MINECRAFT: Obsidian Harbor

Kida Frost

Tuscan Charmers Captain • Animagus • Frost Academy
OOC First Name
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Straight Dark Cherrywood Wand 13" Sturdy with Selkie Hair
Hello All,

Now I don't know if you all play Minecraft. But ever wanted to? I have an affiliation with a company which has Minecraft Servers and I want to build Obsidian Harbor on my Server. The Server is hosted in Phoenix so people in America won't get much lag and Australia has a decent link to it as well. We're building off the map in the Wiki here

The World is whitelist only and we'd be building in creative mode but I offer this invite to ANYONE who wants to either come on and have a look or help Jesse and myself build Obsidian Harbor (and probably more)

Let me know what you think and if you want to be involved :)
I absolutely love Minecraft. I've been playing since it was in Alpha! I've been looking for a new server to join, I haven't been able to find a decent one in ages. Blah.
I foolishly didn't get Minecraft during Alpha and now I refuse to because I can't get the Alpha deal anymore. :r

So can you post screencaps of your work so far, Ash? ^_^
Oh Nick :p

We're almost one building it, a few more shops to go, I'll do a Progress screen cap tonight :)
This isn't the Video, This is just A video I made when Jesse and I were messing around on the Server in Obsidian Harbor

aaannnd two screen caps of what it looks like so far
Ah it looks so weird in those pictures! All the textures are different than what I'm used to. Haha.

Birds eye view of Obsidian Harbor (Bleak street is behind it you can just see it down the bottom)

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