Leif Odegard
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  • Hey Leif, miss seeing you around...
    Chante Harvelle-Ateara
    Chante Harvelle-Ateara
    Have you? Well, maybe you just need some help figuring that out...Oh, I'm sorry. That must be hard...
    Leif Odegard
    Leif Odegard
    Thought I'd have it all figured out by now but it's proving to be more difficult to than I expected. I mean it's- I- it hurts, yeah.
    Chante Harvelle-Ateara
    Chante Harvelle-Ateara
    Well, maybe you just need more time to figure it out. Don't stress yourself, you can always give me a hand with the shop if anything? The help will be appreciated. I'm sorry, that will take some time as well.
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