Recent content by Helena Zingini

  1. H

    Voice of Reason

    Helena fell into step at Blake's side and let the easy chatter of normal conversation take over as he walked her their house. She had made a new friend, but who would have thought it would be a boy? Helena could slowly feel something growing that she had never felt before... she was beginning to...
  2. H

    Voice of Reason

    Helena waved the thanks away, her cheeks flushing slightly. Blake was a gentleman, and he sure knew how to make a person smile. Whoever the girl was that betrayed him was sure to be sorry for letting him slip away now. "Well I'm heading back to the common room now. Only an hour before classes...
  3. H

    Voice of Reason

    Helena smiled, "But I didn't do anything. I am only a witness to your tears." She wanted to ask him about this girl who had betrayed him, and she wanted to tell him that she thought whoever it was, was an idiot. But she held her tongue, knowing that his closer friends were better suited for that...
  4. H

    Voice of Reason

    Helena turned away from the sight as the light grew brighter, blinding. And as she fixed her gaze on Blake, she saw the tears glisten as they left wet track marks down his cheeks. She remained silent, knowing that there weren't any words in this world that could fully give or offer comfort...
  5. H

    Voice of Reason

    "I like open spaces and nature," Helena replied simply, smiling as she gestured around them. "The castle and be a little too enclosing sometimes, so I come out early and just... think." There was a lot Helena had to think of, but probably not as much as Blake seemed to have. "Something eating at...
  6. H

    Voice of Reason

    Helena was surprised to find that the boy had not left, and was instead introducing himself to her. "Nice to meet you, Blake. I'm Helena Zingini," she said, returning a smile. She noticed that he looked different this year, having cropped his hair short over the summer. "Got tired of long hair I...
  7. H

    Voice of Reason

    Helena suddenly felt bad. The boy probably wasn't looking for a friend right now, and even if he was, she was probably the last person he would even consider talking to. It was times like this that Helena wished she was the way she used to be at Hogwarts Scotland - cold and a snob. But then...
  8. H

    Voice of Reason

    Helena was enjoying the spring weather, and even though it was still rather cold out, wrapped in a cloak and one of her light scarfs, she headed out of the castle. The grass was still wet with morning transpiration, and the sun was hidden somewhere behind the clouds. The holidays had been a bore...
  9. H

    Morning Dew

    "Yep, good for privacy and solitude." Helena smiled. "Electives? Well, I take Ancient Runes and Muggle Studies. But I'm hoping to replace the latter with Care of Magical Creatures." Helena was beginning to like this boy, he was nice. And what was also nice, was the change of having someone to...
  10. H

    Morning Dew

    "Helena Zingini," she answered smiling back at the boy. It felt odd for her to be in the company of another, for she had gone so long being on her own at this school. But it also felt nice to feel like she was making a friend. "No, I don't mind you asking. The castle, well..." Helena began...
  11. H

    Morning Dew

    Helena was surprised at the sound of another person, but was at least glad it was no annoying first year or Hufflepuff to dampen her day so early in the morning. "Oh hi, Andrew right?" Helena remembered the boy's name from a few classes they had together, but wasn't quite sure she right. She had...
  12. H

    RP for a Good Time!!

    Here's the link =]
  13. H

    Morning Dew

    Summer in December was an oddity to Helena, for in Bristol Christmases were white. But it was not the snow she missed right now. It was her father, and his dry humor and good company. He hadn't replied to her letters, but that was no surprise to her. He was probably in some remote forest or...
  14. H

    RP for a Good Time!!

    Well, I suppose somewhere on the school grounds would be okay. I don't think I've been to the cliffs yet. Average friends sounds good, since they are both in Slytherin and the same year.
  15. H

    RP for a Good Time!!

    Helena has been one of my unused characters for a while. Let's just say that a combination of other characters and real life drama added to the delay in her activity on this site. :( Though she is not particularily new and has attended HNZ for a year now, I want to 'de-antisocialize' her and...