Recent content by Eloi Kristiansen

  1. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed I Don't Know

    Eloi wasn't sure what was happening until it then happened. Zerrin had leant down and kissed him. He froze for a moment, as it seemed that Zerrin did too, before his brain seemingly caught up and he pulled him back in and kissed him back.
  2. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed I Don't Know

    Eloi got the impression that Zerrin wanted to change the subject. "Hey, I've always got space for your stresses," he said with a little smile, hoping that it wasn't too forward, or didn't make Zerrin feel like he was just saying it. He knew he had his own stresses and wanted to also be the guy...
  3. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed I Don't Know

    Eloi hadn't thought about how stressful it would be to have to speak in front of people, or to have to write something which was the summation of a time at school. Eloi looked up at him, and with a nervous hand reached up to also swipe at Zerrin's face. "You know, I'm going to bet that they'll...
  4. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed I Don't Know

    Eloi leaned into the touch, leaned into him, and sighed softly. Part of him was so grateful for him, for him wanting to help out. For providing him with the support he had needed. He was and had been for a while just truly overwhelmed, and only now with the help of his family was it easing...
  5. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed I Don't Know

    Eloi followed Zerrin to the tree and then moved to sit with him, to curl against him when he let him. He felt relieved, happy to have finally told someone, to know he had the support from him. Even if he felt bad. Zerrin was a head boy, he was successful, there was no way he really wanted to be...
  6. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed I Don't Know

    Eloi leaned into the touch and smiled, letting himself just believe what Zerrin said, to believe that it would get easier, as he had always thought, it just with another kid, even as they got older, he still had plenty to take care of. He let himself be pulled up and nodded. "Tyr hasn't been...
  7. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed I Don't Know

    Eloi looked at Zerrin's outstretched hands, and took them, he took in a long deep breath and after a moment met Zerrin's eyes as instructed, and then he nodded. He wasn't alone in this sure, though he couldn't burden Zerrin with it, even when he was done with school. he could rely a little on...
  8. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed I Don't Know

    Eloi had been following Zerrin and then gave a little frown. he moved to sit at the bench and then looked back at Zerrin. he hadn't answered the question, and had just sat down. His leg began bouncing under him immediately, even as he pressed a hand to his own knee to make it stop. "My mum's...
  9. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed I Don't Know

    Eloi followed his gaze to a tree, and then looked back at Zerrin. He wanted that, wanted just a moment to exist without his head telling him all the different things he needed to now think about. Eloi gave a small nod and then wrapped his arms around himself. "I'd like that," he said. He smiled...
  10. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed I Don't Know

    Eloi near fell into the hug, holding on tightly for as long as Zerrin would allow before leaning back and letting Zerrin adjust his hair. He near leaned into the touch, into the affection shown to him. He gave a tight smile at what he said. "It's just me, they're with my mum for some of the...
  11. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed I Don't Know

    Zerrin was late. That wasn't a particular comforting thought, the longer he was late, the more Eloi thought he had misread the relationship, the more he thought he had misjudged this. it didn't matter that all of the letters he'd received pointed to the opposite, it didn't matter that he was...
  12. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed I Don't Know

    Eloi had been waiting for this eagerly. He didn't have anyone else to tell, anyone else to talk to. He had Zerrin and he always felt like he was annoying him, being too much. After all, his life, his whole everything was too much, to ask someone to become involved was a lot, though he had...
  13. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed Full Grown Up Conversations

    Eloi hadn't slept well, though really, he rarely did. He got the note from Zerrin, and it did help. He took the time, to send a quick reply the next morning. It was a few days later when, he now knew the source of his anxiety and wrote to him again.
  14. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed Full Grown Up Conversations

    Eloi got the reply quickly, and he read it over. He had a quick five minutes after Tyr was sick all over his shirt to be able to write back pretty soon after he'd first got it. This time, the note had no stains which he was pretty pleased with. Later that night, when he heard his mother get...
  15. Eloi Kristiansen

    Closed Full Grown Up Conversations

    When the next letter came, it was much shorter. Part of Eloi worried he'd failed a test somewhere, but the shorter nature of it, did mean he replied quickly, scribbling something out over breakfast. There was a coffee stain, and a milk stain and a crayon colouring on the parchment but he got it...