Open Putting In More Effort

Kiara Thompson

perfectionist • growing • princess of plants 🌿
Blood Status
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Knotted 10 1/2 Inch Flexible Poplar Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
10/2043 (17)
Open to anyone who's friends with them after Daph posts with Isadora

Kiara had to admit she hadn't spend as much time with her friends last year as she would've liked. Classes had not being going too well and for some reason it had taken her some extra effort to get her grades up. Which in its turn kept her from hanging out with her friends. Or at least she liked to believe as much. In reality, she was a little scared that her friends had way more friends themselves and had somehow forgotten about her a little. She wouldn't blame them if they did, she wasn't the most outgoing person after all. It certainly couldn't be too difficult to forget she was even there. In an effort to savour her friendships she had asked Isadora whether she wanted to hang out as soon as she had spotted the girl now that they were back at school. The weather was mild and it had seemed like the perfect day for a little picnic. Kiara had made some snacks and had gotten some drinks from her brother, having them al safely secured in a bag as she made her way down the stairs and onto the great lawn. She had a small picnic blanket tucked under her other arm and looked for a nice spot before laying it out. Content with her spot she sat down, deciding to keep the food in her bag untill her friend had joined her so she wouldn't get attacked by insects wanting a piece of it as well.
Isadora had been happy to hang out with Kiara when she asked. She felt a little guilty for not spending much time with the Ravenclaw last year, as she had been mostly caught up with Margo and Cameron, as well as her housemates. Kiara was quiet and serious, very different from Isadora herself. But they had been friends since before they were sorted in first year, and Isadora did like hanging out with her. The idea of holding a picnic was great, and Isadora had quickly grabbed a box of Bertie Bott's beans from her trunk as her offering. She rushed outside with it, waving as she spotted Kiara on the lawn, already sitting on a blanket. "Hey! Sorry to make you wait!" She called as she ran up to her.
Kiara had been enjoying listening to the sounds around her as she waited for her friend. It made her wonder whether she should've brought Lilo along for the picnic. Surely the little Pygmy Puff would've enjoyed some time out on the grass. Perhaps next time. She waved back at Isadora when she noticed her friend heading her way. "Hi! No worries." Kiara beamed when she reached her, glad the other girl had made it. At least that meant she still wanted to hang out with her, which was good. "Did you have a good break?" She questioned as she started unpacking the snacks and drinks she had brought and placed them out on the blanket.
Cameron was always so keen to get back to school after a break he tended to forget how boring it could actually be once he was here. He didn't really like reading, trying to do his homework gave him a headache, and it wasn't like they had any of the usual stuff he could burn his time away with when he was in the muggle world.

Things were usually more interesting out of the Dungeons at least, more so if he could find one of his friends about, which Cameron was relieved to see Isadora lounging nearby, though he hesitated for a moment seeing her chatting with Kiara. They didn't talk much, or really, Kiara didn't really talk much period as far as Cameron could tell, but eventually his urge to talk to Isadora won out and Cameron tried to amble over to the girls casually, nudging Isadora churlishly with his shoe in greeting. "You guys doing some sort of cutesy picnic thing out here or something? Do people actually do that?" He asked, squinting at the snacks dubiously.
Isadora plopped down on the blanket with a grin, tossing the bag of beans onto it quickly. "Sorry I didn't get anything better." She apologized. Kiara had done a really good job and Isadora wished she had thought to bring something fancier. "Eh." She said, waving her hand dismissively as she asked about her break. "You?" She asked, though her gaze was focused only on the snacks. That was, until she heard a familiar voice and felt someone nudging her. She frowned as she looked up. "What, are you jealous?" She asked Cameron with a challenge in her voice.

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