Looking for love!

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Apollinariya Dimitrova

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Kelsowl o.o
Redwood wand 14 inches Essence of Unicorn Mane hair.
Okay so Apollinariya is 19 and although she has had several one night stands she has never had a serious relationship. I want to change this. So anyone wanting to get someone into a serious relationship should consider AD.

She's not very friendly and tends to enjoy others pain, well... People she doesn't know/like anyways. But if you get her to open up you'll find a surprisingly good girlfriend. Just ask if you need any more info as I'm horrible at these threads.

Also One BIG THING She has two kids, Anyone she dates would have to be okay with that. -Watches dating pool shrink significantly-


She wouldn't be opposed to a female partner if anyone wants to go for that angle! ^_^
I'd say Hayden but I'm really not sure what is up with him at the moment. I mean Apollinariya and Hayden seem to have very similar personalities. But he is about to have his first child with Evie and is currently in a forbade relationship with a student of his. (Or I think he is. I'm not too sure) Anyways, if you want to have Hayden let me know and I'll sort through everything.
I have Daniel Finnigan, he's about 25. He's very nice, he doesn't mind that she has kids. He's not in any relationship now and is open. :)
Whats Daniel like, aside from being nice that is?

I'm going to leave this open for a few days before making a definite decision. ^_^ I already know Haydens personality xD
Daniel is really outgoing, once he falls in love it's hard for him to get out of it. He's over protective about his family. And watched over his friends. Daniel jokes around sometimes too. All in all, he's pretty easy to like and easy to get along with too.
He sounds good but would they get along?

Apollinariya has a tendency to be mean spirited.
I think that they would get along, if he got to know her better then for sure they would. Oh I also forogt to ask, how much of a serious relationship would you want this to be? Like marriage being the end result? Daniel is looking to get married in the near future.
Apollinariya isn't looking to get married but it's not an impossibility. I guess this ranges from serious relationship that comes to an end ------ to marriage.
I have Val Smith he's likes taking photographs and is a really great gentlemen
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