Recent content by Honey Rowan Kaster

  1. Honey Rowan Kaster

    Seal of approval huh? I'll see about that :lol:

    Seal of approval huh? I'll see about that :lol:
  2. Honey Rowan Kaster

    HI EL - WHO

    HI EL - WHO
  3. Honey Rowan Kaster

    Closed Finding Out Things

    Elio hadn't really left her. She didn't spend as much time with him as she would have preferred, but he hadn't left her. Not like Rowan had, not like her mum had. It sucked because she loved her dad, but he barely seemed to have time for her either, and she didn't know why things had to keep...
  4. Honey Rowan Kaster

    Closed Finding Out Things

    Honey watched in shocked surprise as the girl was trying to put something together like pieces of a puzzle, which actually worked out because Honey was pretty good at puzzles. She didn’t see much of Uncle Elio and Aunt Rowan anymore, and she was sad about that, but her dad had told her that...
  5. Honey Rowan Kaster

    Closed Finding Out Things

    Honey raised a slight brow, unsure if she’d ever had that name before. Honey Bun? Not to her knowledge anyway. “Okay, I kind of like both of them, Bunny is my favourite though, it makes me sound kinda bouncy, don’t you think? Does Bunny sound nicer or Honey Bun?” She looked back at the girl as...
  6. Honey Rowan Kaster

    Open Obsidian Daycare Start of the Year Party

    Honey smile brightly, her eyes lighting up as Mason spoke. "Oh, I think the grass is perfect!" she said enthusiastically, not noticing the hint of doubt in his voice. "And swings are definitely part of the fun! You can even make some flowers or trees in the background if you want - anything that...
  7. Honey Rowan Kaster

    Closed Finding Out Things

    Honey watched the girl, the way she slid off the swings and dragged herself to a stop. It was pretty cool if she did say so herself. She came to a stop in front of her, a wide grin on her face at the potential to meet a new friend. She didn't get a lot of chances to meet new friends, because she...
  8. Honey Rowan Kaster

    Closed Finding Out Things

    "Dad, dadadadadadadadadad," it was the only way to really get his attention these days. His head seemed to be so in the clouds that sometimes Honey wondered if he even realised she was there. She sat up on the back of one of the benches, her feet up in the air. "Look, no gravity!" She tried to...
  9. Honey Rowan Kaster

    Open Obsidian Daycare Start of the Year Party

    Honey looked up from where she was focusing a bit on her painting and her cheeks flushed a faint pink. She smiled at both of them, trying to make herself feel better at the sting of her father walking away. "Thanks, I like yours too, the green is so grassy I think." She said, trying to imagine...
  10. Honey Rowan Kaster

    Open Obsidian Daycare Start of the Year Party

    Honey watched her dad leave as Mason came to join her properly, and then Molly, she was a little proud of the fact they'd come to join, but also sad that her dad had left her. That was common, she thought, and it was hardly Mason or Molly's faults that he'd decided to leave the moment they'd...
  11. Honey Rowan Kaster

    Open Obsidian Daycare Start of the Year Party

    When the boy came over, Honey watched her dad slowly get up to give the boy (and any other kids that showed up) some space to play with her. She frowned up at him, because she didn't like it when he left her side, but she watched him approach the boys adult and she nodded. Good, that should keep...
  12. Honey Rowan Kaster

    Open Obsidian Daycare Start of the Year Party

    Honey held her dad's hand tighter than she probably should have been. She never got to see him as often as she would have liked and so whenever he was around, she tried to keep him around - holding him tighter meant he couldn't easily slip away, right? The daycare was nice enough though, and she...
  13. Honey Rowan Kaster

    Closed love her like my own

    Honey squeezed Elio’s hand a little tighter, searching his face for answers she wasn’t sure she’d find. His soft words and the gentle way he tucked her hair behind her ear helped, but they didn’t erase the confusion swirling in her young mind. She nodded slowly, acknowledging that things had...
  14. Honey Rowan Kaster

    Closed love her like my own

    Honey hadn't really been sleeping, there'd been a weird sort of vibe in the air all morning and it had put her on edge. Despite what Luna might have tried to say, she hadn't been able to put it completely out of her mind until she'd heard her dad go to the door and then watched through her...
  15. Honey Rowan Kaster

