Recent content by Ailsa Vacarius

  1. Ailsa Vacarius

    Rate the avi

    10/10 She's beautiful, and this super suits her character
  2. Ailsa Vacarius

    Mate, Date or SLATE

    Probably Slate
  3. Ailsa Vacarius

    Graduation 2043

    Ailsa couldn't believe that it was finally her graduation, that she was to graduate. The teen was sitting with her peers, and she was to finish this part of her life. The only person that she had wanted to be at the graduation was hopefully sitting within the auidence, it was such a bittersweet...
  4. Ailsa Vacarius

    Dueling Match #27

    Current Points: 65 [hr]Ailsa blocked the boys spell, she felt tired from the length of the duel but she felt certain in her desire to win. The teen flicked her wand and shot back with the babbling curse, perhaps not the most powerful of spells but she wanted to use it regardless.[hr]Action(s)...
  5. Ailsa Vacarius

    Dueling Match #27

    Current Points: 95 [hr]Her anger wavered when the boy cried out in pain and she noted a little but of blood, but honestly, she just had to remind herself that this was just the nature of this duel and duelling in general. Ailsa blocked his spell and continued to draw upon her anger as she fired...
  6. Ailsa Vacarius

    Dueling Match #27

    Current Points: 105 [hr]Ailsa felt a little frustrated that she had been hit with a spell, but it fuelled her anger, and she blocked his spell, wasting no time in fuelling that anger into her spell, "Deprimo," she felt, like the anger was good, allowing her clarity in this fight. [hr]Action(s)...
  7. Ailsa Vacarius

    Dueling Match #27

    Current Points: 100 [hr]Ailsa was unsure of what hit her so quickly after she cast, but her eyesight grew blurry and she found herself staring ahead at a form that she presumed was still the boy she was duelling. But being well trained, she cast a quick finite and once her vision had once again...
  8. Ailsa Vacarius

    Dueling Match #27

    Current Points: 110 [hr]For some reason this seemed to spur him on. Which suited her fine really. She locked the spell with ease and fired back, she wasting no time in it. A simple, "Diffindo,"[hr]Action(s) Taken: Cast spell twice Point Changes:-10 Points Remaining: 100
  9. Ailsa Vacarius

    Dueling Match #27

    Current Points: 120 [hr]Ailsa blocked his spell and frowned a little, unsure as to why he had picked such a simple and silly spell, they were a seventh year, surely they knew better than expelliarmus. Ailsa wondered if he was just nervous, but held nothing back, "Expulso," she said...
  10. Ailsa Vacarius

    Dueling Match #27

    Current Points: 130 [hr]Ailsa was gleeful for sure as the boy seemed to have some fight, and she blocked his spell with a simple flick of her wand, she took a small moment to decide what to fire back, "Levicorpus" she said with the smile clear on her face as she cast. [hr]Action(s) Taken: Cast...
  11. Ailsa Vacarius

    Dueling Match #27

    Current Points: 140 [hr]The gryffindor blocked the spell with a huge grin breaking out on her face, she was definitely going to enjoy this. She waved her wand and cast, "Incarcerous" and the rope shot out of her wand firing straight at the slytherin.[hr]Action(s) Taken: Cast Spell Twice Point...
  12. Ailsa Vacarius

    Dueling Match #27

    Current Points: 150 [hr]ailsa was excited and eager, she wanted to win, was sure that she could. Ailsa stood where she was supposed to and went through the usual gruelling process that she needed to before they could just get started. Ailsa cast the spell to block his and wasted no time in...
  13. Ailsa Vacarius

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  14. Ailsa Vacarius

    Duelling Match #18

    Current Points: 145 [hr]Ailsa wasted no time in blocking the spell that the other girl had fired at her, she smiled slightly, really enjoying being able to duel once again. It was a treat to be able to, "Incarcerous" she fired back, the spell shoot from her wand and to her opponent. [hr]...
  15. Ailsa Vacarius

    Duelling Match #18

    Current Points: 150 [hr]Ailsa liked the dueling, and had found during her time at the school that there hadn't really been enough of it. She was glad that her last semester at the school would include such a thing. The teen smiled to herself, she was always just happy to take part and without...