Needing a Couple of Things

Seamus Reid

Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 10 1/2" Unyielding Hornbeam Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
7/2043 (18)

This is Seamus Reid, he's a second year slytherin, and alternate beater. He's a twin, originally from Edinburgh but lived in NZ for about three years now. He doesn't have too many friends or plots so that's why i'm here. Seamus is a competitive type, he absolutely will always try to be the best in any sports situation. He likes going into the forest and doesn't have too much of a regard for rules. He's not overly studious, passes his classes but doesn't try beyond that. He's quite reckless, will do things, jump into situations without much thought for his own safety. He's also a real fussy eater.

Seamus needs friends, enemies, and any romance plots. He's still a bit young to date and isn't too interested in dating yet, but I wouldn't be against having something to build to. he's hetrosexual. I'm open to anything. So reply here or like hit me up via PM.
I believe I have the perfect friend material in Jingyi! Both second years and both identical twins, which I think could be quite amusing. Jingyi is a complete troublemaker, doesn't care much for rules, and barely pays attention in class, only managing to pass because he copies off his brother. But I think they could get on quite well as they do have quite a bit in common.
Yes! This sounds perfect. Happy to get something going. Where would Seamus find Jingyi, I'm happy to start something.
Yes! This sounds perfect. Happy to get something going. Where would Seamus find Jingyi, I'm happy to start something.
Honestly you can find him all over the place (except the library, lol). Most likely on the quidditch pitch as he is still determined to try and make the team.

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