Thomas Jusantrea

♪'56 Grad ♪Healer (in training)♪composer ♪singer
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Straight 15 Inch Whippy Black Walnut Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
(10/06/2038) 23
((Yellow rose for Elliot Briar, open after Kris))

The sixth and penultimate rose, then he will have his work done. For a long time the owner of this rose did not have to search. Thomas again turned round to the Hufflepuff table side. This time he did not particularly try to hide the rose behind his back. '' Hey, Elliot! Are you Elliot Briar? '' He asked.
Elliot had been making good progress on his deliveries, but it was still a relief to let himself sit down for a bit and have a break to eat. The great hall was awash with other deliveries and Elliot had to admit he was keeping half an eye out for any of the remaining names still on his list as he grabbed his own lunch. His attention was grabbed instead by someone else saying his name and Elliot caught sight of another deliverer nearby. "Uh yep, I'm Elliot, hi." He said, giving the boy a little wave.
'' I'm Thomas. On this rose day I am asked to give you this yellow rose. '' he refused then gave Elliot a flower. Thomas still had to carry two roses, but it was going to happen soon, at least he thought it would.
"Hi Thomas, thank you," Elliot said, gratefully taking the rose from him, wondering who else had sent him one. "Did it come with a note or anything?" He asked encouragingly. Thomas looked a little younger and Elliot wondered if this was his first time delivering roses. At some point he had completely lost track of most of the younger students outside of his house and he wasn't sure what year Thomas might be.
'' Yes, a moment. There was even there somewhere. '' he said as he began searching his hands for the two remaining notes to find what Elliot meant. It didn't take long for Thomas to find and hand it to the guy. '' Please! ''

Thank you for being such a good friend!


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