RP Time

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Kasey Blake

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly Wand 15" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Hey everyone,

I have gone and back and gone again and have come back again. Basically I am hopeless and careless but I want to change because I love Kasey and needed her to be loved as well. It will soon be her last year at Hogwarts and therefore I want it to be her best as well. She needs FRIENDS :)
~Qudditch friends
~Ravenclaw friends
~Study pals

If anyone would like to be anything from the above, you are certainly welcome. Even if we cannot be friends we can figure out ways to ROLEPLAY. You could even RP with Kasey if you are

~Not a student at all
~Not a student from Hogwarts
~Death Eater
~House elf
~Other Creature

I would even like a LOVE INTEREST. It would be nice to show that Kasey is a normal teenager who no matter how hard tries not to love someone but will have crush and a boyfriend.

Any kind of story or plot, Even if you want to prank on Kasey, or want to make Kasey cry, duel

Even if you dont know how we can RP just reply here or PM me and we can figure out something. All I need is to make Kasey what I want her to be, a real person so much thanks to all who will help.

If you want you could RP with Jake. He's going to be a durmstrang student. He could ba a love interest if you want.

A bit about him: Jake is currently running with the wrong crowd, getting in trouble, that sort of thing. HE is slowly going to be moving away from all of that. I just need someone to make him want to move away.
Okay, can you set it up please? Say Brihtstone?

I'm currently hiding from my teacher (HNZ isn't part of my sociology coursework) :p

Okay, I have to leave soon aswell, my lesson ends in six minutes.
I may be on later if my exams don't run over my IT lesson.
Could Jasper be a love interest too? He's 17, and is going to transfer to Hogwarts next year. But he can still RP at Brightstone etc.
I read Kasey's biography, I think they two can get along quite well.
Kasey that's not me o.o..., btw if you have questions pm me lol
wow, this is weird and great in its own way.
Okay, Japser thankyou so much for reading my posts and making urself. I cannot believe someone actually reads what I write, its nice to know.

Yeah we could try to work out Kasey and Jasper. though I should warn you Jake too is intrested in kasey so there might be some drama there in future but thats good rite? I mean what is RP without drama. I love u so much for this. Thanks. and hey try to sort jake to gryffindor cuz thats what i wrote he is.

No Madz, no qns
Yeah Jasper could you start a post in Brighstone and I'll reply straight away
Lol okay but I pm you explaining something ^^ and I agree drama without rp is Lame!
Haha yeah, no problem. I enjoy reading people's thread in my free time :)
I don't mind Jake's interest on Kasey actually, could be a very interesting plot. I'll try my best to get Jacob transfered the next time sorting is open and hopefully into Gryffindor too.
I think it's gonna be so fun! :D

Okayye, I shall start a brightstone thread.
lalala ^^
here's the url:

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