🌹 Rose Giving The rose was used as a symbol during the "War of the Roses"

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
yellow rose for @Max Goose

Emmanuel was looking for a gryffindor, so he'd come to the floor where he could find Gryffindors, and was asking people as they milled about the Seventh floor. "Max Goose, I'm looking for Max Goose," he said. Knowing he would eventually run into the boy or someone would know where he was.
"I'm him," Max answered when an older boy asked for him. Charlie had told him about this tradition during their many conversations about Hogwarts and yet it was a surprise that he'd receive a rose. "You're here for the rose thing, aren't you?" Max asked, standing on his toes to catch a glimpse of the colour of the roses the boy was supposed to hand out.
Emmanuel gave a nod, "Yeah, I'm him, your rose deliver-er," he replied with a little smile. He took out a yellow rose and held it out to the boy along with the note that went with it. "These are for you, and hopefully they are good,"

To a surprisingly good roommate and decent partner in crime.
A sense of dread washed over Max as he accepted the rose and the note that went along with it. He had been so caught up in his studies for once that he totally forgot about sending roses of his own. ''Thanks,'' the Gryffindor said quietly, opening the note to read who it was from. Despite his disappointment in himself, Max grinned as he read over what was written on the note. While it had been odd to have only one other roommate at first, it was actually quite nice to only have to share the room with one other person. Reminding himself to thank Raafe when he'd next see him again, Max looked back up at the older boy again. ''Thanks a lot,'' he said, smiling this time.
Emmanuel had been about to question when the boy seemed disapointed to get a rose, but clearly after reading it the boy didn't seem as bothered. He wondered if perhaps the boy just hadn't sent any or had previous gotten a bad note. "No problem. Happy with it?" he asked with a smile.
''Yeah, I'm happy with it,'' Max answered. ''It's just that I forgot to send any of my own... I'm going to look like a jerk for not doing so.'' For a brief moment, the idea of going down to the gardens and plucking random roses popped into his head. But surely that would only confirm that he had forgotten about roses, which may not sit well with his friend. Oh no, what if Raafe thought that he didn't think of his roommate as a friend?
Emmanuel gave a little knowing nod, given that he knew it couldn't be easy. "Well, I think even if you say thank you and maybe give him a rose from the garden, it won't be too bad," he said. "People forget all the time,"
Max smiled when the older boy said exactly what was on his mind. Maybe he should consider it after all. ''That's fair, yeah, I might just do that... Thank you!''
Emmanuel gave a wide smile "I am sure your friend will appreciate it," he assured him with an excited tone. "Have a good valentines day, yeah?" he said.
''Let's hope so,'' Max said with a smile and a nod. ''You too, have fun delivering roses today!''

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