Recent content by Angela Frost

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    Now you see me.. Now you Don't!

    Tambourine Mountin = WIN I love that place ♥ Have fun :)
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    Here's the deal.

    Due to events beyond control that are happening, I'm going to have to leave the site for a while. My school's exams are beginning soon, and I have to get good grades. My aunt will murder me if I don't get an A on everything. I find exams especially hard because I have a slight reading problem...
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    Greetings from Planet Jessa!

    Hey Jessa, welcome to the wonderful madness of HNZ! I'm Le-... Waiiiiit.... You already know me! At least I hope you do, we've been living in the same house for a while now xD JESSA :hugs: :P If you need help with anything, PM the lovely admins. They don't bite. Much :r
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    Dear [Whomever]

    Dear head of middle school Do you have a life? I think you spent your whole life yelling at me... Seriously, get a life lady! FYI, the "rope" my friends and I were holding across the footpath wasn't real. We were miming. Invisible rope prank. GOOGLE IT for goodness sake! And, thanks to you, my...
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    Out In The Night.

    Angela had no intention whatsoever of returning to the castle before she had checked out the forest. Since it was a forbidden forest, Angela simply had to go in there. She was dressed in black, though she had realized too late that her clothes wouldn't quite work as camouflage because of her...
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    The Hyperactive Need Friends Too

    Angela's a little hyper, and very rebellious. She would find Gerard very entertaining :) Friends, perhaps? Or close friends, depending on how they get along.
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    In need of some good story lines for Dan.

    Uhm, could you please start it?
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    In need of some good story lines for Dan.

    I have Angela. She is a very rebellious Hufflepuff. Maybe Angela and Dan could meet and see how they get along?
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    What are you listening to?

    It's My Life - Bon Jovi
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    The Changes Make My Head Spin

    Angela automatically tensed when Alex hugged her. "The worst thing about her disappearing was that Mum didn't even look for her." she said. Emmeline had just looked out the window and said 'I wonder where she went'. "It was like she knew it was going to happen." Angela's eyes widened. "That's so...
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    The Changes Make My Head Spin

    Angela blinked. "Giant Squids, wicked crazy!" she laughed. She remembered something mentioned about a squid back in the lake at the other Hogwarts, but she had never seen it. Angela's eyes turned dark, and she looked at the ground. "I haven't seen Ella since she was four." she said to the grass...
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    Angela Frost

    Those Pictures Strewn Upon The Floor [/spoiler]
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    The Changes Make My Head Spin

    "True, it can." Angela said, nodding slowly. "I used to ramble about things to my sister, Ella. I don't think she understood what I was saying, but..." Angela's eyes looked hooded, blank. She didn't like thinking about her sister. "I haven't noticed the climate change really. Or the time...
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    The Changes Make My Head Spin

    "Yeah, well I ramble on about nothing in particular." Angela grinned. For such a shy person, she talked a lot. Her grandma had told Angela that she was loud because she was so shy, which made no sense at all to Ange. "Huh, what's Australia like?" Angela asked curiously. Johnathan had been to...