Recent content by Élise Moreau

  1. Élise Moreau

    Open S1 Y42 Beauxbatons Practice

    It felt weird to think about that this was going to be her last year in the team. She had worked hard on everything, but Quidditch had always been her main priority. She was aiming her bludger for the seeker, but hit @Xenia Nikolaidou their keeper instead. In her defense the seeker had just...
  2. Élise Moreau

    Open S1 Y42 Beauxbatons Practice

    Élise spotted a bludger and swung her beaters bat the bludger managed to hit into @Ava Hastings
  3. Élise Moreau

    Open S1 Y42 Beauxbatons Practice

    Élise mounted her broom and was on the look out for a bludger to smash.
  4. Élise Moreau

    Y42 Beauxbatons Quidditch Tryouts

    It was Élise her last year which was pretty weird to think about. After this year she was going to have a fully fledged career in somewhere that was currently unknown. She did want to win with the Quidditch team, but was fully aware a lot of people graduated. They needed some fresh blood and...
  5. Élise Moreau

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S2

    Élise was loving how it was going. The game was going great. She spotted another bludger, but once she was near the bludger was gone.
  6. Élise Moreau

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S2

    Élise spotted another bludger and wacked it towards @Gemma Thorne
  7. Élise Moreau

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S2

    Élise was going great and she spotted another bludger closeby. She wacked it towards @Gemma Thorne
  8. Élise Moreau

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S2

    Élise knew how much bludgers could hurt. Especially during practices the bludgers weren't really aimed at the normal targets. The bludger rammed her side and it did hurt. The only thing she could do was wacking it away. She did manage to hit @Eren Beste
  9. Élise Moreau

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S2

    Élise looked for another bludger, but there were none anywhere near her.
  10. Élise Moreau

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S2

    Élise mounted her broom and was happy to feel the wind in her hair again. She spotted a bludger and smacked it towards @Xenia Nikolaidou .
  11. Élise Moreau

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S1

    a bludger came her way and just before she could smash it away it collided with her. That did hurt.
  12. Élise Moreau

    Quidditch Game: Beauxbatons vs Ilvermorny

    Élise was ready to rock this game and she was eager for the win. It was pretty cold and that didn't work to their advantage. Élise could hope the bludgers were on their side at least.
  13. Élise Moreau

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S1

    Somehow the first hit had been lucky, the bludgers werent on her side.
  14. Élise Moreau

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S1

    Élise searched for another bludger, but she couldn't find any. She did fly closer to the seeker.
  15. Élise Moreau

    Beauxbatons Quidditch Practice Y41 S1

    Élise spotted a bludger and gave it a good wack. It went of course and no one was hit.