Recent content by Leif Odegard

  1. Leif Odegard

    A Transforming Conversation

    Leif couldn't help but to be excited each time a new semester rolled around. Teaching the lower years meant he'd have new students to meet each time he got back to the school and he was eager to get to know them all. See if any of them were interested in what he was teaching and try his best to...
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  6. Leif Odegard

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y46 | S1

    Leif by now felt like he had gotten used to life at Hogwarts again, even if it still felt a little odd every now and then. He felt at home though. Felt like things had finally clicked right into place for him. He also appreciated the staff meetings that were held more often now. Not only did it...
  7. Leif Odegard

    Open To Be On This Side

    Leif gave a small yet content shrug at her remark. He did feel like he had miraculously ended up in the right place. After all of the struggles he had been through in deciding what he wanted to do with his life he was glad that he had though. It felt a breath of fresh air. "They're exactly what...
  8. Leif Odegard

    Open To Be On This Side

    Even if he had graduated over ten years ago and had been back at the school for a little while now Leif still got flashbacks every now and then. Glimpses of what his life had been at school. He could almost see himself sitting at the Hufflepuff table but shook off the though, focussing his...
  9. Leif Odegard

    Open To Be On This Side

    Leif nodded when the woman mentioned her own graduation year, only a few years after his own. He had to admit it was a nice idea to have a few more professors around his own age at the school. "Hufflepuff." He mentioned easily before actually introducing himself as well. "Nice to meet you...
  10. Leif Odegard

    Open To Be On This Side

    Leif was a little surprised when the professor to his other side answered the question, suppressing a chuckle. "My apologies." He simply smiled at the man before turning his head towards the person he had asked the question. "That would have been.." He started his answer, taking a moment to...
  11. Leif Odegard

    Open To Be On This Side

    Being a professor wasn't something Leif would've ever imagined himself being when he was younger. Although perhaps that wasn't a fair thing to say when he had spend his last few years at Hogwarts, and a couple after, struggling whenever he thought about what he wanted to do with his life. It had...
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  13. Leif Odegard

    Open Professor & Staff Meeting Y45 | S1

    Leif had only just started as a professor but he thoroughly enjoyed the job, having spend most of his first semester in making sure his lesson plans were up to order and his students were doing well. He hadn't put nearly as much attention into getting to know his coworkers but he was sure...
  14. Leif Odegard

    Mate, Date or SLATE

  15. Leif Odegard

    Perfect Match

    Anisha and Dorian ssssh :r