That Time of Year.

Sara Moon

Former 'Claw | Auror | Grieving
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
12 and a half inches willow with unicorn hair
Sara had gotten up early that morning, it was her birthday today, and she was very excited. She was going to have a party early on in the day, because she'd guessed that Kate would probably have something in the evening, and she also had some work for Glee club to do, that she'd kept putting off. She got up and looked outside, the sun was shining, and the beautiful autumn colours of the leaves were perfect. Today would be a good day. She persuaded a Professor to let her use the abandoned classroom, and immediately set to work. She had all her decortions organised, and put into three big bags. She picked them up and set off to the Abandoned classroom, having to return to the common room a few times to get things she'd forgotten. Then she set off to the kitchens. She'd called into the house-elves a few days ago, and asked if they could help her out. They had agreed readily, and said everything would be ready this morning. She was glad she'd asked earlier, she didn't want them working to hard, so she'd decided to give them plently of time. Still however, they seemed a bit rushed-she wasn't sure why, but started bringing up the food. She'd made a few batchs of muffins, cupcakes, and brownies herself also, she liked baking and they were her specialties.

After carrying all the food up to the room and laying it out on the table, the tablecloth was strewn with autumn leaves and she liked the effect it had. she had sandwiches, curry, and all manner of sweets and chocolates on the tabel, and the food that needed to be kept hot was on a burner. She'd lit the ancient fire-place, and already the place was looking cosier.
Happy with her work so far, she took out the streamers and hung them all over the room. She was finished, with the help of magic, within a few moments. she sat back on one of the chairs and smiled to herself. This was a good days work. She'd sent out invitations a few days ago, annd people would be arriving soon, so she sat back and waited.
Tara had awaken later than normal today, usually she was up early and spent an hour drawing before it was time for breakfast. however today she woke up with the rest of her dorm. she get dressed quickly and headed down to the great hall. she was surprised when two owls came and landed infront of her as she only rarly get mail from her family as they thought sending letters by owl was odd, and no-one else knew she was here they all thought that she was in some art school. she read the invitations and remembered the first year when she had gone to the moons birthday at about this time of year. thankfully the parties were at different times, Sara was midday, and Kates was at the evening. It was short notice she didn't have time to get anything for her friends so she spent the morning thinking of what she could make. as soon as classes were over for break she headed down to the kitchen to get everything ready for what she was planning. she decided to make them the way she had been taught at home and not use any magic to either enhance the flavour or make it quicker. firstly she made the pastry then she mixed the filling, out of coconut, almonds, cardamon, sugar and khoa. once she had stuffed the pastry shell she decided to bake it as sometimes she found that when they were fried they tasted funny. she left them in the kitchen and rushed off to the rest of the morning classes. she asked the elves to leave her things there as she needed to make some more for the afternoon.
at the right time she headed up to one of the empty classrooms once she opened the door her breath was taken away from her. "Happy birthday, Sara, the room looks amazing, as does the food. I have brought some gujia, I hope that you like them" she said placing her tray on he table. she hoped that no one got them mixed up with a savoury meat pasty, like she had done when she had visited the moon's home in england after her first year. she had bought a pasty bit into it and was surprised that it contained meat. she had instantly spat it out and had to wash her mouth out several times. as she was a pretty strict vegetarian.
OOCOut of Character:
Sorry about the delay in replying
The entire term had felt good. Overall, unfortunately it was already May and while others were looking forward to heading home for the holidays there were a few whose greatest fear was going home. He had tried so very hard to make himself normal. To be a normal teenager. Fourteen, with only worry, the girl of his dreams. Just out of reach. But, this wasn't a normal life. It wasn't one that could be solved by having a girl around his arm. For one that would require physical contact with the person, and the teenager wasn't quite used to that yet. He wasn't ready for anything of that sort. He couldn't shake a hand without mentally freaking out. Having someone around his arms was something he just knew he couldn't do. The only time he would ever was with Kate. She was the only thing that really kept him going. Because he knew no matter what happened he'd always have her. He'd have all his memories with her. Everything. She was his rock. The one constant in his life. The constant that he so desperately needed. It wasn't too much to ask the teenager thought, but his life was not that simple. He needed a rock a lot more than others because of the life he had to lead outside of the safe walls of Hogwarts. It wasn't like he was constantly looking for any form of trouble, his father just though he was by definition trouble and therefore he need to be punished. This was not something that the Slytherin strictly agreed with. He knew at times what he received he deserved but then there were times, when he knew that he'd really done nothing wrong. Going to Hogwarts had helped him come to the realisation that the way his father constantly treated him was no only not fair, but not the way he was meant to be treated. Sure he didn't trust the male professors, or really any of the professors, but he was pretty sure that none of them would be violent towards him. They'd had plenty of opportunity and not even Professor Styx had raised a hand to him. It was why more than anything this long holiday was not one he was looking for. After all he knew what awaited him. He knew that the moment he said his farewells to his friends, and he'd stepped into his father's car that his entire life would go back to one that resembled a poorly treated house-elf in a rich pureblood families house. He wanted to take in the most of the outdoors, smile, be with people he liked as much as possible. Eat and enjoy life, because as soon as he was home all of that would be taken away from him. He would have nothing and no one. His father would take away the food and force him to cook. His room would be cold, and he'd have nothing but a thin sheet to keep him warm. His clothes' he'd be constantly washing, scrubbing away the blood that would get on his clothes. It was not what he wanted but he knew that he couldn't get out of it. It was his sealed fate at least for now. Stefan Archer only wished that he could say goodbye to his friends in a finalised way, just in case. Because the slytherin knew full well, that he might not last the entire holidays. It wasn't easy and his will power was strong, but there was only so much that one person can really take.

It was late morning by the time the Slytherin boy was getting a light breakfast. He would before, be eating less and less, but Stefan was hungry, and thinking about how little he'd get at home, was making him even more hungry. He didn't care if at home it would be bad. The Slytherin failed to see how much worse it could possibly make his life. Since his life was already pretty much awful. His home life was just one that most would not even want to imagine, so a little extra food over the next few days would not do him any harm. He was pretty sure of that fact. The boy glanced around the Hall, and saw no one he knew, which albeit was not many people, but it was enough to generally find someone, however with no one, he just sat at the Slytherin table and kept his eyes down. He took a bit of toast, and an apple, and slowly ate, letting the noise around him fill up the entire hall, and eating in his own silence. It was as he ate, that he received two letters. Which was odd to say the least. Stefan generally received nothing and here were two letters addressed to him. He thanked the owl and then took the letters. The Slytherin doubted that the letters were from his father. The man didn't have the patience to send him a letter. In muggle ways or in Magical ways. So, he was very curious about these letters. Stefan took one and turned it over in hands for a few seconds before opening it. The writing was neat and tidy. Polite in a sense. It was from Sara Moon, a small invite to a party, and then he remembered that today was Sara and Kate's birthday. This thought sent panic within him. He had nothing to give them. He had no money to buy anything to give them. And he felt terrible. He didn't know if he could turn up at someone's birthday without a gift. Putting down the letter, Stefan opened the second, and like his suspicion had told him, it was from Kate. Stefan cursed under his breath. Things had been easier when they'd been friends. Stefan liked Sara a lot and he wouldn't not turn up at her birthday, but he'd have to time it well enough to be able to attend both. And he had nothing to give either of them. No special dishes, or gifts to give. Stefan had been so focused on himself that he'd completely forgotten that it was their birthday. However, he knew he couldn't not. Sara was an incredibly close friend, and Kate, was well, the girl of his dreams. There was a small sense of dread within the boy, it was going to be a long day. The only thing he could be happy with was the fact, all the bruises were gone, and all he was left with were the scars from past times. The faded burn mark, one of the clearest against his pale skin. However it was mostly covered by his sleeve on most days. It wasn't exactly the best, but, he looked better. The terms were always good for Stefan. No matter how bad things got at home, he knew that here at Hogwarts he had friends who cared.

After spending the rest of his morning attempting to put together some form of artwork for Sara and Kate as a gift for them, he settled on one thing for each. A little apology written in each, about how one day, he'd actually get them something real for their birthday. For Sara, he'd drawn a picture of her, with the 'glee club' she was the spotlight and it was just his way of showing her that he thought she was amazing. Stefan had also taken the time, to right an incredibly simple and short letter thanking her for everything that she'd ever done for him, and her sister. That he was thankful to have her as a friend. It was an odd letter, but it was everything he could never say to her in person. Which was surprisingly quite a lot. He'd never had any chance to thank her for everything that she'd done. And despite how the letter was phrased, it was not a goodbye. It had almost been, but he'd not. Knowing that would be bad if he did such a thing. She wouldn't understand it, and she'd be annoyed, and that was not what she wanted. However, there wasn't much time to think over what he'd actually written since it was almost time for the first of two events. Since he had very few clothes the Slytherin teen, put on his father's old clothes. Pulling the jumper for warmth, but rolling the sleeves up slightly so it didn't look like he was hiding anything. Which was easier said than done, since he didn't exactly like people being able to see the many scars that his skin had. It wasn't very nice. And the old fading burn mark that was over a year old, wasn't pleasant. But knowing he could do nothing else he had to go to the party. Which was why, the colourblind boy headed out the dorm the picture and letter in hand, feeling a small sense of worry about how lacking his gift was. The thought was nice but this was a birthday party. Stefan founded the abandoned classroom easily and stood at the door for a few seconds before stepping in to the room. he had no idea what was making him so nervous about the gathering. It just was. Upon entering the room, he noted that he was one of the first. This made him smile. That and the fact he knew the other person in the room. Stefan smiled at Tara and made his way over to Sara.

"Happy Birthday Sara!" Stefan said, handing the girl the gift he'd made. "It's not much, I'm sorry" A part of him knew it was silly to verbally apologise but, since they had money and could get anything that they'd want Stefan felt bad for only being able to give a drawing. Since he had nothing else. Not even something that was his that he could give them. The only things he owned, were school books, a few items of clothing and that was it. "You've done a brilliant job with the room" Stefan said, despite the fact that he couldn't really see what the room looked like, to him it was just another black and white room with balloons and some banners. He did however just smile at his two friends and say nothing.​
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OOCOut of Character:
No problem Emzies :D :D :D

Sara smiled, as she sat looking at the room. It was okay she liked doing things on her own, back home all the servants immediately did it for her, she liked the servants, sat in the kitchen, had tea with them and chatted away. She had tried telling them she wa fine, but they got offended and she didn't want them to feel like she didn't appreciate them, because she did. She missed their little house, where she had to hoover her room and dry the dishes. If she tried to do that now, the servants would immediately assume she thought it needed doing and did it themselves.

She stood up as Tara burst into the room. "Hey Tara!" she grinned, hugging her, but making sure not to disturb the package in her hands.. "How are you?" She looked down at Tara's pastry's, they looked delicious. " They look delicious. What are-goo-jey-ahhs?" she asked, trying, and failing to pronounce the word She smiled apologetically at Tara, knowing she must've sounded silly. "I know you have another party this evening, so don't worry about eating too much, if there's any left over, I'll bring it back to the common room-everyone's always glad to have some eats." she laughed, winking at Tara. She didn't think it awkward that Kate and her were both having their birthday. She found she never even thought about Kate anymore-she just didn't care anymore. she knew some of their friends may harbour hopes that they would end up being friends again, but it was self-dillusion. Her and Kate had nothing in common anymore-they never really had. They were completely different people. She should've seen that from the start.

Sara's smile broadened when Stefan came in. She was always glad to see Stefan. She'd been so scared she would loose Stefan after her and Kate drifted apart, but if anything, they were even closer. "Stefan!" she smiled, hugging him gently, lightly, almost as though she weren't touching him at all. she didn't want to hurt any of his bruises. "Thanks for coming." she was really hoping he wasn't stressing about the gift. He would've been doubly stressed with Kate's birthday being on the same day. "Thanks Stefan. " she smiled, taking the picture. It was amazing. The likeness was as though she were looking in a mirror. She loved home-made gifts, though she knew if she sid it, Stefan would think she was lying. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed truthfully, hugging the icture she read the letter and was touched, it was lovely. she placed the picture in the centre of the table and turned back to Stefan and Tara. "Do you want anything to eat?" she asked, hoping they would, though she new they mightn't-they did have another party to go to.

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