Open Hogwarts Monthly: Y36 Semester 1

Nell Night

🐇 curious 🐇 annoying 🐇 🐇 prophet journalist 🐇
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Jasper) (Pansexual
Ash Wand 14 1/4" Essence of Hair from the Tail of a Male Unicorn
4/2036 (25)

Welcome And Welcome Back
By: Sydney Townsend
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa. Welcome and welcome back to all those new and returning to another year at Hogwarts New Zealand. Along with an unprecedented number of new students, we also begin this year saying goodbye to Professor Montgomery Pendleton, who has been replaced by the return of Professor Hezekiah Mowry to teach lower year potions. We are also joined this year by the return of the school poltergeist, who’s dramatic entrance at the start of year feast was hard to miss. If you are one of the students out there thinking the school feasts needed more excitement, I hope you got your wish.

With a new year also comes another round of the school club fair, which was as busy an affair as ever. It’s good to see so many students engaged with what limited offerings our school clubs have available. This year we also saw the beginning of the Conglomerated Art’s club amongst the usual club offerings. And while they are yet to be fully established enough to join the club fair, I for one hope they lead the way for new clubs to allow those artistically inclined students to spread their wings.

As a last note, to all our new students, whether you find yourself an outsider amongst your house or at last at home with your peers, do not let your new house define you. You’ll do well to remember Hogwarts is defined by how you chose to learn and grow here, not by what house you're in or if you made the Quidditch team. Keep that in mind and you’ll fare far better than those committed to names and labels. Welcome to Hogwarts.
Halloween Tricks and Treats
By: Wendall Layton
If you're a first year, then you might have been surprised to see that there was a really big Halloween event on the 31st October in the Great Hall. It happens every year, and there's a contest too, to judge everyone's outfits. I really like Halloween because it's a time when we can make the most of the spooky games and films and treats, although if anyone wanted to make Halloween an event that happened lots of times in the year, I wouldn't complain. There were a lot of people that turned up to the feast, and students had some really creative costumes too. I'll get into my personal favourites in a minute, but in case you haven't heard, these were the categories and the winners. Gryffindor Prefect Willow Cullen won the Best Overall costume dressed as an insect, which is pretty creepy by itself so that's quite a cool costume for Halloween. The Best Magically Enhanced costume went to Derek Tahana for monochrome, which reminds me a lot of movies although I don't know if that was his intention. Hildegard de Valerian's No-Face was one of the best ones in my opinion and she won the Scariest costume.. There's always something about no expression that makes a face creepier than if someone was pulling a face! Then there was Poppy Perkins & Knox Ivers as Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable as Best Group, who are kids from a kids TV program. They were cool but I'm not sure everyone will have known who they were if they didn't grow up with muggles. Lars van Houten went as a skeleton too, which I thought looked pretty neat and definitely in line with the Halloween event, probably why he won Most Traditional. The Most Ridiculous though actually went to me. I went as Luigi, only because I couldn't find a real scary costume in time, but that's not so bad because I won with it!!

Now since this is a scary event, and I love horror, I think it's important to make sure that students who looked pretty terrifying also get a mention. Some of my favourites were Augustus Westwick as a vampire, Addison Beckett as Zombie Prom Queen (With Augustus so that's appropriate!) Analei Louw had stunning skeleton make up too, and Isabella Walden made a lovely possessed demon. Flynn Kaster made a lovely snack, and I think if anyone saw Alison Urquhart's Voldemort costume, it could have been startling to say the least. There were lots of treats and cakes (and I'm sorry if I accidentally got any cake on you when I crashed my go kart) and every year the Great Hall manages to surprise everyone's expectations, and be more pretty than ever with every passing year. I'm not sure if it's the professors or the elves that are putting the hall together, but they do a good job. I think it's important too that Halloween is celebrated outside the big party, so if you have movies to share to games you want to play in the days leading up to it, why not set something up? If anyone needs any tips, I know Gryffindor Solomon held something fun last year, so maybe he's a good place to start? Soon it will be Christmas, and then it will be the New Year, but as ever we look forward to these events at school and I hope everyone enjoys Halloween as much as I do!
Quidditch At Home and Abroad
By: Cyzarine Haden
Quidditch is the favoured sport of most, if not almost all wizarding people. It is a staple at Hogwarts and a year without quidditch would be a terrible thing to occur, so I definitely want to take the opening lines of this article to thank the referee for helping make sure we get these games! However you aren’t here because you want to know about how well the games are run, but about how they were played. Before we get into that, let’s take a look at each of the teams since we’ve got a couple new line ups.

Slytherin find themselves with new leadership with Sapphire Michaels and Blake Irons taking the captainship from Leda and Liam. Both of whom brought slytherin victory in the last season. The team itself doesn’t have that many new players, a couple of new alternates but all of the same desire and drive to win.

Hufflepuff are still being led by our now head girl, Analei and seventh year Arvel, both of whom have really managed to shape the team up. They have a few new line up changes but notably one of those comes from a seasoned player who left the team - we’ve been unable to find out why - but it seems of no great loss to the team.

Gryffindor is once again being led by Jacob Kingsley, who has really managed to bring energy to the team of my own great house, there are a few new faces amongst the players, but Willow Cullen remains as seeker and we all know how good she is.

Last Ravenclaw, which saw the graduation of most of its team last year, is now being led by the fourth year, Minnie Calida and the new ravenclaw prefect Lars van Houten. They’ve managed to put together a fresh team, with lots of new and young faces. It’ll no doubt be weighing on them the youthfulness of their team.

The first game of the season was Slytherin versus Hufflepuff, which was always going to be a hard battle, Slytherin needing to prove that it was as good as the last version of it and Hufflepuff looking to come out of the gate strong. However, things didn’t particularly end in Hufflepuff’s way. All of the chasers on both teams got off to a strong start, with Abian Hunter of Hufflepuff nabbing the quaffle and heading to score, something which he did not manage, but when Slytherin took the quaffle after they also failed to do. Eventually hufflepuff did score, with Abian Hunter managing to score on his second attempt, the only goal of the game. However, the game following that was quick to be distracted, as the seekers engaged in a heart dropping race to the snitch, which ended with Blake Irons catching it but both seekers landing on the ground harshly. It was a slytherin victory but barely. Our player of the match in this game, Abian Hunter, because catching the snitch may be what ends the game, but our Chasers keep it going. Interestingly the stands during this game also had its own fair share of drama with reportedly one Slytherin first year staging a protest again quidditch, while we all love quidditch and wouldn’t want to see it than it banned, it’s a good occasion to remember that it can be dangerous as a sport.

The second game of the season was Ravenclaw versus Gryffindor, again, an important game for both, and there was a palpable desire in the air to win from both sides. Personally, I was supporting a gryffindor victory, but I was looking forward to seeing how these two teams would match up. The game got off to a gryffindor start with Solomon Tofilau catching the quaffle, however, it wasn’t a very productive game for the chasers, with neither team managing to score anything, a testament to both team’s keepers. The focus of this game were the beaters, with both Jacob Kingsley and Chloe Chan, of gryffindor and ravenclaw respectively being hit twice with bludgers, in Kingsley’s case one hit after the other. However, before either one could be knocked out, Willow Cullen, worked her usual magic and caught the snitch, with the ravenclaw seeker hot on her tail as she did. Definitely a well deserved victory to gryffindor. While Ii’d be tempted to give the player of the match to a gryffindor, we’ll hand this one to Chloe Chan, who managed to hit bludgers and be hit by them and still keep her cool - of course Jacob Kingsley did too but there can only be one player of the match.

This means it’ll be a tense game between Gryffindor and Slytherin, but I am personally hoping Gryffindor will bring home that cup! The team is certainly in the best form they’ve been and they definitely deserve a victory. In international quidditch news, Beauxbatons managed to beat Ilvermorny, which means the winner of the Hogwarts cup will face that french team again - let’s just hope this time around they keep their patience.

Till the next one quidditch fans!
Club Fair & Events
By: Olivia Lightwood
Conglomerated Arts Club: A History
By: Nell Wright
If you are reading this it's because you are interested in what the Hogwarts clubs have been up to this semester, and I did my best to bring that information to you.

This semester was a bit calm but every club was very active in its own way.

Even though there were no events, the Brotherhood of MAGIC and the Heta Omega Sorority hosted their usual meet ups to get to know their most recent members so we can only wait to see what they are doing in the next semester.

The Accio Club, most known as the yearbook, started taking and collecting pictures for what will be the best yearbook Hogwarts has seen and the Hogwarts Monthly Club was working during the whole semester to bring you the best information about everything, we keep up with everything so you don't have to.

The most active clubs were the Wild Patch Club and the Students Defense Association that both hosted awesome events.

The Wild Patch Club was very busy at the Great Bee House Swarming Event, where they introduced some new bees to the Hogwarts Gardens to help pollinate the patch, but not without building and decorating beehives first. I'm sure both Professor Carter and Professor Castillo, our local Herbology teachers, are really happy that their green thumb energy is rubbing off on their students.

The Students Defence Association (SDA) proved this semester that they are not just a duelling club but that they also care about the future of the students. They hosted the Ask An Auror Event where all the SDA students had the opportunity to ask the Aurors Maya DeNiro and James Cade all the questions about being an Auror. My guess was that every myth and misconception was demolished and hopefully the students that attended to the event are now more enlightened and have a clearer notion of their futures.

That was all for this semester but do not worry, I bet next semester there will be more events and the Hogwarts Monthly will give you the inside scoop on them, as usual.
This semester the halls of Hogwarts saw the return of a much beloved club that had been lost before its time. The Conglomerated Arts Club is one that current Hogwarts students may have heard our parents speaking of with fondness, but none of us have ever partaken in their activities ourselves. That was until the club was revived this year, thanks to the efforts of new co-presidents Emily Underwood and Maggie Rosendale. As the once forgotten club moves forwards to a bright new future, we wanted to take the opportunity to look back at the history of the once lost Conglomerated Arts Club.

The earliest records of the club's membership are tragically lost to time, but surviving records show the CAC was clearly a well loved feature of Hogwarts' landscape from the school's earliest years. Founded as a place for all those with interest in any of the arts to share resources, skills, and creative energy, the club welcomed those interested in any art form, from painting to music to cooking and sewing.

Run in its early years by former professor Patricia Styx, the club's past membership has included a few names that have gone on to become quite notable. Who hasn't heard of Isabella Chaos's fashion line? Who knows how many future runway designs were born in our own school's clubroom! And it's a bit of a guilty pleasure, but who hasn't sneaked a glance at Sage Ottavi's gossip column now and then? With such notable alumni, it's exciting to think what the club's future members could go on to achieve!

Looking closer to home, some of our own Hogwarts staff members were once counted among the club's members! Librarian Stefan Archer and counsellor Maria Madison once came along to meetings in their own student days, and are no doubt enjoying the nostalgia of seeing students filling their old clubroom once more.

For decades, the Conglomerated Arts Club held events for their members to express and share their creativity, playing host to sub-groups such as a Drama Club, Glee Club, Fashion Club, and even Cheerleading Troupe. Tragically though, good things rarely last, and the Conglomerated Arts Club closed its doors in 2039, seemingly forever.

That was, until this year. While students with creative interests have struggled to find a home at Hogwarts for the past 13 years, the Conglomerated Arts Club has once again opened its doors to all those creative hearts searching for a way to express themselves. Kicking off with a fun and lighthearted event to help brighten up our castle decor for this holiday season, it's hard not to be excited thinking of what else this newly revived club may have to offer its members. Only time will tell, but for one, I'm excited to see. Who knows, maybe we'll be seeing more long lost clubs returning to our halls. Muggle sports, anyone?
Conflicting 'Ask An Auror' Event
By: Violet Fields
The SDA club leaders Willow Cullen and Analei Louw decided to host an event in which two ministry aurors came to Hogwarts to answer all our pressing questions about their experiences in their careers. At first, I thought it was a weird idea, for not too long ago the ministry held an event just like that on their own. I should know, as I was there. A man named Jesiah Howell met with a small group of those who were curious about the career he has chosen for himself. To be honest, I don't remember much of what happened that day. I just remembered being all curious and wondering what made him follow that path in becoming an auror. He really didn't get too personal with his answers, so, I was left wanting to know more. So the weirdness shifted to excitement, though I was determined to take this event seriously. After all, I had to write this article for you all to read. That's what happens when you volunteer to take up the topic.

Moving onto the SDA event, Maya DeNiro and James Cade were their names. Maya, a blonde who is much older and experienced than James. James was a former Gryffindor prefect. As the questions were being thrown out, one can tell who's seen a lot, and who was just starting out. The questions asked were fair, if I had to personally rate them. It would've been nice to hear more from James, as he is closer to the ages of the SDA members. As someone who is a former Gryffindor, he was sure quiet. That's bad of me for stereotyping. I'm just following the hype.

Maya, she led the event, despite the bickering back and forth going on with Willow Cullen and Diana Holland. Willow was assisting with a question and Diana didn't seem to agree with Willow butting in. It was embarrassing. Thankfully, our guest speakers weren't easily annoyed. They continued answering questions from the club members. Although, some of the answers were lacking in substance. Overall, the event wasn't the greatest but it wasn't bad. I'm still left wanting to know more. Perhaps, someone on one time with an auror will do justice? Who knows, I won't know if I don't try.
Top 10 Tips For Studying Effectively
By: Thalia Pourrolis
How To Practice Self-Care
By: Emmaline Hopkins-Vance
With the semester coming to an end, the tension and stress is real amongst the students with everyone trying to cram for exams. I don't blame them, exams are around the corner and personally I, too, am doing all that I can to get some last-minute studying done. So here are the top ten tips on the best ways to study effectively, in no particular order.

1. Revise early
Beginning to revise the topics learned in your subjects early, from the second or third week of the semester, will ensure that you will remember everything you've learned. That way, you won't have to cram the night before the exam, and not feel stressed about what you don't know, because you will definitely know what you otherwise would not have known, if you hadn't started to study earlier than usual.

2. Study with a friend
Sometimes, the best way to study effectively is to take a break from studying by yourself, and rather study and compare notes with a classmate. Getting a different point of you might help you, especially if you don't understand something about a specific chapter in your textbook. Who knows, it may even be fun to study with someone else.

3. Take constant breaks
It just won't do to study every minute of every day, without any breaks. You'll just tire yourself out. Take a walk, spend time with friends, do a fun activity, just try not to think about your books while you're taking those breaks. It will cause you stress, and not to mention turn your brain into complete mush. You need the least amount of stress possible.

4. Keep some snacks with you
It is important to keep your brain active while studying. Keep a packet of chips, or a chocolate bar, some nuts. Any brain food you can find. You need some type of brain fuel to keep you going, especially if you're getting into it and know that you will be studying for a few hours. Keep hydrated too. The most important thing to have with you besides your books is a bottle of water.

5. No distractions
This is a crucial point. Distractions are no good. If you're the type of person to get distracted very easily, and have a short attention span, find that thing that draws your attention away from the task at hand and get rid of it until you're done. We all have a soft spot for something that can distract us, and that includes the most focused, driven people.

6. Find the right environment for you, stress-free
It is totally okay to have different locations where you like to study. Changing places might be the best option for you, although it isn't for everyone. Whether you prefer to study in a quiet place like the library or the common room, or a louder place such as the student lounge, just make sure you keep it tidy, to prevent from creating a mess that will only stress you further. Trust me when I say a neat study area, wherever your favourite study location is, will make it much easier to revise. If you function in the completely opposite way, and prefer to study in a mess, then that's fine too.

7. Ask questions
One of the best and most effective ways to learn something new is by asking questions. If you, like me, tend not to have any, try to come up with a couple. Asking one of your professors or classmates to get clarification, or even just to get some extra information about a spell, for example, helps to understand the material a lot better. Perhaps the person you ask will explain it to you in a much simpler way.

8. Find a fun, personalised study method
It can be difficult sometimes to find another way to study. Or maybe you have always studied in one way and the thought of trying a new method has never crossed your mind. But perhaps the way you have always studied has never been the right one for you. Well, here's a tip: ask several people how they study, try out their methods ad make it your own, or be creative enough to invent your own one. It can be refreshing, and you could learn to study quicker this way.

9. Get involved in clubs and activities
My favourite part about Hogwarts is the clubs that are offered as well as the events that they host. It is something different to do, especially while studying for exams, though there may be less opportunities to do that closer to the time. Still, don't let that stop you from learning something new, a skill, a sport...anything you have always wanted to do. Get involved and be active, it's good for your mind and body.

10. A good night's sleep
Studying until very late is not good for you, or for your brain. This will make your brain, and therefore also your body, restless, and it is something you do not want. Sleep early, so that you can wake up a little earlier the next morning too. If you are feeling well-rested and refreshed, you'll realise how much better you'll be able to retain that important information for the exam.

So there you have it. These ten tips might not work for everyone, but you never know what might. Give it a try, see how it goes. It might help you to see studying in a new perspective. And who knows, it might actually turn out to be fun.
Classes, Social Life, Extracurriculars, Oh My! Have you been overwhelmed with the amount of work you have to do? Have you ever felt like you have no time to take care of yourself? Have you felt as if it is impossible to find an way to help ease your daily worries? Don't fret! Here is list of suggestions on how to practice self-care!

1. Do Something You Love
It is important to take some time to participate in something you love to do even if it is not "productive." You may feel like you are always pushing your interests aside. This isn't good for anyone. It's all about balance. You deserve to enjoy your favourite activities even if you are bogged down with work.

2. Get Rest!
It might seem like a great idea to miss a couple hours of sleep to be more productive. This will only backfire! Sleep helps you to stay focused on your goals. Without a good sleep schedule, your productivity will suffer anyway.

3. Eat your Favourite Snack
Food is not always the answer, but sometimes it does make you feel better. If you've been working super hard, take a break to enjoy the little things in life, like a yummy chocolate frog!

4. Say No
It is easy to get 'burnt out' by always putting others in front of your well-being. You can still be a good person and say no every once and awhile. You do not always have to help someone study or socialize with friends. If you are feeling worn out, you can always say no. Your friend will understand if you need time for yourself.

5. Get Outside
Enjoy some sunlight or snow (depending on the season). You can go for a walk or engage in a sport. Just make sure to get out, change your scenery. You'd be surprised how much better you feel!

6. Spend Time with a Pet
Animals have been a source of comfort for centuries. If you are an animal person, spend some quality time with a pet, playing with them or simply cuddling. For many, just being in the company of a pet can relax and recharge you.

7. Try a New Activity
Whether you want to learn to knit or play a sport, spend some time each day learning about a new hobby. Pick something you have always wanted to try, but have never had the time. Even if you take thirty minutes of your day to focus on this, you will be amazed how much better you feel.

8. Take a deep breath!
It's hard to take a step back and just remember to breathe, but it is important to do so. You may be so caught up in your responsibilities that you do not realize how stressed you really are. Practice taking three deep breaths. Close your eyes and clear your mind. Focus on your breathing and push all those worries out of your mind.

Remember you are important! You deserve a moment to relax. Take time for yourself without all the responsibilities and pressures. Try to practice self-care each day. What you do to relax may be different than others, but that does not make it less important. Find what works for you and put it into practice. You will be grateful you did.
Spotlight Interview
Analei Louw: The Woman Behind The Badge
By: Nikola Raven
I managed to have the Head Girl, Analei Louw, sit down for an interview in the Headpeople's lounge during the midday break to ask her a bit about what it's like to be Head Girl, and to learn more about her!

Hello! Thanks for agreeing to the interview. You must be really busy, being in your final year and being Head Girl. How do you feel about that? What's it like?
“Hey! No problem. I actually really love it. It's something that I worked hard towards and it's such an honor to have been given to me.”

So, you were a prefect before becoming Head Girl. What are some of the differences between the roles? I guess you've got more responsibilities now?
"Yeah, a few. As Head People, we are in charge of the Prefects, and making sure all the duties are done. Basically, whatever needs doing to assist the school."

That's really interesting. I guess it's a good way to learn how to manage people. Do you think being a prefect first helped you prepare to be a Head Girl?
"Absolutely. You learn how the school runs and what is expected of you."

Do the professors help you sometimes? I kind of imagine that, being Head Girl, you interact with the Head Mistress a lot too. Is she scary?
"Yes, we definitely get help from the Professors. And yeah, we do every now and then. Professor Alicastell's not scary, definitely commands a lot of respect, but is well deserving of it."

That's good to know. So, for anyone out there hoping to become a Prefect, what would your advice be?
"Work hard. Prove to the Professors and Headmistress that you are reliable and trustworthy. Don't give up!"

That sounds like great advice. I've got a bit of a tough question, though, that's pretty relevant to what's happening right now. With a poltergeist around, do you have any advice for students on how to deal with it?
She chuckles at that. "Honestly, Vex isn't malicious. I know it's frustrating, and definitely try to stay out of his way if you're already having a bad day, but if you worry too much about it, you're never going to relax or think about anything else."

Thanks, that's reassuring. I'm sure that everyone's a little rattled by the idea of having a poltergeist as a houseguest. What do you do to relax, now that you have so much responsibility and the fact that you're currently doing your NEWTs?
"I actually love studying, so often reading a book or finishing an essay does relax me. But if I really need to clear my head, I'll go and practice piano. I'm not that great at it yet - but it brings back a lot of great memories."

Music is definitely a great relaxer! What’s your favourite composition?
"I love most of the composing by Ludovico Einaudi. Primavera would be a favorite."

That’s a good choice. Mister Einaudi was an amazing Italian composer, for those that don’t know, with a lot of really calming pieces. How long have you been playing the piano?
"Only about three years. My boyfriend has been teaching me."

Good luck! Thanks for having me were today, and for letting me ask questions fro my notebook. It's the first time I've interviewed someone before so I got some help from my uncle. One last question, though. How would you describe yourself, if you had to pick one word?
There was a slight wait for her answer, as she was chuckling once again. "Wow umm, determined."

That's a good one! Thanks again for having me. Have a good afternoon!
"Sure, and you too!"
Fastidious Fashion
By: Nikola Raven
Aunt Meg
By: Anonymous (OOC: Sebastian Grimm)
With the demands of school, having both practical and beautiful accessories is going to be the most important part of the school year. With carefully picked accessories, you’ll find yourself prepared for anything.

For the budding herbologist:
Pocket Garden
Found at Vibez, this glass pocket watch is a must have for every student studying Herbology. Not only does it have a sunlight charm, it’s spacious enough for all the herbs and flowers you will ever need. For ten galleons, it’s basically stealing.

For the adventurous potioneer:
Potioneers Brew Belt
Made of top-grain leather, this belt has four spaces to keep a variety of potions right at your finger tips. It would be perfect for an adventure and as an easy way to show off your brewing skills. Jars to gather herbs could also be stored in the spaces instead, so there’s a nice bit of flexibility with this belt, too.

For the future duellist:
Wand holster
Ever get tied of having your wand tucked in your robes? This wand holster keeps your wand accessible and makes you look like a professional duellist at the same time. If I don’t see these being used in the next Duelling Competition, I’ll be shocked.

For the fashionable Astronomer:
Celestial Cufflinks
Found at Gladrags Wizardwear, these beautiful silver cufflinks are a must-have this season for those of us with cool skin tones. The cufflinks have flat backs, making it easy to wear none-stop without damaging your clothes, and the night sky reflected in them can change to whatever you want! It’s the perfect accessory for any budding Astronomers looking to add a bit of themselves in their outfits.

And now, for something special for the Yule Ball!

The Perfect Shoes:
Dress Shoes
With the Yule Ball coming up, this is the time to invest in some serious dancing shoes, gentlemen. For those with two left feet, these dress shoes from Gladrags will get you moving with confidence, as they never come untied! Never again will you trip on your own laces. With a shine so clear you could use them as a mirror, these shoes are the perfect accessory for any formal occasion.

The Perfect Dress:
Astrologist’s Dress
Ladies, with the Yule Ball just around the corner, there is no place better to get a dress than Vibez right now, as they’ve got an incredible enchanted dress that depicts moving galaxies and stars! Even if you and your friends all went out to get one of your own, every dress would be unique. What a greatly to match your friends and be unique at the same time!

And there you have it. This season is all about making a statement about who you are and your interests, so if any of these items align with that, you should definitely think about adding them to your wardrobe. There’s nothing more fashionable than being yourself, and finding a practical way to express it!
Dear Agony Aunt,
One of my friends is being a colossal tool. I refuse to talk to them till they apologize but he's probably too dense to know that. How do I communicate that they owe me an apology without actually having to talk to them?
- A Wizard Scorned

Dear A Wizard Scorned
I dunno, write them a letter or a howler or something - then you don't actually have to talk to them right? Right.

Dear Aunt meg.
I have a problem. My cousin pointed out that she thinks I like one of my friends. I hadn't thought about it before but ever since she said that I keep thinking about it every time I see him. I can't stop thinking about what she said. I don't know what to do. But i am worried she might be right. I don't know what to do. Should I tell him? What about the other boys in my dorm do they need to know anything? I mean we are all good mates but will it make things awkward?
please help me.

Dear Please Help Me
Don't let your family tell you who you like. Only you can tell you that. Are you just thinking about what she said or what you feel? You only need to talk to the other boys if you think they'll give you better advice than me, but I doubt it L OL

Dear Aunt Meg.
I'm pretty new to the school and I want to make a good impression, but I don't know how to. I don't tend to really think things through, and now I'm a bit concerned that I've already started making things weird with the friends I've managed to make. What should I do? I'm kind of ignoring it right now and pretending everything is fine.

Dear Confused
Surprisingly I actually know about first impressions. As long as your shirt is tucked the right way, people should respect you. Otherwise just be yourself - you only live once, right? Right.

Dear Aunt Meg
I'm finding myself struggling in my classes because I keep getting distracted! I love my lessons (mostly) but they're kind of tough. And studying is boring. What should I do? Is there someone I can talk to?
Hopeful Hufflepuff

Dear Hopeful Hufflepuff
I've heard there are some study groups for older students, maybe you need to join one or make your own for your year. But also maybe talk to your Professors and tell them you're getting bored - wait no don't say that. And definitely don't say they're boring. Just...say you need help.

Dear Aunt Meg
I have this friend, and they're great, but sometimes they're a bit... much. We're very different but I value them a lot, but I don't know if we share the same values. I don't really want to bring it up because I can't really work it out myself, so... yeah. I don't know what it is I'm expecting.

Dear Bird
Well, if you don't know what you're expecting, how am I supposed to figure it out? If you value your friends you should respect their values, or at least have respectful discussions about them. If you can't talk to your friends about everything, are they really your friends?
Pumpkin Pie Dessert
By: Mary Lou Prindeou
By: Poppy Perkins
Homemade vs Canned
Making pumpkin pie starts with a question, will I use pumpkin purée from a can, or make my own pumpkin purée by cooking a sugar pumpkin?

Canned pumpkin purée will give a consistently good result in your pumpkin pie. Making your own purée by roasting a sugar pumpkin (my personal favourite) can give you a deeper, more interesting flavor. There are benefits to both and honestly it all comes down to time constraints. I personally prefer the taste of the sugar pumpkin, but my sister prefers the canned variety.

  • 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon cornflour
  • 2 eggs
  • 2/3 cup Light & Creamy Evaporated Milk
  • 1 1/4 cups cold mashed Kent pumpkin
  • 2 tablespoons maple syrup
  • 1 teaspoon mixed spice
  • Icing sugar, to serve
  • Whipped cream, to serve
  • 1 1/2 cups plain flour
  • 1/4 cup caster sugar
  • 125g butter, chilled, chopped
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon iced water
  1. To make pastry, place flour, sugar and butter in a bowl and mix for five minutes or until it resembles fine bread crumbs.
  2. Add egg yolk and iced water. Process until dough just comes together.
  3. Turn pastry out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead until just smooth.
  4. Shape into a disc. Cover in plastic wrap. Keep cool for half an hour to 45 minutes.
  5. Preheat oven to 390°F/350°F (200°C/180°C). Place an oven tray in oven. Grease a 1.5ins-deep, 7.5ins (base) round pie dish.
  6. Roll out pastry between 2 sheets of baking paper until large enough to line base and side of prepared dish (about 12ins).
  7. Line dish with pastry. Trim edge. Pinch edge to make a decorative pattern. Keep cool for 15 minutes.
  8. Line pastry case with baking paper. Fill with ceramic pie weights or uncooked rice. Bake for 10 minutes.
  9. Remove paper and weights or rice. Bake a further 10 to 12 minutes or until pastry is golden. Cool.
  10. Reduce heat to 350°F/320°F (180°C/160°C) Combine brown sugar and cornflour in a medium bowl. Whisk in eggs, evaporated milk, pumpkin, maple syrup and mixed spice until combined.
  11. Pour into pastry case. Bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until filling has just set. Cool.
  12. Chill for 1 hour or until set. Dust pie with icing sugar. Serve with whipped cream.
You'll need to cook 500g of pumpkin, peeled seeded and chopped. Cook until soft and drain well before mashing.

Time saver: The pastry can be made and stored in the fridge for up to 3 days or cover with plastic wrap, then foil and freeze for up to 2 months.

Storage: You can store pumpkin pie in an airtight container in the fridge, for up to 4 days. Top with cream just before serving.
Aries (March 21 - April 19): The stars say that you may need to pay what is owed. It may be something you have forgotten about. But now it is important to settle any debts or favors owed while you have the power to make it happen.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): If you were thinking of reconnecting with someone from your past, this week is a good time for that. Mars is rising, so watch out for Virgos. But don’t be afraid to look out for yourself today.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Soon you will learn an important piece of information. It could be about an uncovered truth and could change the way you see the world. Don’t hesitate. It will change your life, you just have to let it.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): You have a chance to do something truly meaningful. It starts with doing the right thing, after thinking about it of course. Soon you will look back on this time as a pivotal moment. There is no time to waste.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): No matter how social you are. There is no need to make a new friend simply to ask them for advice. Advice you know will be bad. Stop worrying about the opinions of others. You know what to do. Act on it.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): You may be about to meet someone new. They will probably give you pause and cause you to reevaluate yourself. But your sun/moon is blossoming so keep an eye out for Libras, you may want to avoid them.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Balance is never easy, especially when it comes to what you want versus what other people want. But no one knows you better than you, so have some confidence in yourself.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): It looks like you might have some more free time than usual. It is a luxury, so do something for yourself. It could bring you clarity but it may also bring up old questions. So take advantage of that time to really consider things.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): You are usually an open book but there might be a bumpy road in your future. Don’t let deep emotions lead you down the wrong path during a heated moment. Be especially wary when it comes to relationships.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): You may have lost something recently and it might be in your best interest to let go rather than to search too far and discover something unpleasant. In time it should return if it is truly important.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): It appears that Mercury is falling, which means that you should keep an eye on any Sagittarius you keep in close company. They may or may not be helpful to you, so interact with them at your own risk.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Doubt is a normal part of life. If you start to feel doubtful try reaching out to family or friends to help you find reassurance. But if that doesn’t sound familiar, ignore that since timing is obviously wrong for you.
School Chatter
By: Anonymous (OOC: Tina Seville-Lopez)
Hello! Hello! My fellow students. It is a great sadness that another semester has gone by and another semester of full drama on. I have been roaming around and wow! Too much going on but, of course, we have to store some for another semester.

Quidditch Grump
Nobody learns and nobody will get it. Quidditch is a rather dangerous sport but let’s face it, it won’t be banned for all the protest haters does. Like a known figure up in Slytherin house is doing right now. Come on! Girl, some students had tried and yet failed. I don’t think you’ll be the change of this era. Just save your face and walk away.

Young but Stupid
Young love … What can I say about it? Ummm, a big S.T.U.P.I.D like seriously, you fall and you fall harder when it ends. A certain Hufflepuff girl has done the means and wow... A word of advice … If you’re looking for a rebound, DON’T! You’re just hurting yourself and the guy who will go out with you just to make the other jealous. Although, I would gladly pay to watch the great explosion at the dance.

Spin like you mean it
Speaking of young love, what is going on with a bunch of 13 to 15 years old students? Playing spin the bottle out of adults eyes? Hmm, I like the game, mind you. It has a good amount of drama and well, the walk outs were immensely great. Girls and boys, first kisses are not always great.

When there’s gossip, I’m there
"If you were going to choose a non-magical career, what would it be?"
By: Nell Wright
Ana Sofia Burleigh
Hufflepuff First Year
"I'd be a painter! Or like, a fashion designer- but definitely something creative!"
Linden Cullen
Hufflepuff Second Year
"Something working with animals. Maybe in a wildlife sanctuary or rescue centre."
Roxy Coltsfoot
Slytherin Third Year
"A dog, enough said."
Minnie Calida
Ravenclaw Fourth Year
"...I don't know. I guess since my mother owns a real estate business, I could probably just do that regardless of magic. I would do that."
Christian Cade
Gryffindor Fifth Year
"I think I'd like to be a teacher, though I suppose technically that could be done in the Wizarding world too."
Jenna Toubia
Slytherin Sixth Year
"I don't know, Miss Spain? Pero like, the first pageant contestant representing Spain that is a witch. I like the sound of that."
Violeta Finch
Ravenclaw Seventh Year
"If I chose a non-magical career, it would be a photographer. It works as a magical or non-magical career either way."
Professor Hezekiah Mowry
Potions Years 1-4
"Um, a bodega. Now, I have somewhere to be."
Editor's Note
By: Nell Wright
Wow. Wow is all I have to say. After four years in this club, this semester has been my first issue as editor, and it has been a learning experience unlike any other in my life. Hogwarts Monthly has more members than ever before in the club's history, and hopefully their hard work shows well in this semester's bumper issue. An enormous amount of love and effort went into making this paper, and all I can do is thank my team endlessly. I hope I can speak for all of us when I say we can't wait to do it all again next semester!
Grabbing the Hogwarts Monthly, Elliot's eyes were drawn to the Quidditch section. Despite his reluctance to relive their game against Slytherin, he was at least grateful to not be mentioned by name. It was also nice that they'd named Abian as player of the game, and Elliot shot him a proud smile across the Hufflepuff table. He knew Hufflepuff had no chance of winning the Quidditch cup again this year, but he hoped they could pull together another second place victory. Even if it meant going up against Lars next semester. Their situation was still tense, but Elliot couldn't help another small but proud smile at seeing Lars' name listed as Ravenclaw captain.
Kas had submitted to the Aunt Meg section mostly as a joke. Though his question had been somewhat serious, he hadn't exactly expected any decent advice back. Skimming over the paper, he snorted at the response's suggestion of just sending Eric an owl. The idea had some appeal, especially if he could send a howler, but honestly Kas' anger had waned and he was mostly just annoyed and upset Eric hadn't apologized yet. He wasn't about to forgive him without an apology, but it sucked not being able to talk to him or Connor right now. Leaning a cheek on his closed fist, Kas flipped through the paper some more, squinting at the Horoscopes and pondering if he knew any Sagittarius he should be wary of.
She had seen the pages what felt like hundreds of times now, but actually seeing her first issue of Hogwarts Monthly as editor out in the world felt very different to Nell. Her heart felt fit to burst with pride, and she couldn't keep the grin off her face as she looked around the Great Hall, taking in the sight of people enjoying the hard work done by her team. She had been so nervous about her ability to handle this position, but here it was. Real, physical proof that she could do this. Nell had already saved a copy to send home to her family, but she couldn't help picking up another copy off the table and reading it over, knowing for sure she would be keeping this for the rest of her life.

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