Recent content by Delaney Hollis

  1. Delaney Hollis

    Open A Treasured Moment

    Delaney knew he was pushing it today, slouching in his seat all throughout the ceremony and generally acting 'surly' as Diana would so helpfully put it. It wasn't like it was a huge hardship to watch Diana get all dressed up and enjoy some free food and a chance to cut loose, though the twins no...
  2. Delaney Hollis

    Closed I’ve Got My Money on Things Going Badly

    If Delaney had thought he wasn't ready for marriage, it had been nothing on having kids. It was bad enough that Diana had forced him to move out of the Ashes house, but now their shared place together felt like a battle ground of smells and sounds at all hours of the day. Not to mention Diana...
  3. Delaney Hollis

    Closed Wedded Bliss

    "It might, you don't know," Delaney said petulantly, finger tugging at the collar of his shirt to emphasize his point but he let it drop when Diana agreed to let him dodge out on the whole 'explaining to the previous Minister of Magic that he'd drunkenly married their daughter' thing. Besides...
  4. Delaney Hollis

    Closed Wedded Bliss

    Delaney bristled at Diana’s suggestion that he was scared of her parents. He wasn’t scared of them. Sure they made him a little uncomfortable in a white-picket fence suburbia sort of way, but he wasn’t scared of them. “I’m more scared of what you’d try to make me wear to be ‘presentable’,” he...
  5. Delaney Hollis

    Closed Wedded Bliss

    When Delaney had first woken up, he was sure he would have taken any excuse to pretend last night had never happened. Now that he’d sobered up some, he realized hoped he was imagining the sad look on Diana’s face as he trailed a finger over the curve of her cheek. It was probably just the light...
  6. Delaney Hollis

    Closed Wedded Bliss

    Delaney knew he shouldn’t have been surprised that Diana would want to have some sort of party; honestly the best thing about this whole impulsive marriage situation might have been that Delaney had managed to dodge the nightmare that a ‘proper wedding’ involving Diana would have been. He could...
  7. Delaney Hollis

    Closed Wedded Bliss

    Delaney couldn’t exactly argue with Diana’s point, settling instead for closing his eyes so he’d stop being distracted by her face and end up agreeing with her again. “It’ll be fine,” he insisted, possibly only pushing the issue out of spite, but really Delaney had made a lot of big life...
  8. Delaney Hollis

    Closed Wedded Bliss

    Delaney clicked his tongue back at Diana, feeling a small amount of vindication when she looked appropriately annoyed. Vengeance for his headache, which firewhiskey or not he was now content to blame on her. “Aha, so now you admit it was against my will,” he said, pointing accusingly at Diana...
  9. Delaney Hollis

    Closed Wedded Bliss

    “Well apparently I can make you marry me,” Delaney said dryly, aware it was petty but not caring enough to stop himself from saying it, wiggling his left hand in Diana’s face and sitting back against the pillows with a huff. He muttered a few choice words in Portuguese which he knew would annoy...
  10. Delaney Hollis

    Closed Wedded Bliss

    “Yeah cause I’m definitely the marrying type,” Delaney scoffed, shifting his eyes away from watching Diana pace as it was making him vaguely nauseated. “Besides, if it had been my idea, you would have changed your name on the marriage certificate,” he added sourly, ignoring the fact that there...
  11. Delaney Hollis

    Closed Wedded Bliss

    Delaney pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling sharply to try and disperse the still lingering headache, though whether it was still from his hangover or more from Diana's voice at this point he couldn't tell. "Look if this is anyone's fault it's yours, it was all about your damn sister half...
  12. Delaney Hollis

    Closed Frustrations Building Up

    "If I don't you just show up anyway," Delaney called over his shoulder to Diana, rolling his eyes and quietly kissing his chances of running the riff he was working on with Vera goodbye as he turned around, smacking at the bag of whatever Asher was holding out to Vera as he went past. Served...
  13. Delaney Hollis

    Closed Frustrations Building Up

    Delaney rolled his eyes as Diana snapped at him. She was needy sometimes and it really got on his nerves. It was like she expected to read his mind and then got mad at him for getting it wrong. It wasn't like he was a seer. He perked up when Vera came through, preening at the compliment. "Vera...
  14. Delaney Hollis

    Closed Frustrations Building Up

    Delaney had been trying to work out this one bass fill for what felt like weeks now, fingers flexing over the frets as he tried it again, grimacing when he couldn't land the right note to resolve it right as Diana let out another sigh. She kept doing that lately and Delaney was certain she knew...
  15. Delaney Hollis

    Closed Everyone at Home

    Delaney didn't get nervous, he'd done away with that sort of thing after his first few shows with Ashes, but he did feel distinctly out of place as he stepped further into the Holland's living room. "Oh, cool, thanks," he said vaguely to the girl who mentioned Diana should be outside. He wasn't...