Recent content by Asher Renner

  1. Asher Renner

    Closed Sour and Fluorescent

    -godmods approved- Asher listened to Archie's explanation and hummed softly in response. "Well, Archie baby," He murmured, gently taking the playdough out of his husbands hands. He put the mess back into the container so he could throw it away in a few moments before turning back and gently...
  2. Asher Renner

    Closed Sour and Fluorescent

    -godmod approved- Asher had spent the day with the band, working on a new album. New songs, new melodies, a more forgiving tour schedule. He and Delaney both had kids now, but they didn't want to give up on their dreams. Well, Asher didn't. He wanted to show the girls that if you gave it your...
  3. Asher Renner

    Closed Flower Arrangements

    Asher enjoyed watching Archie's face- the way his lips curled around words, the way the blush colored his cheeks, and the little crinkle he got between his eyebrows when they furrowed as Archie thought. He chuckled, resisting the urge to kiss him again, instead just nodding and falling back...
  4. Asher Renner

    Closed Meeting Up

    Asher chuckled, leaning in to take the paper. "Thanks, man, I appreciate that," He offered, before sitting back and sipping his wine. Before he could say anything else the door opened and Onyx bustled in, a cheery 'mon chiot, I'm home!' on his lips even as Onyx's vision was blocked by the big...
  5. Asher Renner

    Closed Family Game Night

    Asher didn't mean to be late- it just happened that way sometimes, trying to pull himself away from his Archie and their little girl. Eventually he'd left them at home, after a bunch of kisses, thinking that Archie was perhaps reading to Dash or something as he threw on his jacket, grabbed his...
  6. Asher Renner

    Closed Flower Arrangements

    Ashers heart warmed as Archie's face lit up. He smiled softly, knowing he was staring and not really minding. "You're beautiful," He murmured, reaching up and trying to brush his thumb over Archie's cheek. "I think that makes sense. Perhaps a soft gold with a subtle glitter that catches the...
  7. Asher Renner

    Alternate RP You Are My Sunshine (Continued)

    -godmods approved- Asher didn't realize he'd been holding his breath in that few moments of silence, until Archie finally spoke and the breath escaped him. He let out a happy laugh, feelinh his heart swell as Archie agreed, and he slid the ring onto Archie's left hand. "It's the left...
  8. Asher Renner

    Dancing on the strings of my heart

    Asher smiled at Archie, relaxing a bit, and turned his smile to Dashley. "Sweetness, if you can behave for this, then what do you say later we go out for ice cream? And if you'd like, we can arrange a wedding for your stuffed animals at home and we'll buy you the prettiest dress ever and you can...
  9. Asher Renner

    Closed Meeting Up

    Ash nodded. "Thankfully Archie baby is a ray of absolute sunshine. He's a bit... absentminded sometimes, but a little love goes a long way with him." He smiled fondly, sipping his wine before leaning forward. "So, uh, hey, when you and the kitten got engaged, about the rings..." He gave a shy...
  10. Asher Renner

    Dancing on the strings of my heart

    Asher was both oddly excited and a bit nostalgic for his little sisters wedding. He found a nice suit, got Dashley dressed up in a pretty little dress, and he was fussing with his hair as they walked in. "How do I look? Proper enough?" He fussed to Archie, refolding the hems of his sleeves for...
  11. Asher Renner

    Alternate RP You Are My Sunshine (Continued)

    Asher fell into a comfortable silence with Archie, rubbing his hand in slow, mindless patterns against Archie's arm. This was nice- the soft peacefulness of the crackling fire, Archie's warmth and weight against him. Asher was half dozing, just content and happy where he was, when he felt the...
  12. Asher Renner

    Closed Flower Arrangements

    Asher slowed, turning more towards Archie and waiting patiently, enjoying the expressions shifting across Archie's face. He didn't mind waiting for Archie to speak, too enraptured with the thoughts he could see going over the mans face. He chuckled softly eventually as Archie finished speaking...
  13. ashsig.png


  14. Asher Renner

    Closed Meeting Up

    Asher sipped his drink. "How does the kitten handle the rags?" He asked. "I imagine as a rich kid he's had at least a bit of experience with them before, but he's always been more... emotionally open, I suppose," He settled on. "And some of them might hit a little harder than they really...