Recent content by Chloris Durand

  1. C

    Rise Into Adulthood

    Feeling a small burst of disappointment at the fanning away of her comment, Chloris' face melted into a sigh. But Boudicca must have picked up on it, for her response to the situation quickly changed. The idea of paying rent, of living as an adult for once, was something she avidly looked...
  2. C

    Rise Into Adulthood

    Chloris sat up to the table, her plate of steaming mashed potato already half devoured. She listened to the idle chatter of her adoptive family, though her eyes were on five-year-old George who kept eating with his fingers. Chloris let out a small giggle which attracted the attention of both...
  3. C

    Rise Into Adulthood

    Chloris did not look up. She remained with the puffy pillow filling up the space around her eyes and holding her in a warm embrace. But that break in Boudicca's voice, the way she meant every word of what she said, hit out at Chloris' heart like a punch. She turned her her a short way to catch...
  4. C

    Rise Into Adulthood

    She has lied. These were the words which scarred the open pages of the leather-bound diary. She did this to me. The pen quaked in Chloris' vice-like grip and her tears burned angrily into the paper. Her thick scruffs of hair shuddered as she sobbed. Her adoptive mother had broken her heart. The...
  5. C

    Bi-Weekly Update

    Great update, and thanks for the forewarning. ^_^ Still no doubt that I'll forget, though. :lol:
  6. C

    New Pictures!

    Anyone who watches Sherlock will get this. I love how worried the latest episode got people. If they knew the story, they wouldn't have blinked twice at Sherlock's death. The only bit that upset me was John grieving.
  7. C

    HNZ 'Meme'

    That's the whole point of rage comics, isn't it? To have at least one typo xD Me gusta. You should make more. Nick- those gave me quite a giggle :lol: x3[hr] How I shall no doubt feel on the 18th when I forget what's going on.
  8. C

    Rate the Sig

    8/10 Not fond of the name font, but I like the colouration, and her eyes look good ^_^
  9. C

    Back To Hogwarts

    This topic is open to Hogwarts (Scotland) students/professors/staff/e.t.c. However, I cannot promise speedy replies as IRL things keep cropping up. This RP is mostly to try and get me back into roleplaying with others, rather than writing a mini-series of my own. The letters had been too...
  10. C

    Hogwarts Scotland?

    There, I prettied it up for your entertainment. You're so cold, you're so cold, you're getting colder If you were a DVD your region would be polar Any Hogwarts Scotland students want to aid in Chloris' development towards a new life? (No, I don't beat about the bush.) She's a sixth year in...
  11. C

    Remembrance/Armistice Day

    I was a little disheartened to see so few people wearing a poppy. And as for the internet.. Last Remembrance, I remember everyone shopped a poppy onto their twitter photo. Nobody seems to have done even that. Well, I did see one person who had done it, and that's the twitter of a fictional...
  12. C

    New Pictures!

    Courtesy of Camilla's tumblr. :wub: I inhabit this thread waaaaaaay too often.[hr] At least this one is almost relevant.
  13. C

    Rate the avi

    9/10 I love the colour scheme. Very pretty. ^_^
  14. C

    Chloris Durand

    ChlorisDurand FULL NAME Helene Ellen Vanetta Chloris Ellen Durand BIRTH DATE 11th October, 2013 BLOOD STATUS Unknown EDUCATED AT Hogwarts New Zealand (Slytherin) CURRENT RESIDENCE Somerset, United Kingdom RELATIONSHIP STATUS Single (Not Looking) WAND INFORMATION Fir, 14'1/8" Essence of...