Open Historical Promotions

Aine Thompson

Most Interesting (Head) Girl In The World
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
18 (21/9/2043)
((open after Emzies))

"Okay." Aine had been researching. Which is to say she'd been on search engines and roaming from topic to topic starting on a vague basis of what she was actually looking for and ending up somewhere completely unrelated. This was not an uncommon occurrence. But the purpose of what she'd been doing was looking for ways to promote the history club. A lot of the clubs seemed especially narrow and there were a lot more they could do - Aine would've happily joined a muggle sports club, for example - but Emmanuel had got them off to a good start. Aine just wanted to know what they could do to attract more people. Which had ended up with her putting a fascinating set of documents together about the role of propaganda in military history together. This was absolutely no help to anybody, so she also just had a couple of posters she'd put together online with primarily muggle history pictures since it wasn't as though there was much magical history she could look up on the internet. And she also had a book of Aotearoa history, just because that was actually the most relevant thing to what they were wanting to do. And some old Footrot Flats comics. She placed everything down on the table with a couple of slapping paper noises and sighed. "None of this is actually at all helpful. Sorry. How was your break?"
Emmanuel was glad that one of the first things he did was meet back up with Aine. Their little side History club was obvious not officially sanctioned and Emmanuel was just glad it had a least one member, but they could try to drum up a little interest from the students who had just joined the school and from antone who had maybe not known they exist. He glanced up from where he had been reading, it was difficult to know how to get people interested in the club when they couldn't go to the club fair and they were exceedingly niche. "I'm sure some of it will be helpful Aine," Emmanuel told her with a warm tone, he glanced at some of it and it wasn't all useful but the posters were cool. "Did you make these yourself?" he asked, very interested in them. They could do more of them, "We can get a professor to make copies," he added.
Aine quirked an eyebrow. It was very nice of him to say, but she knew it was mostly junk. She had a tendency to topic wander when she looked things up and it certainly didn't help her stay on point. She at least was able to absorb useless and sometimes useful trivia and her memory worked under duress. Which was good for exams, she supposed. "Uh, yeah I did," she admitted, shifting awkwardly. "It was just using a computer program. It did most of the layout work. I was kinda inspired. But I couldn't just type in magical history stuff and get pictures," she admitted, but hoped that using stuff like images of Stonehenge or Mayan ruins would help, since Professor Moncrieffe had told her that was on the syllabus this year when she'd asked. There were a few variants of design. "Hopefully some things look interesting enough," she shrugged. "I am pretty curious as to how they can be copied. I guess Professor Corrins might know what charms to use."
Emmanuel glanced at the poster again, really picking it up and holding it in his hands. He didn't think he would be able to do anything as creative as this, "Still this is cool," he said in the way that of course someone who was massively interested in history would find a poster about history cool. But he couldn't imagine trying to do that himself. "Yeah, I'm sure Professor Corrins would help, and if not them then we could always go to the headmaster...he was interested in the club before," he wasn't sure if the head master should be the person they go to about their poster for the unofficial club, but in theory the man did know about it. "We could try and sneakily had some out during the club fair," he suggested.
Sometimes Aine really was surprised by the differences between muggle and magical. Things like this were pretty commonplace for her, she'd actually learned how to do it in about grade two if she thought about it. It was just standard stuff they taught at school. But there were so many things that were just normal for magical kids that still seemed so strange to her. Aine had almost forgotten, too, that the new headmaster was the nice history teacher she'd met last year. He seemed interested in helping out, though she imagined he'd be pretty busy with running the school. "Oh yeah, he might be able to at least give some advice. Unofficially or something." At least he seemed better than the principal at her old school, who was more interested in schmoozing with the wealthy landowning families. The landed gentry, she supposed, even if that term was outdated by a couple of hundred years. "We could do that. I was going to go join Heta Omega so I can be really stealthy and hand things out on the way." Stealth was absolutely not in Aine's wheelhouse, but she could at least pretend to be subtle. "Or I guess put them up in the common rooms. Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are probably our main...oh, what's the word...demographics, that's it. Demographics, anyway." It was absolutely a stereotype, but that was advertising for you.
Emmanuel had to imagine the new head master would have a lot to do, but he was also sure that the man would want to help them with making more posters if it turned out that Professor Corrins couldn't do it. Though he was sure she could do. "I wasn't planning to go an sign up for anything...but I'm sure I could be stealthy in handing them out," which while Emmanuel had a sure tone, like he believed wholeheartedly that he could do it. He had also never once ever had to be stealthy in his life, and had never even tried, but it was for his history club, of course he would try it. He thought Aine was right too about who they could target. "We could put some up in our common rooms...since we are both part of our demographics." he was sure there would be slytherins and Gryffindors who would be interestes, but Emmanuel knew only gryffindors and he wasn't sure he could persaude Josh or Senna to do it...but perhaps Kyon would. "Do you know any Slytherins?"
Aine gave a very quiet laugh, cautious of the fact that they were in the library. Libraries were a lot louder back home, at keast the study sections were, but it was still good to keep it down for people trying to read or study. "I don't think they'd actually get too mad at us...last year there was at least one unofficial group just outside." The Elite Sisterhood had looked intimidating, though, so Aine had stayed well away. She had well and truly annoyed one of the leaders shortly after too. She'd have to try and make amends for the sake of peace at the paper. Regardless of whether or not she agreed with Celia's politics, she could write a compelling article and Aine respected that. But getting into Heta Omega itself was going to be her socializing challenge this club fair. "Though then we'd probably have to offer some sort of gift for people to be interested and that probably takes more planning." Sticking to their own common rooms was probably the best bet. Aine let out a more derisive snort at the question about Slytherins, before covering her mouth. "Sorry, sorry, I'm not laughing at you," Aine quickly explained. "I...can't say I'm on good terms with any Slytherins." The Slytherin she knew best was Cameron, and Aine would've rather jumped into the lake and hoped for the eel to eat her than to ask for his help on something like this. That would be ammunition for him to make fun of her forever.
Emmanuel hadn't noticed that there had been an unofficial club just outside the club fair in the year before. He thought this was useful information for them. "Did they have a table?" he asked, not sure if they perhaps just had posters or if it was full official sign ups that just weren't official. It would be good to note. He knew that at least because of that they didn't need to hide too much or could just be a little more open and what they were doing. "Surely the gift of history is enough," he replied but gave a little laugh after, "I'm sure the elves could help us, get some cookies with historical events in icing or something on the front," he thought this would be a good way of doing it. Elves were capable and would definitely do it to the deadline they set. He gave a little frown as she laughed at his slytherin statement, a little unsure. But it wasn't like he could say any better. "I'm also not particularly on good terms, but I also haven't met too many of them," he said. Perhaps though if they had successful recruitment at the fair they might end up with a slytherin.
Aine tried to remember what she'd seen. In all honesty, she'd been so sick with nerves the whole thing was a bit blurry. "I think they did...?" Aine's memory was great for general knowledge, less so for social events. "You'd think so, but marketing goes a long way," she laughed, quietly. She had a stack of pens from different real estate and meat companies from the last Sheepvention last month. "That could work." Appropriayely, she did look a little sheepish at the Slytherin thing. "Well, I tried duelling last year and my opponents were both Slytherins and, well, it was unpleasant. I don't think I could really talk to them about this." Ngawaiata was pretty cool, though, but Aine was a bit intimidated by her, especially with her own propensity to make things worse and how badly she'd failed in the tournament. "But there are plenty of clever Slytherins and Gryffindors, I'm sure, I shouldn't be judgy."
Emmanuel nodded, "I think we could get away with a table then....if you're feeling brave about it?" he wasn't going to make her, if she said no, I don't want to, Emmanuel would do it alone. He had been the idea behind it, and they weren't sure how allowed it all was. He could agree that marketing would go a long way, and it seemed that their slytherin problem, might just stop the house from being involved for a while. "Well, there's always word of mouth," he said. If they couldn't target them, that wouldn't meant that they'd end up completely forgotten. "If we're telling people and they might mention it to others, they'll maybe hear about it," he replied putting his hands on his hips. "It's okay Aine, we're amongst friends, I won't tell them," Emmanuel gave a little smile. He certainly considered Aine a friend and he didn't mind what she said.
Aine thought for a moment, and then shrugged as if to say 'why not?' and nodded. "I may not be a Gryffindor, but since we're all about smashing stereotypes I'm not a coward," Aine smirked. Part of the joy of history was learning from it to change, after all. Which didn't really help when the History curriculum was mired in ancient history and mythology. Aine really wanted to learn more modern history, and hopefully they'd get more interest in their unofficial club at the fair so they could do further research and discussion. "Plus, if anyone does bully us, at least I can do a decent trip jinx," she added, with a slightly wicked smirk. Obviously, she wasn't going to actually jinx anyone, especially not at the club fair. "Since there was that Hufflepuff bake off last semester, I suspect I'll be able to find someone able to direct me to the house elves for help if you want to see about getting a table? We could have some biscuits or energy snacks or something small," she reasoned. She had spent an afternoon researching the history of the Anzac biscuit last year for the paper for no real reason other than her own satisfaction.
Emmanuel gave a little smile. "I am unfortunately a Ravenclaw through and through," he joked back, he didn't think he was that brave, and while hard working that was only for history and he was never out for himself. Emmanuel just frowned a little he didn't think anyone would bully them, didn't think it was right for them to bully Aine. He wasn't what to say, he wanted to help her if she was, but perhaps this was just in case. He didn't think he would get bullied. No one had ever picked on him. "I'm sure there's a spare one in the abandoned classroom or the arts room..," the arts room was closer, it would be easier to get it where it needed to be for this. "This is a good plan Aine, I'm sure we'll get at least one more member,"

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