Recent content by Aurora Chase

  1. Aurora Chase

    Fifth Year, Lesson Four

    Charms was sometimes one of those hard to figure out classes, because Aura had days where she loved it and then there were the days where she would have muvh rather do literally anything else. She nodded politely to Professor Haden and then quickly took her seat near the middle of the class. She...
  2. Aurora Chase

    Fifth Years: Lesson Three

    Sentient plants were not on her list of things she felt she needed to learn, and she was suspicious enough of them as it was. She regretted getting out of bed this morning if this was what she was greeted with. These things were a menace - anything that could hit back was firmly sitting in the...
  3. Aurora Chase

    Fifth Years, Lesson Three

    The upper years was where the spells really started to get interesting and Aura found herself swiftly taking notes as Haden starting talking more and more about the charms they were studying. When the quiz appeared in front of her, she took a quick look at it, nodding at the simplistic questions...
  4. Aurora Chase

    Closed It isn't your original hair but at least our outfits match

    Aura sighed in some relief when she realised that she seemed to have managed to calm Dante down. Emotions were complex, especially for a werewolf, and she didn’t want him to be upset with her, after all, she liked him, and she didn’t want him to not spend time with her because she’d been...
  5. Aurora Chase

    Fifth Years: Lesson Two

    Anyone who knew Aura well, or had spent more than a couple of minutes talking to her would have known about her hatred of Puffapods. She sighed as she walked into the greenhouse and noticed the overwhelming pink of the stupid things all over the place - it was already setting her on edge. She...
  6. Aurora Chase

    Closed It isn't your original hair but at least our outfits match

    Aura blinked at him, caught off guard by how serious he was being suddenly. She had been prepared for him to tease her a little maybe, give her a sarcastic comment or two, but not this... he was frustrated, he was… whatever he was. He cared, she could see it. Maybe he didn’t even realise it, but...
  7. Aurora Chase

    Closed It isn't your original hair but at least our outfits match

    Aura was messing with her wig a little as they walked, and she didn’t really notice the look on Dante’s face until he reached out to put a hand on her shoulder. She dropped her hands from her hair and looked down at the hand on her shoulder before she looked up and into his face. Was he…...
  8. Aurora Chase

    Fifth Years, Lesson Two

    Aura wasn’t sure how she felt about a bit of a mini quiz, they were just sort of… well she didn’t think they were smart, she hated them. Quizzes were the kind of things that she just didn’t like to do if she could avoid them. She sighed as she filled it out before heading out into the garden...
  9. Aurora Chase

    Y48 Dueling Match #7

    Current Points: 20 Aura actually did feel bad the moment the severing charm ripped into Teddy's arm and she made the mistake of dropping her guard to move towards him, to do what she didn't know, but he was bleeding and she didn't actually want to hurt him. Just as she made a step towards him...
  10. Aurora Chase

    Y48 Dueling Match #7

    Current Points: 50 Teddy's ego was bigger than the room and Aura wondered how on earth it remained contained within the school. Was his multiple years as duelling champion the thing that got him through it? It sounded like he maybe needed someone to bring him down a peg or too. "Giant egg? My...
  11. Aurora Chase

    Valentine's Dance

    Aurora Chase (her hair is a wig)thanks Teddy with @Dante Styx
  12. Aurora Chase

    Closed It isn't your original hair but at least our outfits match

    Aura couldn’t believe he’d brought her a wig. It was incredibly sweet of him, but as a compromise he had made her change the dress she had been intending to wear. She’d liked it but apparently Dante wouldn’t let her out of the common room in it. Well, she wanted to go to the dance in her new...
  13. Aurora Chase

    Y48 Dueling Match #7

    Current Points: 60 Aura was getting physically tired, this duel was taking a lot of her energy, especially since she'd been hit by a spell, well she and Teddy both by now. She just glared at him when he asked if she wanted his robes, because no she absolutely did not. "I wouldn't want people to...
  14. aura valentines y5

    aura valentines y5

  15. Aurora Chase

    Y48 Dueling Match #7

    Current Points: 70 Now Aura was just p*ssed off. She glared at him as he spoke, not believing he was sorry for a single second, sorry didn't bring her hair back and maybe he shouldn't have been using spells he had no experience with. That was both incredibly dangerous and incredibly stupid, but...