Recent content by Eli Carter

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  2. Eli Carter

    Closed Unexpected Run Ins

    Eli paused the conversation to order a drink as the bartender noticed him, then turned to Lucas with a raised eyebrow. “Why Alaska?” He asked, trying to think of any reason anyone would willingly go to a place that cold. “I’d move too if I lived there.” He commented idly, fingers tapping on the...
  3. Eli Carter

    Closed Unexpected Run Ins

    Eli kind of wished he hadn't spoken to Lucas, it wasn't like they had been friends at Ilvermorny, and now he was stuck in what might be a very awkward conversation. Surprisingly, Lucas didn't seem to mind seeing him. Eli had always had the idea the younger boy had been pretty scared of him back...
  4. Eli Carter

    Closed Unexpected Run Ins

    Eli had settled into his job as a broom seller, and while it wasn't what he had really wanted to do after graduating, he was grudgingly enjoying it. Though he still didn't love dealing with people much. He hoped one day he would be able to make his own brooms, maybe mail order them out so he...
  5. Eli Carter

    Quidditch Chat: Year 38

    Mini heart attack but thanks for the bit of humor Eli
  6. Eli Carter

    Y38 Ilvermorny Practice S2

    AJ was in good form today, and Eli felt a bit frustrated that he wasn't doing as well. He also hoped the team wasn't too hurt, maybe they would need a break soon.
  7. Eli Carter

    Y38 Ilvermorny Practice S2

    Eli winced as a bludger soared past him, though it hit Adam instead, which cheered him up a bit.
  8. Eli Carter

    Y38 Ilvermorny Practice S2

    Eli grunted when another bludger hit him. He scowled at AJ, then flew away to follow the bludger he'd been hit by. He managed to hit it, watching as it flew towards Lucas and hit him. @Lucas Ames
  9. Eli Carter

    Y38 Ilvermorny Practice S2

    Eli hit the next bludger he zoomed past, knocking it into Hope. @Hope Thompson
  10. Eli Carter

    Y38 Ilvermorny Practice S2

    Eli tried to hit a bludger at Hope, but it went off course and hit AJ instead. Probably because he was busy trying to be heroic or something. @AJ Ari
  11. Eli Carter

    Y38 Ilvermorny Practice S2

    Eli hit a bludger away from the younger seeker, though it didn't hit anyone.
  12. Eli Carter

    Y38 Ilvermorny Practice S2

    Eli grunted as the bludger hit him and he shot a look at AJ, though he couldn't really get mad when he had done the same thing earlier. He kept on flying, staying near Micha.
  13. Eli Carter

    Y38 Ilvermorny Practice S2

    Eli was honestly a bit impressed that AJ had managed to hit the bludger away from himself, though he had hit the young alternate seeker in the process. Eli flew a bit closer to him, hoping to protect him from any other bludgers for a while.
  14. Eli Carter

    Y38 Ilvermorny Practice S2

    Eli flew up to the closest bludger and hit it, watching as it sailed over to AJ. He hoped the other beater could defend himself, but wasn't sure if he could from this angle.
  15. Eli Carter

    Y38 Ilvermorny Practice S2

    Ilvermorny,Practice For the first time in years, Ilvermorny had beaten Beauxbatons at their yearly match. That meant they would be up against Hogwarts New Zealand in a few months. Eli wasn't entirely sure how they had managed it, he assumed it had very little to do with Adam and him as captains...