rosier

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  2. Hugo De Rosier

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S2

    Hugo kept on zooming around.
  3. Hugo De Rosier

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S2

    The bludgers had kind of hurt and Hugo didn't see the snitch anywhere. He sighed.
  4. Hugo De Rosier

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S2

    Hugo froze when he spotted the snitch, he ducked low on his broom and rushed forward to grab it. "Voila!" He called, holding it up.
  5. Hugo De Rosier

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S2

    Hugo was ready to play, the upcoming game was going to be his game. He had to win it for them before graduating. Hugo shot into the air and looked around for the snitch.
  6. Hugo De Rosier

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  7. Hugo De Rosier

    LISTEN I won the match against Ilvermorny by catching the snitch within the first like, five...

    LISTEN I won the match against Ilvermorny by catching the snitch within the first like, five minutes of the game.
  8. Hugo De Rosier

    You're not seriously complaning because we won in record time right???

    You're not seriously complaning because we won in record time right???
  9. Hugo De Rosier

    Hey I did something cool!!!

    Hey I did something cool!!!
  10. Hugo De Rosier

    Quidditch Game: Beauxbatons vs Ilvermorny

    Hugo wasn't a big fan of the snow, and not very used to flying in it. He figured it would make it harder to catch the snitch, only a few minutes after their team first scored, Hugo spotted the golden ball not too far away. He grabbed it out of the air. "Got it!" He called in English, so the...
  11. Hugo De Rosier

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S1

    Hugo kept looking for the snitch, a bit grumpy about the run-in with Eren.
  12. Hugo De Rosier

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S1

    Hugo wanted to argue with Eren, or even shove him. But he reminded himself of what Aramis would say and flew off instead.
  13. Hugo De Rosier

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S1

    Grinning, Hugo let go of the snitch. But the grin melted off his face as one of the chasers yelled at him. Hugo frowned. "Shut up!" He called.
  14. Hugo De Rosier

    Hey, miss me yet?

    Hey, miss me yet?
  15. Hugo De Rosier

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S1

    Hugo suddenly spotted the snitch, not that far away. He grinned and flew forward, grabbing it easily. "Voila!" He called, though for a moment he looked for Aramis to share the victory with, realizing his mistake quickly.