Recent content by Aine Thompson

  1. Aine Thompson

    Get to know you!

    Probably a good thing that as a kid you didn't like the taste of wine tbf :r I can't drink it, it gives me heartburn :(
  2. Aine Thompson

    Spam-A-Lot! Your one stop shop for spam!

    Oh you feel it in Victoria - in summer, it's still light out at 9:30pm. Which honestly isn't so bad, because I hate getting home from work at 5pm and it already being dark. (It does suck when I go to Melbourne over the break and I'm like "it doesn't feel like it's time for dinner yet" but when I...
  3. Aine Thompson

    Y48 Quidditch

    Genuinely why Dahlia dropped Quidditch, I didn't catch the snitch and I unironically thought everyone was genuinely mad at me IC and OOC and was like nope can't do it. But at the end of the day it is just silly wizard hobby fun and it's not a big deal, we all know it just comes down to luck as...
  4. Aine Thompson

    Y48 Quidditch

    Rip Audrey, you played an absolute worldie of a game and it wasn't enough :( congrats to Gryffindor!
  5. Aine Thompson

    Last Game You Played

    I will always recommend Yakuza 0 cause it's a good starting point and usually super cheap too. :lol: Persona 5 is really good and I love Hades, such a good way to lose a few hours with "one more run...". Hades 2 had an update, I haven't quite got my head around the combat in it yet (I miss my...
  6. Aine Thompson

    MuggleLink International

    If you're looking for someone to be a mentor/ambassador :r it's something Aine feels very strongly about, she had the muggleborn support group going at school for a while and spent the better part of 7th year and after brushing up on muggle education enough to get into muggle university, so she...
  7. Aine Thompson

    Y48 Dueling Tournament Sign Ups!

    C'mon duelling tournament, let's get...this over with. :lol: Professor Gabrielle Moncrieffe - staff Oswald Brambleheart - 6th year (Hufflepuff) Audrey Beauchamp - 5th year (Ravenclaw) Ignatius Wolffort - 3rd year (Slytherin) Ruth Thorne - 2nd year (Slytherin) (I'm on my phone so I can't really...
  8. Aine Thompson

    What are you listening to?

    Favourite - Fontaines D.C.
  9. Aine Thompson

    What are you watching?

    I never got to finish watching it (thanks breakup) but in honour of David Lynch's passing I have just bought the box set of Twin Peaks so I can rewatch/finish watching it.
  10. Aine Thompson

    Trash man is here for the drama!

    I don't know why I kind of want to throw Gabrielle at him - she was a couple of years ahead at Hogwarts Scotland and in Ravenclaw but she most likely also worked on the paper so probably kind of knew him ages ago (though she was very uppity and not especially friendly so I can't imagine they...
  11. Aine Thompson

    Fun Facts!

    Fun fact: I made Aine completely out of spite and loathing for everything in my life and to dig at how static magical society is. I base a lot of her decision making on my own (as I'm I ask myself what I'd do and go with that) but she's a very different person. I guess channelling anger...
  12. Aine Thompson

    2025 Resolutions and Goals!

    Look, tw for mine for mental health issues so I'll put it under a spoiler and I apologise for being rather dark but my resolution is: No trying to behold myself to better habits or anything that I know I won't be able to stick with. Just that.
  13. Aine Thompson

    Y48 Quidditch

    "looking at the stats" hasn't helped Gryffindor before :r
  14. Aine Thompson

    Book Club: November/December

    Bit late but I did just find the book since I'm in the city so I may have thoughts before the end of the month tomorrow :lol:
  15. Aine Thompson

    Plots for Y48

    Just following on from the pep club but I could offer Ruth as a legit friend for Bea, I've kinda neglected her but I'd like to rp her more. She can be a little calculating but she is genuinely nice and friendly albeit lazy. They also now both have siblings on the Ravenclaw team. Just thought I'd...