Recent content by Annabeth Easterling

  1. Annabeth Easterling

    Happy birthday Sofija!

    Thank youuuuuuu ♥️
  2. Annabeth Easterling

    Happy birthday Sofija!

    Thank you a lot everyone! :wub:
  3. Annabeth Easterling

    Closed To Be Perfect, To Be Happy

    Anna had just finished Paris fashion week and came back to New Zealand. She felt like life was finally getting way better, she was modelling in the wizarding world sometimes, though mostly focusing on the muggle world. She had graduated law school and while not working full time at her work, she...
  4. Annabeth Easterling

    Closed Comeback

    Annabeth nodded her head. “New Zealand, of course, that works too,” she was from New Zealand herself after all. And then she listened to his rules and nodded her head. “I promise Miran, no running off again. And I expected that you wouldn’t want my money but it is not my money when it is for...
  5. Annabeth Easterling

    Closed Comeback

    Honestly, Anna expected more than just the question. She was kinda expecting a full on anger and rage from Miran but she knew that it wouldn't be typical of him, that kinda was what attracted her to him that night. He was sweet, soft, he was perfect, more perfect than she could ever hope so. And...
  6. Annabeth Easterling

    Closed Comeback

    It took Anna a whole year to realise what a mistake she made. But in her defence, she was 18, still in the bloom of her career travelling as a model, it would take such a huge toll on her career and studying. After all, her law studies are paid by her own career only because she cut all the...
  7. Annabeth Easterling

    Old School Week Flying Newspapers

    Anna laughed as he immediately offered a deal, shaking her head a little. "If I say no, what's gonna be your next move? What will you do?" She teased him back. If he made a little more effort or didn't back down, she will definitely agree, he was handsome, flirty, funny, she definitely enjoyed...
  8. Annabeth Easterling

    Old School Week Flying Newspapers

    Anna laughed lightly, covering her mouth with her hand and tilting her head a little as the man continued flirting. She loved that, she loved how he reacted to her. "The pleasure is all mine, Liam," she answered back, keeping on a gentle smile and as usual dreamy eyes. "May I? The article I was...
  9. Annabeth Easterling

    Old School Week Flying Newspapers

    Annabeth gently smiled at him as he smiled at her. "Oh, and I'm thankful for the lucky wind," she softly giggled and put a strand of her hair behind her hair a little flirty. She didn't expect her daily prophet to reveal a handsome man. "I'm not sure whether it's fate or I'm just lucky, but I'm...
  10. Annabeth Easterling

    Old School Week Flying Newspapers

    Anna usually didn't spend a lot of time in New Zealand but she knew that she had to settle down for a few months that were quite hard on her. She stayed with Nik but now she felt like it was time for her to start moving again. She had handled all the situations that she had and now was just...
  11. Annabeth Easterling

    Closed Breakfast at Tiffany's

    I'm a loser who's accounts keep switching
  12. Annabeth Easterling

    Plotting 2: Electric Boogaloo

    I know that I've been quite inactive for some time but since I'm trying to be back I can offer something. For Flynn, I've been planning to offer you this but Mila - my first year Hufflepuff. They had that wand thread when Mila decided that Flynn is cool and maybe she could just annoy him...
  13. Annabeth Easterling

    White Elephant 🐘

    I'll open box #1 please!
  14. Annabeth Easterling

    Ball Return

    Hey!!! Yes, it totally did! But it doesn't stop from doing it now! So, well, Parker and Renata could? It would be excellent as I think for Parker she seems like the perfect match for a date! Kriiiis, heeey!! I totally don't mind it, so Kaia and Salem together sounds exciting, also, yes, it...
  15. Annabeth Easterling

    Ball Return

    Heeey! As I'm back from dead once again and the ball is right around the corner, I may have some characters that would love to have a ball date? Niklaus Easterling. Your picture perfect guy. He's a polite gentlemen, can and is willing to dance, is smart and will be a perfect date for a ball...