Recent content by Celia Vu

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  2. Celia Vu

    Open Y44 End of Year Feast

    After seven long years, Celia had finally made it to her very last night at Hogwarts. It was surreal to think that in less than 24 hours, she would be free, actually free, and she felt a light, bubbling giddiness at the thought. Her classmates were probably feeling a lot more wistful, but as...
  3. Celia Vu

    Closed It's Okay To Be Vindictive, Sometimes

    Celia bristled at the joke, her eyes narrowing. She had no doubt it was a dig about last year's howler. "As if I'd waste my time with anything related to the school once I've graduated," she said coolly. She didn't care if the comment went over Aine's head. She wasn't going to be as pathetic as...
  4. Celia Vu

    The Sky Is Clear

    Celia was a little surprised to see Professor Corrins' eyes grow wet. She hadn't really expected such an emotional reaction, but she supposed Professor Corrins was more used to getting anonymous complaints than gifts from her students. At least she seemed to like the present. "Think of it as...
  5. Celia Vu

    Y44 Graduation Ceremony: Graduates

    Celia had spent the last seven years learning about different kinds of magic, but as she delivered her speech, she thought this might also be a form of magic. It was intoxicating watching the crowd respond to her words, the impact of each sentence playing out in their expressions, their...
  6. Celia Vu

    Closed It's Okay To Be Vindictive, Sometimes

    Celia smirked. "I think you'll be fine. I don't think you can expect much complexity from an economy that runs on physical coins." It was just barely a step up from a bartering system, but she supposed that was a natural consequence of a society incapable of anything more than basic arithmetic...
  7. Celia Vu

    Open Meeting Expectations

    Celia was a little taken aback Toby revealed that it was his parents who would be using the connections, not him. As a kid, Celia had spent a fair amount of time rubbing shoulders with the one percent, but wizards seemed to take it to a whole new level. "That's a very inefficient way to...
  8. Celia Vu

    The Sky Is Clear

    Celia beamed as she saw her own joy reflected across Professor Corrins' face. "Thank you! It's still hard to believe sometimes," she said in an attempt at modesty, though she was also telling the truth. Celia knew that no matter how well qualified she was, when it came to college admissions at...
  9. Celia Vu

    Open When Did I Get So Bitter?

    It was all Celia could do not to roll her eyes as Professor Josephs launched into a very condescending lecture. However, she had to admit that she was amused by how bothered the professor was by her column — so much so that she felt the need to give a speech defending herself. Celia smiled...
  10. Celia Vu

    Closed Everything You Lose Is a Step You Take

    Celia knew she'd said all she could. She'd laid things out plainly, and it was up to Louis whether he wanted to continue being friends with René. Personally, she didn't understand his hesitation in dropping the Hufflepuff, but that wasn't really her problem, and she allowed the subject to fall...
  11. Celia Vu

    Closed Everything You Lose Is a Step You Take

    Celia sighed. It was pretty obvious what the answer to her question was. She decided to be direct with him. "Louis, if he were your friend, he wouldn't have done it in the first place. At the very least, he would've apologized by now." The Gryffindor-Hufflepuff game had been months ago, and it...
  12. Celia Vu

    Closed Reaching for the Glory

    For the briefest moment, Celia wondered if Avery was going to refuse, but then he assented. His rather flat answer was a little unexpected, yet not surprising. On a team full of hot-headed personalities, Avery had always been much more reserved, which she appreciated. One of her Quidditch pet...
  13. Celia Vu

    Closed Behind the Curtain

    Celia had never wavered in her decision not to invite anyone to graduation. But now that the ceremony was over and her classmates were busy reuniting with their families, she could feel a slight pang. Just an hour earlier, she'd been the center of the room's attention. Now she felt like a...
  14. Celia Vu

    The Sky Is Clear

    Celia nodded, glad to hear Professor Corrins wasn't sick. She blinked when the woman suddenly transfigured her outfit and made a mental note to practice the spell herself sometime. It would make trying on different outfits a lot faster. Celia followed Professor Corrins over to her desk and took...
  15. Celia Vu

    The Sky Is Clear

    Celia pushed open the door. "Hi Professor—" she started before stopping abruptly when she realized that Professor Corrins was sprawled out on a sofa, wearing what looked like a pair of pajamas. Still holding the gift bag, she glanced between the woman and the teacup floating next to her. "Sorry...