The blonde hadn't thought her day turned out like this. And never that Lius and she would have an normal conversation like this. Ofcourse Giselle had screamed and did her part in this, but they way they now spoke was something the blonde never ever thought of herself too. Seeing Lius made her...
Lius was not giving any answers, and Giselle didn't even knew what she could expect. She believed Lius wouldn't be honest about things in her life which weren't so perfect perhaps. Perhaps her life wasn't as good as she made it seem to look like. But the blonde figured it would be better than...
Giselle than sighted. It wasn't that she didn't knew, but it was hard to stop once you started. She wanted to say something mean, but in a way perhaps Lius being here was all she could take at this moment. And someone she didn't liked told her this wasn't right was different than someone close...
As she sat with her hands into her hair she heard what Lius said and gave her an angry look. She didn't even knew, but perhaps from the bottles around her it was clear. The question afterwards was something which made her be silent for an moment and think. Why she started and why she was still...
With the water in her hand she rather liked it to be something else, to sedate her pain an bit more. But as Lius went sitting next to her. Giselle had to blink with her eyes a few times, was this a dream? She didn't understood what happend here. She hated Lius and the other way around she knew...
Giselle never really had told about her family and her mother to anyone outside of her family. She did mention her mother once in a argument when she was discussing about quidditch. In that period at least she had an passion, which was demonstrating against Quidditch and she had an goal. Now she...
As she was just staring at Lius her big belly she frowned. It was that she was caring too much which brought her in this place. '' You know nothing!'' she said perhaps more loud than she wanted. And if she didn't care, why did she was here now. She could move her big belly and lighthouse hair...
Giselle didn't even put on a act to push people aside. She just didn't liked Lius, perhaps she even hated the girl. She reminded her of the horrible time at Hogwarts, and how mad she was. She ignored whatever she was saying which kind of came in like she was under water sound. Than Lius tried to...
Keeping her hands on her ears to make sure the sound wasn't that loud she tried to open her eyes an bit, the sun was already there and it hurted her eyes a bit. She had no idea how long she was here and how long she slept. But she did felt her head, it hurted. Her whole body did actually, since...
PLOT ID #113581
Giselle had been furious, mad and only one thing helped with that. An good night out drinking in Obsidian Harbour. Again she had been in a fight with her father, and she felt bad for it while leaving the house. It was even harder now Sofia was in New York. And Giselle was just...
Ugh her father and Sofia actually had wanted to stay at home. But thankfully Therese wanted to invite her. They were all afraid she was gonna ruin this day or something. And ofcourse Giselle was not feeling the best ever, but a wedding a party? It ment nice drinks as well. But it was an bit...
As the blonde tried to stand up she sat back down again. And the bright sun hurted her eyes, she did saw movement people walking by. And Giselle figured she had to leave here. She tried to grab the bottle beside her and wanted to take an sip but realised it was empty and sighted. Putting it down...
Name of RP + Link: I Have No Idea How I Came here
Character(s) in RP: Giselle Rosenberg
Brief overview: Giselle's stranded in Bleak Street after some night partying, drinking a lot and having no clue where she is or how she got there.
Additional information: Please join! Dark figures welcome...
ID #113581
Giselle had an amazing evening. At the medley she had a few drinks, she thought. Or more than an few, but she didn't counted. The more the better it seemed. And every one of them tasted good. It was becoming an facination and sport to try out every drink. She had to do something with...
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