Oops I wasn't going to do this

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
I wasn't going to make a PD but I just couldn't resist. Students only this year, though I'm always open for plots with adults or other chars too. For those, I refer back to last year's PD, if you're curious. Last year I got pretty overwhelmed with plots, so I'm going to try to be a bit picky this time or at least not try to start everything at once.

⭐⭐⭐⭐ =super high priority pls give me something for this person
⭐⭐⭐ = high priority, someone I really want to develop and use more
⭐⭐ = medium priority, they have a bunch of stuff but I'm happy to do more
⭐= low priority, I don't RP them a lot at the moment (but I'd be down for any fun ideas!!)
❤️ = open for (future) romance plots


Natalia Novak
Slytherin 7th Year

ice queen 🧊 slowly defrostingy
Natalia is the dutiful oldest daughter of a pureblood family, trying her best to make her parents proud. But because of the outdated ideals she has been raised with, it has been very difficult for her to make friends. She's made a few acquaintances over the years, but still hasn't really managed to stop feeling lonely. Over the past few years, she has started forming her own opinions more and more. She keeps people at a distance and can be quite cold, so she's not very easy to befriend. Natalia loves plants and is often seen outside, she's also part of the WPC. Natalia is a Slytherin perfect chaser on the Slytherin team. I have a romance planned for her but could still talk about future plans. This year, her sister was transferred to Durmstrang for not listening to her parents well enough. Natalia has some issues with this, but isn't sure what to do yet.

I'd love any plots that will have her challenging her parents views, as she's already started to question them a bit. Anything with friends would be good too, or enemies.


Louis Alcott
Gryffindor 6th Year

extremely arrogant ⚽ extremely flirty
Louis is a piece of work, and honestly he's one of my favorites to RP because of it. He's not a bad person, but he's very inconsiderate of others and kind of forgets they have feelings sometimes. He's very confident and lives in the moment, rarely thinking of consequences. He loves flirting with others, and is discovering more and more that he loves making out with them too. Louis is interested in all genders and mostly interested in how quickly he can get them to like him. He's a pretty sore loser and hates being ignored or dismissed. He was made a prefect last year and this has only made him more sure of himself. Louis also plays chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. I'd love a lot of flings for him, I feel like I haven't used him to his full heartbreaker potential yet. I'd love plots where Louis thinks something is just a non-serious fling but the other person thinks it might be more and he breaks their heart or just pisses them off by flirting with someone else. I can also just use friends or enemies for him.

Gwen Goodwin

Slytherin 5th Year

seems sweet 🌸is kind of awful, but stylish!
Gwen is extremely calculating and thinks about everything she does. She portrays herself as a very sweet, energetic and friendly girl, but in reality is a lot colder and manipulative. She likes surrounding herself with friends she can boss around a bit and is very aware of social status at school. Gwen loves fashion and likes being seen as someone stylish. She's part of Heta Omega and intends to run it one day. Gwen is a bit spoiled and always has nice clothes and things. Her true self comes out a bit more around kids she considers beneath her notice, she can be really mean to people she deems weird or nerdy like Sky or Giulia. Gwen was severely neglected last year so I'm keen for any plots for her. Romance is completely open (Gwen is straight, so boys only) and she is desperate to date someone so she doesn't look like a nerd going to events alone. She can also use friends / followers and enemies who see through her.

Isadora Novak
Gryffindor 4th Year

Durmstrang 4th Year

rebellious 🍀happy free spirit
Isadora is Natalia's less proper and less dutiful sister. She has been raised with the same old-fashioned pureblood beliefs, but stopped believing in them pretty fast. Though the occasional slip up can still happen, as you don't unlearn something immediately. Isadora is usually a funny and cheerful girl, but is currently in an awful mood over the forced transfer. OOC it's only temporary, but IC she doesn't know that yet. Isadora will be at Durmstrang for the year, and I would love her to make connections there with other Durmstrang students. I'd also love letter threads with her old school friends.


Emery Mettlestone

Ravenclaw 3rd Year

gobstones enthusiast 🪀 snarky collector

Penelope Marshall

Hufflepuff 3rd Year
sweet and shy 💜 responsible
Emery has been severely neglected last year by me (again), so he really needs some interactions. He's not the easiest to get along with, as he's very snarky and opinionated. He's very passionate about gobstones and doesn't appreciate anyone who makes fun of it. At the same time, he really doesn't like Quidditch and makes fun of it regularly. He doesn't see the irony in this. Emery is a collector and a bit of an oddball, he doesn't get along with most people but could use a few friends. It's more likely that he'll make a few enemies, though. He's starting to notice that he likes other boys romantically, could start talking about crushes.
Penelope is the older sister of Holden and has recently found out she's also the younger half-sister of Eric and Connor Holland. She's a sweet, gentle girl who has been overly burdened by her dad after her mother's death. Penelope feels very responsible for her brother and tries her best to keep him out of trouble. She hates conflict and can't stand people fighting. She's creative and loves to read and doodle. Penelope likes all the basic girly things. This year she has her brother at school with her for the first time, which could harm her reputation somewhat as he's definitely a lot like their oldest half-brother Eric. For Penelope I'm looking for anything. Friends, potential romance, people who walk all over her... name it!

Anisha Khatri

Gryffindor 2nd Year
snarky bookworm📚 extremely loyal

Ezra Ito
Hufflepuff 2nd Year
social ✌️ really wants to fit in
Anisha is a Gryffindor, a house that definitely fits her. She's an opinionated girl who is also a bit of a know-it-all. She loves being right and is very competitive. She's the younger half-sister of Indira Khatri played by Kadi, but the two aren't particularly close. She is very close to her cousin Raafe (played by Kris), sometimes acting more like he's her sibling. Anisha has a very strong sense of justice and will defend anyone she feels needs defending. If someone makes fun of her or someone she likes, she won't back down until they're the ones humiliated. Ezra is a sweet, funny and social guy. He grew up around music and has learned to play guitar at an early age. He loves to play around other people because he enjoys the attention he gets from them. He's a bit opportunistic and a bit of a follower. He's currently best friends with Dorian Fitzwilliam (Kris) and helps him smooth over social interactions. Ezra really wants to make a lot of friends at school, so that's mostly what I'm looking for with him. Also could use someone who coerces him into doing bad things, he is definitely a follower and would easily go along with stuff he shouldn't.

Again, I am trying to keep my amount of threads reasonable so I might ask a few things to be moved to later, but please come with any ideas!
Ooh daph plots. Yes please.
The obvious suggestion. Gwen and sky. I am up for Gwen being mean or snarky to her. Basically anything. And up for something at Halloween. As her costume this year is a bit of a dig at Gwen.

ezra and sky. Something music related. She has been unlearning guitar over the last year so maybe jamming or something. Though if he hangs out with sky he may not fit into some social groups. Maybe he could be reluctant to spend time with her because of this.

I also have Hugo who could be friends with one of your second years. He is fairly quiet and loves his books. So up to you what you think.
Hello hello,

So a couple of things to offer. Going based on the importance of characters you listed:

I have Emmanuel, he's spent time with Emery and they could thread again. I can also offer him to Penelope as a friend, maybe as a first romance. Emmanuel is feeling the pressure from his extended family, he's the first pureblood of his immediate family and thus there's a desire for him to achieve really highly and apart from history he hasn't really done so. So he's going to be trying much harder. They could bond over family pressure?

For Ezra, him and Gregory get along relatively, Gregory is going to internalise a lot over this year, become increasingly quiet and removed from situations. So maybe we could do something there with them.

I also have Savannah for either Ezra or Anisha. She'll be rude probably and not be a friend. She and Anisha could get into it over a fact or something.

Then for Gwen, could offer Valeria as a friend or offer Leonardo as a friend/possible romance. Val is val, they could bond over heta omega and fashion as they always do. Leo is still very serious, still reeling from what he found out and his life is a bit of a mess. He has no idea about romantic feelings since he hasn't really allowed himself to - other things have been on his mind. I could see Gwen maybe using it and then breaking up with him when something better comes along. Leo would probably take a long while to get to a point where he's like beginning to really like her, and then she can break his heart.

Finally, i could offer a bit of a plot between Natalia and Fraser for the like realising pureblood stuff isn't all it's cracked up to be? Fraser has close experience and knows of a lot of skeletons in his dad's family's closet and he's not pureblood himself, but has kinda seen how it can tear a family apart. Maybe Liusaidh asked natalia to look out for him, and they chat?

If any of this takes your fancy let me know.
Ooh daph plots. Yes please.
The obvious suggestion. Gwen and sky. I am up for Gwen being mean or snarky to her. Basically anything. And up for something at Halloween. As her costume this year is a bit of a dig at Gwen.

ezra and sky. Something music related. She has been unlearning guitar over the last year so maybe jamming or something. Though if he hangs out with sky he may not fit into some social groups. Maybe he could be reluctant to spend time with her because of this.

I also have Hugo who could be friends with one of your second years. He is fairly quiet and loves his books. So up to you what you think.
Hi Mia!

Sounds good, do you want to wait until Halloween for something with them or do something earlier?

I think in Ezra's eyes, hanging out with an older student is still cool, especially one who plays guitar. Could definitely do some jamming together!

Anisha also loves books, so she could bond with Hugo? She's a lot more outgoing than him, maybe she'll take him under her wing a bit?

Hello hello,

So a couple of things to offer. Going based on the importance of characters you listed:

I have Emmanuel, he's spent time with Emery and they could thread again. I can also offer him to Penelope as a friend, maybe as a first romance. Emmanuel is feeling the pressure from his extended family, he's the first pureblood of his immediate family and thus there's a desire for him to achieve really highly and apart from history he hasn't really done so. So he's going to be trying much harder. They could bond over family pressure?

For Ezra, him and Gregory get along relatively, Gregory is going to internalise a lot over this year, become increasingly quiet and removed from situations. So maybe we could do something there with them.

I also have Savannah for either Ezra or Anisha. She'll be rude probably and not be a friend. She and Anisha could get into it over a fact or something.

Then for Gwen, could offer Valeria as a friend or offer Leonardo as a friend/possible romance. Val is val, they could bond over heta omega and fashion as they always do. Leo is still very serious, still reeling from what he found out and his life is a bit of a mess. He has no idea about romantic feelings since he hasn't really allowed himself to - other things have been on his mind. I could see Gwen maybe using it and then breaking up with him when something better comes along. Leo would probably take a long while to get to a point where he's like beginning to really like her, and then she can break his heart.

Finally, i could offer a bit of a plot between Natalia and Fraser for the like realising pureblood stuff isn't all it's cracked up to be? Fraser has close experience and knows of a lot of skeletons in his dad's family's closet and he's not pureblood himself, but has kinda seen how it can tear a family apart. Maybe Liusaidh asked natalia to look out for him, and they chat?

If any of this takes your fancy let me know.
Hi Emzies!

I like the idea of Emmanuel and Emery, but the idea with Penelope is even more intriguing. I definitely like the idea of them boding over family pressure. A first romance also sounds cute if they mesh well!

Ezra would probably notice that about Gregory and try to get him out of his shell a bit, though he's not the most sensitive person so maybe he doesn't do that good of a job :r

I love your idea for Gwen and Leo, but it also makes me sad. I already feel so bad for Leo, don't make me break his heart :c though Gwen and Leo do have a history, as she was his date to one of the dances. He's not exactly what she's looking for in a boyfriend, but I could see her take him to a dance with no better options. Maybe she actually likes him surprisingly but her desire to have a 'better' boyfriend is stronger.

(Also I saw I had her as completely open which isn't entirely true in hindsight, I do have another (similar) plot brewing but I think both can work well together, maybe we can discuss it in more detail to figure out a good timeline. )

Ohh I like the idea of Fraser and Liusaidh. Natalia has a pretty idealistic view of Liusaidh's pureblood family, and she would definitely look out for him if Liusaidh asked.
I like the idea of Emmanuel and Emery, but the idea with Penelope is even more intriguing. I definitely like the idea of them boding over family pressure. A first romance also sounds cute if they mesh well!

Ezra would probably notice that about Gregory and try to get him out of his shell a bit, though he's not the most sensitive person so maybe he doesn't do that good of a job :r

I love your idea for Gwen and Leo, but it also makes me sad. I already feel so bad for Leo, don't make me break his heart :c though Gwen and Leo do have a history, as she was his date to one of the dances. He's not exactly what she's looking for in a boyfriend, but I could see her take him to a dance with no better options. Maybe she actually likes him surprisingly but her desire to have a 'better' boyfriend is stronger.

(Also I saw I had her as completely open which isn't entirely true in hindsight, I do have another (similar) plot brewing but I think both can work well together, maybe we can discuss it in more detail to figure out a good timeline. )

Ohh I like the idea of Fraser and Liusaidh. Natalia has a pretty idealistic view of Liusaidh's pureblood family, and she would definitely look out for him if Liusaidh asked.
Break Leo's heart :r

Do you wanna do like Fraser&Natalia and Emmanuel&Penelope now? And we could do some Gwen and Leo perhaps closer to or just after halloween? We could do Ezra&Gregory later too.
Break Leo's heart :r

Do you wanna do like Fraser&Natalia and Emmanuel&Penelope now? And we could do some Gwen and Leo perhaps closer to or just after halloween? We could do Ezra&Gregory later too.
Sounds good, that also gives me some time to figure out a timeline for Gwen and my other plot.

I like your ideas of what to do first, do you have a preference of which one to start?
Hmmm, no preference, but might make sense for me to start penelope&Emmanuel and you the other one?
Daphne!! Hellooo! I have a few ideas, but feel free to decline any of there are any you aren’t interested in!

Natalia x Valencia - I think it could be interesting! I dunno what we’d call this dynamic between them lols! But so far it’s been interesting and I’d be keen to try and do something! Especially since it’s their last year at Hogwarts!

Louis x Nolan - I’d love to do some stuff between them! I’m happy to offer them for romance stuff. I know Nolan would think it would be a little serious and Louis doesn’t - happy to add some romance drama in the mix! other than that i’m happy to do some friendly/flirty threads too.

Gwen x Molly - Oh! I would love to do something between them - We didn’t really do much last year, but I’d be so keen for something between them. I feel like Gwen would influence Molly to do something Molly knows is bad, but will reluctantly do it anyways because she thinks it will be the only way to be friends with Gwen.

I’m happy to offer my 3rd year, Joshua to any of your third years and my second year, Conan to any of your second years!
Daphne!! Hellooo! I have a few ideas, but feel free to decline any of there are any you aren’t interested in!

Natalia x Valencia - I think it could be interesting! I dunno what we’d call this dynamic between them lols! But so far it’s been interesting and I’d be keen to try and do something! Especially since it’s their last year at Hogwarts!

Louis x Nolan - I’d love to do some stuff between them! I’m happy to offer them for romance stuff. I know Nolan would think it would be a little serious and Louis doesn’t - happy to add some romance drama in the mix! other than that i’m happy to do some friendly/flirty threads too.

Gwen x Molly - Oh! I would love to do something between them - We didn’t really do much last year, but I’d be so keen for something between them. I feel like Gwen would influence Molly to do something Molly knows is bad, but will reluctantly do it anyways because she thinks it will be the only way to be friends with Gwen.

I’m happy to offer my 3rd year, Joshua to any of your third years and my second year, Conan to any of your second years!
Woo hi!

Natalia & Valencia - I like that idea, maybe we could say they have a school project or something to work on? Something that forces them together?

Louis & Nolan - Sounds good! I have a similar plot going on rn with Louis and Caleb, but I'm always happy for him to break hearts. Maybe they can kiss and then Louis later casually mentions kissing others?

Gwen & Molly - Sounds good! I think Gwen is a bit jealous of Molly and her cute boyfriend, so maybe she's more inclined to be a bit mean :r

I'm also happy to befriend your boys, do you have a preference of which of my chars would suit best?Emery isn't the easiest to befriend, but Joshua can try :r
Last edited:
Hello! I am offering things with the obvious caveat that my memory and muse both suck and I will forget things. So, you know, feel free to turn anything down!

1. Gwen is totally welcome to bully Aine, for the whole weird nerd thing. Although she's a year below so she might not bother with it, option's there. Aine wants to be a little more stylish and fit in better (and will probably do a terrible job with it) so she's welcome to make her feel miserable about it :r

2. I am trying to do more with Michael so he's not horribly neglected, he's unfortunately a little bit too easygoing to rile up Emery much but he's a bit responsible for his mum so he could be friends with Penelope and be like 'oh, I get it'. You know, once I actually manage to find decent images for him. Why is that so hard????

3. I can offer Dahlia to both Anisha and Ezra? She's used to just being around people who have had the same sort of family lives as she has so now she's at Hogwarts she feels like she's missing common ground (which, you know, is incredibly silly considering they're all in the same boat of being magical, but still). I imagine the Gryffindor girls probably do hang out a bit in general. As for Ezra she'd probably appreciate him being a bit more sociable and has ended up spending more time with Hufflepuff boys than she intended because I guess she would've thought she was too good for them before but after a year at Hogwarts feels the social shift.
Woo hi!

Natalia & Valencia - I like that idea, maybe we could say they have a school project or something to work on? Something that forces them together?

Louis & Nolan - Sounds good! I have a similar plot going on rn with Louis and Caleb, but I'm always happy for him to break hearts. Maybe they can kiss and then Louis later casually mentions kissing others?

Gwen & Molly - Sounds good! I think Gwen is a bit jealous of Molly and her cute boyfriend, so maybe she's more inclined to be a bit mean :r

I'm also happy to befriend your boys, do you have a preference of which of my chars would suit best?Emery isn't the easiest to befriend, but Joshua can try :r
All this sounds good! Yeah, I think a school project between Natalia and Valencia sounds good! I'd love to see a thread between Emery and Josh - Josh will most likely get on his nerves or something bahaha! I think Conan and Ezra would be interesting! Conan is also quite social and can be quite talkative sometimes! he's a bit chaotic so he is able to cause a bit of trouble here and there.
Hello! I am offering things with the obvious caveat that my memory and muse both suck and I will forget things. So, you know, feel free to turn anything down!

1. Gwen is totally welcome to bully Aine, for the whole weird nerd thing. Although she's a year below so she might not bother with it, option's there. Aine wants to be a little more stylish and fit in better (and will probably do a terrible job with it) so she's welcome to make her feel miserable about it :r

2. I am trying to do more with Michael so he's not horribly neglected, he's unfortunately a little bit too easygoing to rile up Emery much but he's a bit responsible for his mum so he could be friends with Penelope and be like 'oh, I get it'. You know, once I actually manage to find decent images for him. Why is that so hard????

3. I can offer Dahlia to both Anisha and Ezra? She's used to just being around people who have had the same sort of family lives as she has so now she's at Hogwarts she feels like she's missing common ground (which, you know, is incredibly silly considering they're all in the same boat of being magical, but still). I imagine the Gryffindor girls probably do hang out a bit in general. As for Ezra she'd probably appreciate him being a bit more sociable and has ended up spending more time with Hufflepuff boys than she intended because I guess she would've thought she was too good for them before but after a year at Hogwarts feels the social shift.
Hi hi!

Gwen and Aine sounds perfect. I don't think she would like, overtly bully her but say just the right thing to make her feel insecure. Does that sound good?

I like the idea of Michael and Penny, they could be cute friends.

Dahlia and Anisha would definitely have bonded because of being in the same dorm, I also just think they'd get along pretty well. I'd be happy to RP her with Ezra too, though!

Should we do 3 threads (one with Dahlia for now) or do you want to wait a bit with Michael?

All this sounds good! Yeah, I think a school project between Natalia and Valencia sounds good! I'd love to see a thread between Emery and Josh - Josh will most likely get on his nerves or something bahaha! I think Conan and Ezra would be interesting! Conan is also quite social and can be quite talkative sometimes! he's a bit chaotic so he is able to cause a bit of trouble here and there.
Those all sound good! Do you want to do all 3 now?
Hey Daphne! I'm gonna shoot in a few options as well!

Louis and Kaia? Some flings, friends with kissing? They could be a good shot, especially since Kaia just wants more attention

Tim or Parker for Gwen? They could be friends, the boys that she starts dating being desperate? Whatever is alright, just want to have something going on for them

then Ezra and Georgia? She's a year younger but they could be friends? She could totally use some more friends or like see where it could go?
I've arrived.

Louis and Charlie. Charlie needs a fling, he had a bad breakup. Needs a distraction.

Isa and Carter, I actually have a durmstrung kid! He's 16 but he's rebellious and he could kinda look out for her while she's there if you wanted.

Emery and Emrys. If you want to explore the crush/attraction thing, Emrys is a cute kid, could just have them hangout and Emery sees he's pretty. Idk if anything more would go down but it could be fun.

Emrys and Penelope. I think we said they were friends once? Could have them hang out again.

Ezra and Zerrin. Zerrin is dorm mom and will take any chance to spend time with his dorm mates.
Hey Daphne! I'm gonna shoot in a few options as well!

Louis and Kaia? Some flings, friends with kissing? They could be a good shot, especially since Kaia just wants more attention

Tim or Parker for Gwen? They could be friends, the boys that she starts dating being desperate? Whatever is alright, just want to have something going on for them

then Ezra and Georgia? She's a year younger but they could be friends? She could totally use some more friends or like see where it could go?

Louis and Kaia sounds like a good combination, they're not in the same year but I feel like they'd be aware of each other.

We could RP Gwen with either Tim or Parker and see how they get along? Who do you want to do first?

Ezra and Georgia sounds cute, he could maybe show her around?

I've arrived.

Louis and Charlie. Charlie needs a fling, he had a bad breakup. Needs a distraction.

Isa and Carter, I actually have a durmstrung kid! He's 16 but he's rebellious and he could kinda look out for her while she's there if you wanted.

Emery and Emrys. If you want to explore the crush/attraction thing, Emrys is a cute kid, could just have them hangout and Emery sees he's pretty. Idk if anything more would go down but it could be fun.

Emrys and Penelope. I think we said they were friends once? Could have them hang out again.

Ezra and Zerrin. Zerrin is dorm mom and will take any chance to spend time with his dorm mates.
Hey Jess!

Louis and Charlie could definitely have a fling, I'd be down!

I'd love to do some durmstrang plots with Isadora and Carter, maybe he could notice she's new?

Emery and Emyrs: we can see how they get on? I am not sure yet how he'll feel about him though!

Emrys and Penelope: If we did, I forgot sorry! ould still throw them together. though I can't find any thread of them hanging out before (could've missed it while updating my bio?)

Ezra and Zerrin sounds fun, I think they'd be friends already tbh
Hey Jess!

Louis and Charlie could definitely have a fling, I'd be down!

I'd love to do some durmstrang plots with Isadora and Carter, maybe he could notice she's new?

Emery and Emyrs: we can see how they get on? I am not sure yet how he'll feel about him though!

Emrys and Penelope: If we did, I forgot sorry! ould still throw them together. though I can't find any thread of them hanging out before (could've missed it while updating my bio?)

Ezra and Zerrin sounds fun, I think they'd be friends already tbh
Yesss, so we're looking at

Louis x Charlie : This one could be fun, would he approach Charlie?

Isadora x Carter : I could probably start this one, he approaches her

Emery x Emrys : I'm not sure who would start this one either, would he approach Emrys?

Emrys x Penelope : Iiii am an idiot and had characters mixed up, but I'm still down for them to be friends if you are?

Ezra x Zerrin: Honestly he's such a dorm mom I've forgotten who's who, so it wouldn't surprise me if they're already friends.

We're looking at five. How do you want to do it?
Louis x Charlie : This one could be fun, would he approach Charlie?

Isadora x Carter : I could probably start this one, he approaches her

Emery x Emrys : I'm not sure who would start this one either, would he approach Emrys?

Emrys x Penelope : Iiii am an idiot and had characters mixed up, but I'm still down for them to be friends if you are?

Ezra x Zerrin: Honestly he's such a dorm mom I've forgotten who's who, so it wouldn't surprise me if they're already friends.

We're looking at five. How do you want to do it?
Louis probably would, they're classmates so I imagine they're aware of each other.

That's fine for Isadora & Carter!

Emery probably wouldn't approach tbh, he's kind of a londer.

Emrys and Penelope sounds good haha, but maybe a bit later so for now we have 2 each?

Am happy to say Ezra and Zerrin are friends, I doubt they RPed much because I've neglected Ezra last year but I think they interacted in a dorm thread or two.

I could start Louis and Charlie and Emery and Emrys and maybe you could start the other two? (Isadora & Carter and Ezra and Zerrin) and we save Emrys and Penny for later?

Louis and Kaia sounds like a good combination, they're not in the same year but I feel like they'd be aware of each other.

We could RP Gwen with either Tim or Parker and see how they get along? Who do you want to do first?

Ezra and Georgia sounds cute, he could maybe show her around?
Yay! Yes, Georgia would totally love some tour around the school!

And Gwen, Tim, Parker - trying out sounds absolutely good! We could maybe start with Tim?

We could start with two threads? Maybe Gwen/Tim and Louis/Kaia or Ezra/Georgia? Which sounds better to you?
Yay! Yes, Georgia would totally love some tour around the school!

And Gwen, Tim, Parker - trying out sounds absolutely good! We could maybe start with Tim?

We could start with two threads? Maybe Gwen/Tim and Louis/Kaia or Ezra/Georgia? Which sounds better to you?
Maybe Ezra could find her a bit lost and offer to show her somewhere?

Sure about Gwen and Tim!

Maybe we should do Gwen/Tim and Ezra/Georgia for now, Louis is getting a lot of threads at the moment.

We can save Gwen/Parker and Kaia/Louis for later?
Maybe Ezra could find her a bit lost and offer to show her somewhere?

Sure about Gwen and Tim!

Maybe we should do Gwen/Tim and Ezra/Georgia for now, Louis is getting a lot of threads at the moment.

We can save Gwen/Parker and Kaia/Louis for later?
Yes, sounds amazing! I can start Georgia and Ezra one maybe?
Yes, sounds amazing! I can start Georgia and Ezra one maybe?
sounds good, I'll add Gwen and Tim to my list. The other two we can save until later!
im in

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