Recent content by Brevity Boone

  1. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity kissed her back easily, leaning into it and into the affection she was being shown. it was sweet and nice. She loved her so dearly. "I love you," she said between the kisses, taking a deep breath so that she could immediately just get back to kissing her.
  2. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity looked fondly at her fiancée as the girl spoke before shaking her head lightly. "I'm not tied to anything but you," she told her sappily, leaning in to kiss her cheek lightly. "I think multi-stone or some flowers will be really pretty," she told her, knowing hse'd agree to whatever...
  3. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity hummed a little. "I'd say tomorrow but I'm working tomorrow, so maybe day after?" she offered, she wanted it immediately, but working was important to her, to them both so it would just make sense to give it a moment before they bought rings. "We should get a nice one for us, and then...
  4. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity leaned into the kiss, and made it a little deeper eagerly. When she leaned out she nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a plan," Brevity told her with ease. She thought it was a good idea, and was keen to just say yes to Maisie anyway. "It'll be easy, and we can get married quickly,"...
  5. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity shook her head lightly. "I want what you want," she said. "My family isn't going to come, I never really was good at making friends, that were...real, I'm happy to let you run wild, because I'll be happy if you're happy," Brevity assured her with a smile, moving in to place...
  6. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity moved to the couch with Maisie and then shrugged. "I don't need my family there," she said easily. "I'll do whatever you want," she told her, because to Brevity it didn't matter, what mattered was what Maisie wanted, how she wanted it.
  7. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity nodded slightly, "Moone is good, Maisie Moone, and Brevity Moone," she said, saying their names and smiling, she thought it sounded pretty sweet, and she was just glad to be able to have that as an option. To combine their names like everything else. "full of excellent ideas," she...
  8. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity knew immediately that she'd happily change her name to be like Maisie's. "Maybe I can be Brevity Morvay," she suggested with a little smile, she happily wrapped her arms around Maisie and kissed her back. Letting her fiancee spin her around. "My Maisie," she replied with as much fondness...
  9. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity gave a little frown which deepened at the question. it was said so casually but she couldn't help the flourish in her chest at the question. This was a surprise, certainly she never expected to find love at a school she hated. She had never expected to find such easy companionship in...
  10. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity rambled for far too long, and eventually finished her food, and when she did, she seemed to remember that she was there with someone and shouldn't just ramble. "Sorry, got carried away," she said with a little smile, knowing that of all people Maisie would be the one to not mind, but...
  11. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity leaned into the kiss and then went to sit down as the meal was ready for them to now eat. She laughed lightly and nodded, proceeding to launch into the book she'd been reading on the lingusitic patterns of shakespeare and how it had helped form modern british english. She had taken to...
  12. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity let herself be pulled into Maisie, happy to be in the other girl's arms, happy to be held by the one person in this world who understood her. She nodded in agreement, and leaned into the simple touch which she gave to her. "I love you too, Maisie," Brevity said with a smile. "With all...
  13. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity gave a little smile, thinking that a grimoire was much more her girlfriend's speed and not her own. "maybe you should," she said, "You have as fascinating a mind," she said to her. Brevity knew she was smart, it wasn't hard to figure out, she knew she could spend her time doing almost...
  14. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity smiled easily, as she always did around Maisie. Maisie was the one person who could bring this out of Brevity. The easiest person in Brevity's life. "One of them is just on budgetting best, figured we could use some knowledge on that," she said. "Another is on mathematics," she said...
  15. Brevity Boone

    Closed This Sweet Life

    Brevity laughed lightly at the comment. She kissed Maisie back easily. "Sweetheart, I'm awfully smart always," she teased back. Brevity had always known that her brain worked so much faster than most, and that school had really just been boring to her. "Sounds lovely," she said. "I bought a...