Recent content by Ewan Wang

  1. Ewan Wang

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  2. Ewan Wang

    Closed Turning the corner

    Last year, Ewan hadn't really utilized the Owlery and for that he felt a little guilty. Granny Wang had been left in the dark, and over the summer he'd promised to write more often, even if it was only for a brief run down of what was going on in his life. As he made his way up to the tower...
  3. Ewan Wang

    Banner for Ewan :D

    Please disregard <3
  4. Ewan Wang

    Open Y44 Muggleborn (& Raised) Support Group Meeting

    Ewan had been on the fence for far too long over how he was supposed to stay at school, whether he even should, and whether magic was even in his future. When he heard there was a muggle born support group, he decided to air on the side of caution, and maybe even some of the other students would...
  5. Ewan Wang

    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Mate cause I heard you make good cake
  6. Ewan Wang

    Closed Time to go

    Rion didn't get it, not at all. She probably had a family that supported her instead and she could do whatever she wanted. Sure he had loads of time now, but if he graduated he would have learnt nothing that his former school friends would have. "Because there's no point to learning magic if it...
  7. Ewan Wang

    Closed Time to go

    Ewan shook his head, "No, not really. I can do magic but why? What's the point? Is learning how to make things levitate or start a fire without matches really going to help us out once we graduate and go home?" he said, looking between Rion and the doors behind her to make sure no one else was...
  8. Ewan Wang

    Closed Time to go

    At home, Ewan was taught that if he couldn't say anything nice, then he shouldn't say anything at all. He needed to be supportive to the people around him, polite, a gentleman. Just because his grandmother wasn't looking over his shoulder with a rolled up newspaper now that he was at school...
  9. Ewan Wang

    Closed Time to go

    Ewan hadn't been sure whether or not to come back after the break. Going back to his home and his grandmother had brought about mixed emotions, and while he'd already spent a good portion of his first year doubting whether or not magic was just a scam, he felt guilty coming back to play dress up...
  10. Ewan Wang

    Closed Breaking you in

    “I’m not trying to steal it!” Ewan chuckled, although he did hope that her brother, whoever that was, wasn’t about to come around the corner at the worst possible moment to discover the scene he’d put his sister in. He let go of the paint tube, taking a full few steps backwards in case she was...
  11. Ewan Wang

    Closed Breaking you in

    It hadn't been Ewan's intention to start some sort of balloon / paint fight in the entrance hall, but he had no complaints that that was the route this was taking. It had been his intention to break in students though, so seeing the first year laughing was a success in his eyes, even if it meant...
  12. Ewan Wang

    Closed Breaking you in

    Ewan couldn't lie, it was a great colour on him and if he wasn't pressed into wearing his robes for the sorting ceremony, he certainly could have pulled off something a little more colourful. "You mean, you don't think it looks better on you?" he continued to tease, heading over towards the...
  13. Ewan Wang

    Closed Breaking you in

    Ewan felt no guilt as the water balloon hit his target, soaking the girl in front of him and covering her uniform. He was grinning at her by the time she made eye contact, and while he assumed not everyone would find it fun, he was quite confident that given time, she would come to appreciate...
  14. Ewan Wang

    Closed Breaking you in

    There was no way it had been an entire year since Ewan had joined the school. It had flown so fast that the Gryffindor had barely had a moment to process being a "newbie" let alone be welcoming more students in that would soon be taking his place as a fresh faced first year. He'd not been sure...
  15. Ewan Wang

    Chalk This and That

    Ewan was starting to colour in his masterpiece, although by the time he'd given it a nice thick outline he was already ready to move on to his next work of art. Glancing down to see what Angel was about to do with her floor space, he watched in awe as she drew, only wishing that he could do...