Open Special Appearances

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Chloe Thompson

☆ '56 Grad ☆ Bubbly ☆ Macaws Chaser
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curly 14 1/2 Inch Flexible Larch Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
04/2038 (23)
Admittedly, Chloë had been dreading the yule ball this year ever so slightly. Not just because it was the last one she would ever attend but also because Sully wasn't there to share it with her. At least not in person. He had brought up the idea of her bringing a cardboard cutout version of himself to the ball and she had been careless enough to promise she would take it with her. If he managed to get it to her. She hadn't actually thought he would do it but that might've been on her. She knew him better than to believe he wouldn't find some way to pull it off. And he had. Of course he had. Getting it delivered during breakfast had been quite the sight and she had tried her best not to burst out laughing at some of the confused faces along the table. Or when she eventually unwrapped it in her dorm and found out Sully had somehow charmed it to wink at random.

Chloë had been doubting whether or not to bring the cutout to the ball with her for a large part of the day, yet when her melancholy feelings had taken over for a bit it had been a quick decision. It was her last ball and she had to admit it would be awfully funny to show up with the thing. The only downside was dragging it down the stairs and it took her half the length of them to realize that she could just shrink the cutout and get it back to its original size once she reached the entrance hall. Another thing she had failed to consider was that Sully was quite a bit taller than her, which meant the cardboard was too. Luckily, she had opted for a suit this time around rather than a dress which made carrying the cutout around a little easier. Even if it was still a bit of a hassle. She reckoned it was worth it though, if only for the fun of it all. Carrying the cardboard cutout with her Chloë made her way to the snack table, setting it down next to her as she got herself something to drink. Once she had her drink she turned around to look at the students around her, grinning at the confused faces and almost spitting out her drink in laughter when one of them got startled by the cutout winking.
Juniper had taken a moment to steal away from her other friends when she spotted an odd sight across the room. It took her a moment to realize who it was, and she let out a huge laugh from across the great hall before sputtering over as quickly as possible in her heels. "Please tell me he didn't actually make you that," she joked, eyeing the weird cutout winking at her. Maybe it was a joke from the other quidditch players in Gryffindor, as she could definitely see someone as immature as Lysander doing this as a way to cheer Chloe up. It must have been hard to not have your significant other at the ball with you. "Do you think we could charm it to dance?" she asked quickly.
Chloë took another sip of her drink and tried to play it cool when she noticed a few more students looking her way. If anything, she had to admit the idea of having to drag the cutout around if she wanted to move away from the snack table was already being overshadowed by some of the looks she was getting. "Oh, he did." She nodded when Juniper walked up to her. "I promised to take it if he'd manage to get it delivered to me and here we are. My mistake for doubting he'd make it happen." She added with a laugh, taking a second to look at her friend's dress. As fashionable as Juniper was, Chloë was always curious to see what she would be wearing to any of the school's dances. Especially since she knew she made most of her outfits herself. "You look stunning, as per usual." She complimented her friend before looking at the cardboard cutout when Juniper questioned if they could somehow charm it to dance. "I don't think so." She replied thoughtfully. "Mostly on the count that it's just one big piece of cardboard."
Juniper couldn't help but continue to laugh at Chloë's boyfriend's antics. It would never have been something she would have thought to do, but then again, she had helped many of the boys come up with wild outfits. They were from most of their imaginations rather than hers. "Well... those poor owls. Just flying through the sky with a piece of cardboard." She continued to giggle at the thought.

"Ahh, thanks! I LOVE the suit. Very coture," Juniper said, admiring the sleeves. "Well, if your date doesn't mind, you're welcome to dance with me. I'm just here enjoying the single life," she sang, not really bothered by the thought. She didn't need someone to enjoy the dance, unlike some of her classmates. There hadn't really been anyone she was interested in since Simon, and seeing as she would be leaving in a few months, it seemed useless to start something up now.
Chloë couldn't help but to giggle along with her friend when she mentioned the owls. It had been her exact though when the cutout had gotten delivered and she had been sure to give them extra treats for the effort. They hadn't seemed to be bothered by it though and she figured that perhaps Sully had only let them fly it in from Brightstone, which wasn't all that far. She made sure to ask him about it later though. "Thanks." Chloë beamed when Juniper complimented her outfit. With the great fashion sense her friend possessed receiving any type of compliment on her clothes always felt like it weighed slightly more than when anyone else complimented her. "Honestly, I'm just glad not everyone showed up with a date." She chuckled when Juniper offered to go dance, trying to suppress the lingering feeling of disappointment that she wasn't able to spend her last yule ball with her boyfriend. Hanging out with Juniper was just as good though and she was more than happy for her friend's company. "And yes, I would very much like to go dance. Just need to find a place for this here first." She laughed, nodding towards the cutout. "I mean I know I could just shrink it and put it in my purse, but I was also thinking it would be amusing to hand it over to Sully's younger brother for a while."
Juniper scanned the cutout again, finding it a little creepy. "I would never want to exclude Sully. Maybe he can help jumpstart a schoolwide limbo moment," she joked. "Either way, don't let a boy, cardboard or real, spoil your evening." Moving out a little ways onto the dance floor, Juniper started to groove to the upbeat song. While her dress didn't have much movement, the light did catch it at some superb moments. Hopefully, someone from Accio would get a couple shots. She held out her hand towards Chloe, hoping her friend would join.
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