Vote Holland

Professor Grace Holland

Mother | Caring | Flying Instructor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight (Dominik)
Straight 14 1/2 Inch Unyielding Spruce Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
2/2027 (34)
Grace was happy to help her aunt out in any way she could. Though putting up posters hadn't really been what she had in mind when she came over from France. Still, it was necessary and she didn't mind doing it. Walking the streets of New Zealand actually felt a little like an adventure, because she hadn't been here all that often. She put up the posters her aunt had given her, eager to support her as she stood behind her cause completely.
After taking some posters from Claudia, Victoire had walked in the direction that the woman had told her to find a Grace Holland. She spotted a girl a little younger than she was, and knew that this had to be the right person. She waved a little with the leaflets in hand, "Grace Holland," Victoire called out, "Ms. Holland said I was to come find you and help you out putting up posters," the woman smiled at the other hoping this girl wouldn't mind too much that she was helping out or well had been sent to help her out.
Grace was making herself busy, putting up posters and handing out flyers to passers-by. Compared to her aunt in another street, she wasn't getting too much attention. But then again, her face wasn't plastered in newspapers. So when she was approached by a slightly older woman and called by her name, she was startled. "Uh. Hello." She said uncertainly. A frown appeared on her face when this stranger said her aunt had told her to come find her and help her. "Er, who are you?" She asked, looking her over. "I've never seen you before." She didn't know what harm could possibly be in this request, but she still wanted to know who she was talking to before accepting anything she said.

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