Recent content by Emmett Lancaster

  1. Emmett Lancaster

    Open A Treasured Moment

    Emmett may have been in attendance at Elliotts' wedding more so out of professional obligation than personal preference, but he would be lying if he said it wasn't at least a beautiful ceremony. It was a surreal experience, watching the young man grow over the years, from just another customer...
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  6. Emmett Lancaster

    Closed The Family Business

    Emmett had almost turned to leave again, not sure he had the patience to stand around and wait for the boy to find his words. He paused when he did speak, and took a moment himself to consider if he should answer. "Alright. Walk with me, I'm not standing around here." He muttered, turning to...
  7. Emmett Lancaster

    Closed The Family Business

    Emmett frowned at the question, and slacked his folded arms. "Why?" He asked, almost suspiciously. They both worked at Ollivanders, and while it was easy to assume some of the younger employees only sought jobs there for the higher pay rather than the content, it did seem as if the younger boy...
  8. Emmett Lancaster

    Closed The Family Business

    Emmett loved his work with wands, and he did enjoy Ollivanders - just, outside of the sorting season, typically. Every day of the holiday period, he looked forward to the end of his shift, the satisfying click of the door locking for the evening. Another day out of the way. The man folded his...
  9. Emmett Lancaster

    Closed Experimental Crafting

    Emmett nodded, pleased that Ainsley had found a grip she liked. Measuring it to her hand wasn't something he'd had in mind with the test pieces, but the shape she'd chosen was simple enough to alter to fit her size. "That won't be a problem." He said, watching as she tested the length of the...
  10. Emmett Lancaster

    Closed Experimental Crafting

    Emmett had his own image of what the stave would look like in his head, and after looking over the drawings Ainsley handed him, he realised they didn't entirely fit what he'd envisioned. But it wasn't his staff, and while he wouldn't claim to know his colleague that well even now, he supposed it...
  11. Emmett Lancaster

    Closed Experimental Crafting

    Emmett never had any intention of spending more time with any of his colleagues than was absolutely necessary during work hours, yet Ainsley had proven to be more than just another fleeting assistant getting in his way and grating on his nerves. A legitimate passion for wandlore was refreshing...
  12. Emmett Lancaster

    I don't come into your workplace and tell you how to do your job. If you want a wand, you can go...

    I don't come into your workplace and tell you how to do your job. If you want a wand, you can go elsewhere.
  13. Emmett Lancaster

    Lost or just curious?

    [color=black]The sound of the door to The Silver Snake opening, announcing the appearance of two customers, was enough to draw Emmett's attention away from his process of wandcarving at a cluttered desk behind the front counter, his eyes shifting toward the entrance, where he was greeted by one...
  14. Emmett Lancaster

    First Hand Experience

    Emmett blinked back hot tears that were slowly forming from the pain in his head, distorting his vision of the alley and his attacker. A sticky wet patch of blood coated his hand, pressed heavily against the side of his head from where a jagged piece of stone had sliced him, but from the feel of...