
Evelyn Manning

Owner of EVELYN Fashionbrand & Model Agency ⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Straight 11 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Evelyn didn't know what to think of her roommate Merrill and Lucas. They two were pretty close and Evelyn felt that she was second place right now. Ofcourse she wanted Lucas to make more friends, but she was used to the attention she got from him. Things were just all different and Evelyn didn't want that. She was fine with how things were, but when she thought about hanging out with Noah more, perhaps that was why Lucas wanted to search for more friends or at least find some. And it wasn't hard for him, he seemed to attract girls and she knew why, he was just very handsome she had noticed the first time they had met too. But Evelyn found herself more drawn to Noah, and she felt different about him. He was more grown up and had something mysterious. He was different than she had thought of the son of the Minister. But the most important thing he was very sweet and showed some real interest in her. When she thought about him it made her smile. You could say nothing was wrong, but Evelyn was too curious at Merrill and Lucas and than there came some crazy idea's inside of that head. Because of that she didn't spoke at all to Lucas yet she wanted to and if she could see them together that would be a pleasant suprise.

The blonde saw Lucas and Merrill leaving the common room and how Sherlock Holmes it sounded, she actually followed them very secretly ofcourse. The blonde thought of herself as pretty stupid right now, but she wouldn't lie to herself. She was just a bit jealous of the attention Merrill did get and she didn't. Lucas was one of her best friends and she liked hanging out with him. But now it seemed like she was replaced and she thought about it as stupid. Only because she didn't liked him back the way he did to her. And those feelings weren't gone so soon right? The blonde wanted some answers like when Lucas started to like her and just more than only some letters to eachother. This was something they had to speak about right? Or at least don't act akward around eachother. As she saw Merrill and Lucas walking to the Rosebushes the blonde made sure she kept some distance. She couldn't be spot with the two because she was keeping a lot of distance. When they would stop there Evelyn wanted to pretend she was just walking around there. She was curious how they would act together.
Merrill was happy that being back at school meant she got to spend more time with Lucas. The two had grown rather close over the holidays, and Lucas had asked Merrill to be his girlfriend. She couldn't believe she had her first boyfriend! A cute one at that. So far classes, and quidditch had been keeping her busy, but the two planned to spend some much needed time together that day. Merrill walked down from the girls dormitory, and felt butterflies in her stomach when she saw Lucas waiting for her. Her cheeks turned light pink, and she couldn't help but smile at the boy. "Hey, you." she greeted him with a hug. "Ready for our date?" Merrill asked. The word still felt odd to her, but she was excited to be using it.

The pair of Gryffindors made their way from the common room, and down to the grounds. She used the time to explain to Lucas all the training she had been doing with the Gryffindor team. James was making them train hard, but it would be worth it when they beat Slytherin. Those snakes needed to lose soon or they would get unbearable. It was spring, and all the flowers in the garden were blooming. Merrill reached out, and took the boys hand as they walked through the garden. It's just like in a story. The young girl thought gleefully. Merrill finished her story about last nights practise. A bludger had almost knocked her right off her broom, but thank-fully she had managed to dodge it just in time. The game was coming up in a few days, and while they were taking a break today she was expected to be back on the pitch bright, and early tomorrow. "I missed hanging out with you." Merrill told him the blush returning to her cheeks.
Lucas was glad that he was back at school. It meant that he could see more of his girlfriend Merrill. They had spent quite a bit of time together early on in the holidays but as they went on they saw less and less. Now they were back at school, back in the same common room, he could see her a lot more. After bidding goodbye to Aaron back up in the dorms, Lucas stood in the middle of the common room waiting for Merrill to make her way down. The Gryffindor grinned broadly when he saw her making her way down the stairs. Lucas put his arms around the girl as she went to greet him with a hug. "Hey, I'm ready," Lucas replied cheerfully as they made their way out of the common room.

It was nice to be able to spend time with Merrill. Since she had made the qudidditch team she had been training a lot. The two co-captains seemed eager to do well that season and were working their team hard. It did mean his girlfriend was proving elusive but he was glad for the time he did get, it was still significantly more than what they had seen of each other during the holidays. Lucas took hold of Merrill's hand and listened as she told him the story of her most recent practice. He didn't like hearing about her almost being hit by a bludger and certainly didn't ease his worry about her playing. Lucas enjoyed walking through the garden with Merrill, it was quiet and peaceful, a welcome break from the chaos of the Gryffindor common room. "I've missed hanging out with you too, the back of the holidays was awful when I couldn't see you, I'm glad we're back now,"
When Evelyn was acting like Sherlock Holmes she was glad she didn't wear something with much colour as they could easily spot her. Perhaps this was foulish but she had to see something and never be curious about what would happen or had happen. When she saw the two walking she felt a bit strange,
it went so fast it really seemed like the two were together but Lucas hadn't told her anything yet. They had barely spoke but she was sure Aaron already knew this love bird stuff. She felt a bit sad that Lucas didn't came to her about this and saw already the scenerio of her getting nothing of his attention anymore. She had to get used to this and felt a bit jealous of the attention Merrill now got. She didn't want to admit it because she had turned Lucas down and she would still do because she saw him as her friend. But as a friend you had to talk and he didn't yet. She rolled her eyes after she heard Lucas saying his sweet words. He was a charming she could guess that but hearing him saying this stuff to somebody else was weird.

The blonde took a rose inside of her hands and when she saw the two walking at the Garden she decided to walk to them. She pretended to be here already so came from another side and than looked suprised as good as an actress she was after seeing them. She looked at the hand they were holding and smiled shortly.
'' Hello there Lucas and Merrill!'' The girl had got some advise about her clothes and Evelyn could see she followed it since she was way better looking than before.
'' How are you? I didn't spoke to one of you before yet after the holiday.. so strange.'' the girl added at the end still looking at the hands they were holding.
Merrill felt butterflies in her stomach when Lucas told her that he missed her too. It felt so good to know he felt the same way as she did. Be brave like the Gryffindor you are. The young girl leaned in close to Lucas, and squeezed his hand tighter. Their lips were just about to touch for the first time when all of a sudden a third party appeared. Merrill jumped back, but still clung onto Lucas's hand. Her heart was pounding form a mixture of young love, and surprise at being interrupted. It was Evelyn who interrupted the pair, and Merrill suppressed the desire to ask her why she thought barging in was a good idea. Evelyn was her roommate, and had been a friend over the winter break, and Merrill didn't want to be rude to her. "We're fine. Well you know I've been crazy busy with quidditch practise. Everyone wants to beat Slytherin this year." Merrill told her. How many times had Evelyn seen Merrill come back from the pitch late after dinner exhausted, and covered in dirt? She barely had time for homework lately.
Lucas was ready to spend quality time with Merrill. It was amazing that two people in the same house could still spend so much time apart. However they weren't long walking through the grounds until they were interrupted by Evelyn. Lucas sighed, he still thought of her as a friend, but he hadn't seen much of her in the new semester. Something about confessing feelings for someone and them turning you down made hanging out with them a little awkward. "Hello Evelyn, I've been okay, busy know stuff," Lucas shrugged his shoulders. Truth was, Lucas didn't play quidditch, he didn't do an excess amount of homework given that he barely got through his classes so there really wasn't any reason for him to have not seen Evelyn, he had just been avoiding her. "What brings you out here Evelyn?" He asked, wondering if she would notice he had stopped using his affectionate short form of her name.
Evelyn looked at the two lovebirds and felt a bit jealous. She and Noah had been hanging out a lot and it felt good to be around him. If her father heard about this social contact he would be very proud of his girl. But Evelyn liked Noah as a person too, he was just very charming and seemed more grown up than most of the boys, including Lucas. While putting her hand into her side and listening what Merrill had to say the blonde raised a eyebrow for a moment. She already spoke with we, how cute.. But it was annoying, why did she spoke for Lucas. '' Oh yes you play Quidditch, how is that been working out for you?'' she asked to Merrill while knowing Lucas loved Quidditch too. Perhaps that was why he liked her, Evelyn was dying for some answers and wanted to speak Lucas alone. The blonde saw Merrill in her dirty clothes often and couldn't understand that you could be happy about being having all that.

When Lucas looked at her and said her name Evelyn smiled to her friend. She hold her arms over eachother and raised a eyebrow hearing what he was been up too. He was so lying which stuff did he had? He was so ignoring her and Evelyn couldn't stand it. '' Busy? With stuff? Don't you tell me you do actually homework.'' the blonde said with a small grin. And when he asked her something else and calling her by her whole name Evelyn didn't felt comfertable. What was this? Was she a stranger to him or something. '' I was gonna grab some roses, as you know I put one on my nightstand always.'' The blonde said this a bit more irritating not because of what he asked but how he acted. She hoped Lucas would be honest to her about what he thought and why he ignored her, because Evelyn was always honest too. And it was painful if he just ignored her without explaining anything. Because otherwise he was lying since he wrote inthe letter he was fine with it and they could be friends again. '' So you are together now? How did that happen?'' Evelyn asked looking at the two.

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