Open runes homework.

Selene Le Fey

Twin, Seer, Teacher
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Bloodwood 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
23 (31/12/2035)
Selene sat in the ancient runes classroom listening as professor Josephs asked them to go outside and do a rune reading. Selene made her way outside stopping in the garden. She had always liked the garden. she liked the smell. the earth the flowers. it was relaxing. She spent the time shaking the stones and doing small readings on herself. whenever she saw someone she smiled. "Hello, did you want me to do a rune reading for you" she Called hoping that someone would stop for a reading.
Lysander was enjoying his free period in the gardens. He'd wanted to go and work on the Wild Patch, and wondered if Elliot would object to a bed of dancing daisies. He waved politely at Selene when he saw her - another professor's kid, like him - and stopped when she asked about doing a rune reading. "I'll take one." He said, dropping onto the grass and folding his legs. He'd tried with Ancient Runes, really tried, but it had been too difficult for him to understand it on top of Divination, and ultimately, he'd dropped it. One subject based on readings and predictions was enough.​
Selene was a little surprised when someone decided to stop and take her offer of a reading. She knew Lysander from wild patch and knew he was one od the other professors son's. it did seem like Lysander was keen for a reading. What question did you want to ask?" she asked putting the stones back into her bag so hat she could do the reading.
The question was always the hardest part of readings. Lysander had a lot of questions he wanted to ask, and didn't seem to be able to get any answers. He thought about it for a moment, drawing shapes in the dirt with his finger while he did so. "Uh. Can I ask about love?" He asked, lowering his voice to a whisper in case any of his friends were around. A lot of them were dating, or had dated, while he was still taking his owl to the ball as a dance partner. "I'm not sure what I can ask runes, exactly. Just, I want to know about my future when it comes to love, I guess." Merlin, now that he'd said it, it just sounded so dumb. His cheeks flushed red and he plucked at a loose bit of grass, with half a mind to get out of there.​
Selene chuckled lightly to herself when the boy asked if he could ask about love. She clearly was not the only one consulting stones and cards about love life. "you can ask about it. but you may not necessarily like the answer. and acting to change the outcome may only make it worse" she warned. She had experienced that with nell. she had been happy. but once she started dreaming about nell and asking the cards about their future things had spiralled downhill to the extent that her best friend no no longer even wanted to be in the same room as her which sucked as they were dorm mates. she took her bag and shook it asking the stones about lysanders love life she then started to lay down them one by one she had to feel hopeful with the first two stones as she drew. "So these first two stones at the top show you issue and the problem. and you have Gebo the gift representing gifts, relationships and generosity and Ehwaz representing balance harmony trust and loyalty often used to represent true friendships" she said. defiantly a strong start. "these next two show how the past influences the situation and you have Othala representing property which represents your roots, family history and inherited talents. then you have its neighbour inguz representing the earth. which shows new life and internal growth it can also show tying up loose ends before starting a new phase o season." she said before pointing to the next pair of stones. she looked for a second confused as to why she had two gebo's before she realised that the second one was a similar looking nauthis which was a shame if oney it had been the other way around." these next to stones show the advice that the stones are offering. and you have nauthiz or necessity. it shows hard work and desire for what you want delays but also resilience. you also have mannaz or man. it shows humanity personal reflection, reason I like to think that it shows that you are only one of many thousand of people in both good and bad ways" she said. before pointing to the last stone at the bottom in the middle. "Finally you have the outcome if the advice is followed. Sowelo. the sun. and I think you will like it. It shows victory, joy, honour and love. it really is the light that will always beat the dark." she said smiling. feeling quite pleased with the outcome of the reading.

Lysander leaned forward as Selene set out the stones. Despite a year of taking Ancient Runes, they all meant practically nothing to him, and he waited with bated breath for her to explain. The Gryffindor nodded intently along, as if he understood every word that came out of the girl's mouth, when in reality she could have been speaking mermish, or gobbledygook. He hadn't the faintest clue what any of it meant. Did he have an issue with gifts? Did he have to be more generous, or less generous? This reading stuff was hard to follow, and he regretted not paying more attention in class. He tried to follow more closely when Selene talked about the advice that the stones offered, but his brow creased when she mentioned human reflection, and that he was only one of many thousand people. He didn't want to be just another person, another number in life. Why be anyone when you could be someone? Lysander wasn't sure what he expected from the stones. Maybe that they'd be a little more direct, and spell out the name of his future soulmate. Instead, he was just confused by everything Selene said. It probably made perfect sense to her, she was Elvera's daughter. He bet she knew so much about the future and divining, and she seemed quite pleased with the outcome, so he guessed he should have been too. Whatever she'd just told him, it was a good thing. "The light that will always beat the dark? That sounds great. Cool. Okay." He said, trying to sound more enthusiastic than he felt. She said he'd like it, and if he understood anything about runes, he was sure it would've been true, so that's how he decided he'd act. "Thanks, Selene. I promise not to try and uh, change the future." He said, pushing himself from the grass and back up to his feet. He wasn't certain he knew enough about the reading to know how to change the outcome, anyway. He wasn't sure he wanted to.​

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