Help Me, Maybe?

Mason Greene

Well-Known Member
Sexual Orientation
Straight 17 1/2" Swishy Alder Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Mason Greene had a lot to love about the Hogwarts Castle. Well, at first he did not like the fact that he was not in Gryffindor with his just slightly older twin brother. The fact that he looked like a second year but was a first year, that would probably stir some confusion between those that would know his brother and those that would know him. Then again, he had yet to meet anyone and that was going to change here soon. Mason was wanting to meet some friends, and he was dying to know more about magic. Lucius and Zinnia taught him some basics, but no spells or potions. He wanted to learn from Matt, but Matt said that it could get dangerous so he was better off with a professor teaching him how to do the spells. Mason felt a little down for it, but he would have to learn to deal and to just work with the classes. Who knew when they were going to actually learn some spells. He did not even know what his schedule was! Mason remembered that Matt told him some bad news about Slytherins, but he was unsure if he would believe him or not. Surely, one rotten apple did not ruin the whole tree! That would be ridiculous! Mason hoped that he would be able to get a new pet soon. He wanted to be able to have a cat or something.

And, somehow, he landed in Slytherin territory. The thing was, Mason had no idea what this was, and he wanted to be able to get some help. Would someone help him? Mason looked at the students that walked to and fro, but most looked older and he did not want to bother them. After all, he did not want to seem like a dummy or something like that. It only took him a few moments to finally find someone in the dungeons that looked about his age. He approached the other guy before reaching to tap him on the shoulder. However, he did not make physical contact. What if people did not like this? Oh, everything was so confusing here! It was like being thrown into another country! He did not understand the proper etiquette or anything! Mason almost groaned before he realized that he still needed some help getting out of here. And for now, this boy was his only hope. Or they could explore together if he was a first year! Mason grew excited with the thought of a new friend, dressed in green. "Hey, I'm lost. Mind pointing me in the right direction? I hope the halls don't change direction too!" He was referencing to the stairs by that point.
Avie had discovered in a number of ways that Hogwarts was a lot bigger than anything that he was used to, so, the boy found it fairly easy to get lost, though it never really mattered, he always just kept going until he found his way again. It was for the young slytherin the only way of doing things. There were just a few places that he now knew better than others. One of which was just the general area around Slytherin common. It was obvious that he would know them better since he lived in the area. As much as Avie wasn't particularly good at learning things he liked exploring and was generally quite good at remembering where he was. Avie had thus far had few encounters with many other students. The odd one here and there, but nothing too major. Which the boy was neither bothered by or happy with. He was new to a school, and like most in his year he was yet to really meet them. With that however, the boy had found himself alone in another of his adventures. He was in the slytherin area of the school, and was keen to play around with how dark it was compared with other areas of the school. Maybe jump out at the odd passerby. Or just hide in the darkness and call out to them to see if any responded. Just general antics really that most students wouldn't do. Things that Avie knew would at times just be considered childish. He didn't care though.

Avie had just sort of been stood in the middle trying to decide what do, when someone spoke behind him. He looked round to see who it had been. He briefly wondered if it had been Jai, but as it turned out, it was someone he didn't know. A boy, who looked around his age, but he didn't know who this person actually was. He smiled at him, as the other boy explained that he was lost. Avie knew then that this boy was probably not a slytherin, and from hearing some of the other students Slytherin's weren't always regarded with kindness. He looked around them, they were close to the Slytherin dorm more than they were close to the way back up. "It's down that way" He said, trailing off towards the end when the boy said something about the corridors changing. "The corridors change. That is so cool" He exclaimed almost pushing past the boy and down the corridor. "I didn't know they changed, If they do, I might just have been wrong before, maybe they do change." He looked back round at the other kid, and was now enthusiastically smiling. The boy didn't really think it could be true, but he was mighty curious as to if it could be. "This complicates things." He contemplated, "We'll just have to explore. And eventually get you out of where you aren't meant to be" The boy decided, with a decisive nod. Avie had decided he'd help him, he decided this could be a fun game, and he was sure the other boy wasn't a slytherin.

I hope this is alright!
Mason really wished he had Matt with him right now. Matt might not have been a Slytherin, but he knew about the castle more than Mason did, and that entitled him to know what was going on. Mason, on the other hand, did not know a damn thing. Could the corridors change? He just hoped that the boy he asked for help did not bite his head off. Mason did not know how to deal with someone like that. He did not like conflict at all. He preferred a quiet, happy existence. Of course, that was a little too much to ask for when one really thought about it. After everything he went through, it was amazing on how optimistic the Hufflepuff was. When the first year answered to him, Mason looked in the direction that the boy pointed to, and was about to thank him before he exclaimed and felt himself move slightly when the young Slytherin got excited about the corridors possibly changing. "I don't know if they do or not, but I really hope not. I don't want to be stuck down here without sunlight! No wonder some of the older Slytherins are so grumpy. They've been underground the whole time." Mason did not mean any harm by it, but it might have been just his own calculations. He thought that some of the people looked grumpy, but that paled in comparison next to their Head of House! That man was creepy! He wondered if he had a family or something, because if he did, he felt somewhat bad for them. What if the man never let them outside to play?

However, the thoughts of the corridors changing really made sense. What if everything changed? He did come through one way and could not leave the same way, or did he just get lost in the directions? Both seemed plausible, but he would believe the first since it seemed like everything about this place was utterly magical. Then the boy said that they would have to explore, and included him. Mason felt like he was right at home! Matt did not mention on how people could be so nice, and include him in things. Exploring did sound like a lot of fun, and Mason being included in it just made his day. "Okay! Exploring sounds awesome! Let's not run into some of the scary professors that lurk down here though." And some meant the potions professor and the Slytherin Head of House. Mason approached the lad since he did not want to explore alone. Not down here. He had really bad directional skills! He could not aim to save his life, not to mention that he was pretty clumsy. Now, it was a perfect time to introduce himself! After all, it was hard to make a friend without having a name! "I'm Mason by the way. I live in Hufflepuff for some reason." He really wished he was a Gryffindor, but Hufflepuff did have the charms and the warmth. Plus, his Head of House was so sweet!
Avie hadn't read much of the history book on his place, but he was suddenly very concerned that the corridors could move and no one had told them that they couldn't. Avie was worried, what if they had and he could no longer find his way back to the dorm room. All his stuff was there. He knew he should've taken some food with him. If the corridors changed, he might take a while to get out, and he would get hungry. "I really hope that's not true. I don't want to be grumpy." He whined, looking around them. He had realised that a lot of Slytherin were grumpy, but it wasn't something that had really bothered him, or that he'd really noticed to the point where he'd believed that it had to do with the environment. "I don't want to underground all the time. It's not fair" He whined again. Huffing slightly, he didn't mind what the other boy had said about Slytherin. Avie didn't really care about the houses thing, and well, he was just all about fun. Which was why he was in part thinking that if they did change there would be more exploring to do every day. He just couldn't wait, maybe this whole situation wasn't as bad, as he was thinking it might be. His mind liked to over reacting, and in turn, Avie tended to over react also. Somewhere in his mind he was fairly certain that the corridors couldn't change, that even within the magical world this just wasn't something that happened, just wasn't a certainty that he was willing to mess with. Smiling at the other boy, he walked slightly ahead, everything looked the same, so he wasn't sure if it was a thing or not. but maybe that was the magic too. Avie wasn't liking this much.

"I don't think the professors really come this way." Avie said, stopping and looking back at the other boy, he was not overly bothered by professors, but, he was sure that most of them didn't happily spend their spare time down these corridors. He was just sure that much preferred sitting with other professors, doing magic and talking about how terrible all the students were. Probably comparing the handwriting of students and laughing about that. Which for Avie, made him really want to write even worse. He looked away, and back where he was sure they had to go, when the boy introduced himself. Avie looked back over, and then closed the gap between them, Mason, Hufflepuff. Avie brightly smiled at him. "I'm Avie, I live in Slytherin because the hat told me to." He said, Avie had noticed that people just took his name at face value, no one had yet question him, on the slightly girl sounding name, but he guessed that for Mason, that was probably something he had too. Mason was a girls name. "Now, as long as we're going by the theory that they don't move, I'd say we head the way, I always do to get out, it's brought me luck before, but, if you think they change, which they might, maybe we intentionally go a different, so the corridor knows that we know, and then it'll move the corridors to get us to the exit quicker." He paused, suddenly wondering if those corridors would be able to get there plan, catch on to it. He had no idea of the limitations that these corridors might have. "We should move slowly if we go with the first option, so that if they do actually move, we're moving too slowly for it to sense us, and change them." At first, Avie had sort of realised that corridors simply couldn't move like the stairs did, but he believed it a lot less now.
Mason loved the fact that this guy, Avie, was not like a typical Slytherin at all. He did not want to be grumpy! Good, he did not have to be if he did not want to be. Mason just hoped that he would not have to be. Mason turned to Avie and he said, "I can help you not be grumpy! I'm never grumpy so that is bound to rub off! I heard good feelings were contagious, or maybe that was laughing. Same thing!" Mason kind of had a feeling that he knew why Matt did not hang around him much as he just watched him. Mason could get annoying with his personality. He is optimistic, as he had to be in order to survive the harshness he had to live in. "Well, just stay out of the dungeons! You can go there only to sleep and shower! The you don't have to be underground all the time, right?" It was a temporary solution. He was sure that it could be done. Mason felt like it was. That was why he did not stay on the fourth floor all of the time. He went out and explored a lot. Everything was around for his taking, or rather, for his exploration. He had to see everything. He had to know everything. Everything was amazing! He nodded when he said that the professors don't really come this way. That figures. Well, better than running into someone he didn't like. Well, not someone that he did not like but more or less someone that looked really scary to the first year Hufflepuff. Mason wasn't very brave at all.

The boy really lived in Slytherin but it was hard to believe. He could eventually believe it though. He could be one of those Slytherins that just did not go with the rest. "Dude, how does that hat talk?! Seriously, how does it sort people? I looked in there, it was nothing but fabric." Maybe there was a brain or something in there. He wanted to know what it was, but apparently, magic was still a foreign concept to him. Mason thought that this navigating was a little hard. As long as he followed what the boy was saying, then he would be safe. He looked toward the direction that Avie was mentioning, and how that way brought him luck. So, maybe it was safe? The whole theory was giving him a headache but it was also making sense. Well, he did get lost down here, and he did not have a bad sense of directions (which he totally did). "Just in case, yeah, let's move slowly. Toward the way that brings you luck. They can't sense us if we don't make much noise with our shoes, right? Just in case they do move and all." Mason decided to take the first few steps, as if he were walking in a landmine. He had to be quiet with his feet. If the corridors did move, they might believe that there was no one in here. They don't have ears so they can't hear but they could feel? Mason thought that the castle was more or less a fun house, but this wasn't much fun.
When Mason said he would help Avie not be grumpy, Avie was incredibly thankful. He jumped up and down. "Thank goodness" he exclaimed, "I'm saved from the grumpiness disease of slytherin. Thank you Mason!" He was practically burst with the joy and energy which laced his voice. He was just so very happy. He wasn't sure how easy it would be to stay out of the dorm and stuff at all hours of the day. It would be hard. But, for the sake of his health Avie vowed to at least try. "I will try my best to do those things" He added. With the same excitement as before. He was ready to help Mason find his way out, so that Avie could too enjoy the daylight. It would be great. He was looking forward to it. As it turned out the other boy was a hufflepuff. Avie thought he might've been better suited for Hufflepuff but he didn't know. When the other boy talked about the hat, Avie nodded in agreement. "I know. It's freaky. It shouldn't do that" He ran a hand through his hair as he thought of the hat again. "It was in my head, it knew what I was thinking." Avie said with a hurried tone. He hadn't really liked the idea of the hat seeing into his thoughts. What would it see that would've helped it chose that Avie was better in Slytherin than in any other house. He was sure that it was just false, and in fact it was just random selection. "I wonder what else it can do?" Avie stopped to think about. It was a magical hat, was it's only purpose to tell them what houses they were in and write a song. Could it do more than just that.

Avie had grown up around magic, but it was just something that was. He found it hard to wrap his head around at times, it was just so strange as a thing. It just didn't really fit in his head, but that was it. Avie didn't really think that much more about it. It was just when others brought it up, or when it was something like the hat that Avie had a bit of a moment. When thinking about getting out the dungeons, it was clear that the best option was to move slowly, and try to not draw attention to themselves. Avie, looked in the direction he was thinking they should head and then back to Mason, who was moving quietly. This would take them being careful to be sure that they'd be alright. That they'd get through the halls, with without them changing too much, or throwing them off too much. "Yeah, little noise with our shoes. I just hope if they do move that we'll know they have. Maybe if the ground rumbles or if you feel like the ground is moving." Avie said, he wasn't sure if the corridors moved, but he didn't want to get more lost. Moving slowly, Avie just followed Mason's lead. Moving as quietly as he could. Not moving more quickly that he needed to. "How did you end up down here?" Avie asked, and though he was whispering, it wasn't a quiet whisper. "Do you know if the corridors only change down here, or if they change everywhere? If they do only change down here in the dungeons that's a little unfair to people like me, who don't like the dullness"
Mason could not help but grin widely as Avie seemed to be excited over being saved from the grumpiness. That meant that he could have a good friend in the making! Mason could not believe it! "Yay! I'm glad I can help someone at least!" Mason was used to being in the way and not being able to do things on his own, but that all changed. He can help out Avie! Though he was not sure if staying out of the dungeons would do that much good anyway. But anything was worth a try. Especially to the young Slytherin. Mason nodded in response, hoping that they could find their way out in a good time. He breathed a sigh of relief when Avie agreed that the hat shouldn't do that. That thing could read minds, and nothing should be able to do that! It knew that Mason liked cute girls! "Nothing should ever have the power to read minds. No one and no inanimate object. I wonder what else it knows. Maybe we can find out!" Of course, that would be a little hard to do since he didn't even know where the hat's keeping place was. "What if it can grow legs and walk? If it can talk, it should be able to walk, right?" It made sense to Mason, but then again, he wasn't using the logical side of him right now. Everything was still new, so he was getting used to things like this. Mason grew up as a muggle, and only knew about magic for two years. He still had many questions.

Mason thought about the soft patter of his shoes, before he bent down and just took them off. He would be much quieter without them on. He looked to Avie and figured that he would know what he was doing. After all, Mason figured that Avie might have been a little like him. Though Mason was gullible. If someone said that it was not in the dictionary and to look himself, he definitely would. "Well, they should make some sort of movement. The stairs do, so the corridors must too, if they move." Very little noise and everyone would be all right. Well, he and Avie that is. Mason thought about how he ended up down here and he almost forgot. "Well, I was trying to find the kitchens for something to munch on and I think I took a wrong turn somewhere." Mason was a bit hungry, and hoped that he could find something to eat at some point. That would be lovely. But sure enough, he was lost. Mason noticed that Avie was moving just as slow as he was, and then asked if the corridors only changed down here, or everywhere. That made him think. "The upstairs always seem the same to me. I think it might only be down here. I agree, though, it really isn't fair for you! The grumpiness of the Head of House and other students is enough. And to add it on, something like this!"
Avie felt pretty chuffed that he had at least one friend who could help him be less of a grumpy Slytherin. he'd really only met one other slytherin, and while Avie couldn't really remember him being overly grumpy he was sure that it was something that came with time. He didn't ever want to be that. He had essentially a one up. He was doing just that little bit better than the other slytherin dude he'd met. Avie hadn't really thought about the sorting hat much until Mason was really talking about it. He had thought it a little strange but it was hogwarts, he didn't like it, but he did it anyway. He couldn't help but burst out laughing at the idea of the hat with legs. "Ah, that would be so funny." He was seeing the hat as an almost pengiun like creature waddling around not quite able to take real steps. To him that sort of thing could be endlessly funny. If Avie was any good at drawing then he would've drawn the creature when he got the chance, but alas, it was another thing that Avie wasn't all too good out. Avery had of course noticed that the stairs had moved, he'd been trying to find the owlery when the staircase had changed, and he'd just not ended up were he needed to be. it had been a twenty minute trek to find his way, but he had never thought about the corridors moving. It hadn't been something, they thought hadn't occurred to him, only now, when Mason talked about it.

"That makes sense" He shrugged. "Maybe that's why I'm constantly getting lost" His tone was clear, he had decided that, the corridors were the reason why he could never find his way, and not that he just was new to the school and could not exactly be expected to where everything was just yet. At the same time as Mason pulled off his shoes and held them in his hand. He sort of wished he didn't have to talk them off, because now he had to carry them, but at least they could be quieter. Avie had not done any reading so far, he had no idea where anything was, or where anything should be. He hadn't known that the kitchen was supposedly near the dungeons. "The kitchens are down here?!" he was smiling happily, thinking of all the food he'd eventually eat when he found the kitchens eventually. Maybe Mason wanted to find them, rather than just his way out. Perhaps they could attempt to find both. "Do you wanna find the kitchens, or do you wanna just get out of here?" He asked, because they really shouldn't be heading aimlessly, though this was proving fun. "he's not that grumpy, he's like my aunt. All you gotta do is hug, then he'll be so happy. He just hasn't been hugged. Maybe I should give him a hug in class...." Avie somewhere in the depths of his mind he knew that wasn't the right way, but it wasn't what his brain was currently telling him. "Although, I don't want him to like creep up on us or anything. He'd cause noise and the corridors would change. We'd all get lost"
Just picturing the hat growing legs and walking made Mason almost double over with laughter. That would have a sight to behold. He wanted to see that one day, but chances were, the hat would not do that. Mason thought that everything could happen when it came to magic though. Magic meant everything was possible. And he thought that everything was possible when it came down to it. Mason wondered if someone could make a little comic out of that. Mason would buy that for a few galleons. He would love it, but he did not have much talent to do that himself. "You have been getting lost too? You know, why don't the professors give us maps? I think it would have made everything so much easier!" Mason wondered why the heads of houses did not do that. He could see why the Slytherin one might not, and that was to torture the first years, but why not the kinder ones? Professor Kingston would have been if someone mentioned it. Maybe he should next time he ran across her path! And he would not be afraid of her either! Not like he was somewhat scared of some of the other professors. The potions professor looked scary too! Just not as scary as Professor Styx did. He heard that some of his kids went here.

Avie seemed surprised when Mason mentioned how the kitchens were down here. He didn't know? An older Hufflepuff was talking about it once, and Mason happened to hear. He was really good at hearing things, especially when it happened around him. "Let's find the kitchens, I am really starved. Then someone there can help us out of here!" Combining those things seemed like it was the best option for the two first years. Then Mason started to contemplate the idea of hugging Professor Styx. Mason almost stopped in his tracks when he wondered if that was why he was so grumpy. "Do you think a hug will really cure his grumpiness and make him smile? I think that needs to be done! What bad could come from that?" Mason pondered over what bad could come from that situation. Since he was a die hard optimist, he did not think that anything bad could come from that. "Yeah, that's true. I don't want to be lost down here forever, and I'm sure you don't either. Maybe he'll stay away for a while." Getting lost with Professor Styx seemed scary, but also relaxing. He was a professor here, and he'd know all the tricks of the castle!
The sorting hat was proving to be much amusement to the young boy. He could only imagine the legs being weird short ones raising the hat not very high from the ground. He chuckled along with Mason at the image. It was pretty funny. And while Avie was sure one of the older students in this school would be more than capable of doing such a thing they had not, and probably planned to not either. Which was a little frustrating to the young boy who just now really wanted to see that. He promised himself there and then, that if he managed to make it through all those years, and actually learned a couple of spells he might just be able to do that. Glancing over at Mason when he spoke Avie nodded. "I'm always getting lost. My brain just doesn't work as well. Maps would be great, if I could read maps." The boy shrugged but smiled. "I'll eventually remember it all" He hadn't even thought that maps would help. Would it help as long as it took into account the fact that corridors move, or would that be one of the many things which it ignores. Which would make it more difficult. In any case he like the other boy seemed to be a little more hungry than eager to leave this room, so it seemed only really right that he agree to find the kitchen first. If they found it, it would be good. He could have a large snack.

"To the kitchen" Avie said brightly, pointing in the general direction they were heading, as if that was the direction they needed to be going, despite the fact that he actually didn't know which way they were suppose to be going. He was actually now really looking forward to some food. It seemed like it would make for a nice change. It would be good to be able to just get a chance to eat some fresh food that other fingers had definitely not touched. On the Styx matter, while Avie was now really believing that the darkness of slytherin was to blame for the man's lack of joy, he wasn't sure how he would even attempt to get close enough to hug him. "It could be done when leaving class. I don't think he would give a detention for just hugging. Seems just a little bit strict." He glanced over at Mason, while it was his belief that hugging makes things better, he also just wanted to make it through first year. He wasn't feeling quite brace enough to do that kind of thing. Nor did it seem that Mason would either. "Let's keep going this way, eventually we'll have to hit a door, or perhaps even someone else." He smiled at Mason, "Do you think the kitchen staff will make us anything that we want? Cause I'd really love some chocolate cake right now." He wondered as they continued to walk. Knowing he was heading to the kitchen awoke his stomach and his hunger.
Mason really felt that he could make a good friend out of Avie Mitchell. It would make him feel less alone in the school, well, since his brother was older than he was. It was not fair for the first year! He and Avie had something in common. He was not so great with maps either. He did not know if he could find anything without a guide. "Me too, for both of our sakes!" And now, they were going to go to the kitchens. That was awesome, since he really needed something to eat. Maybe it was Slytherin and what all was in it that made Avie unhappy, but he would help in any way he can, to make the green house a bit better. Green was a lively color too, the color of grass and trees! "I hope he isn't that strict. But looks can be deceiving. Maybe he is a nice guy! I heard that he has a couple of sons here with him, and if he has sons, he has a wife, and therefore, he has love which means he is a lovable guy!" Oh how wrong he was, but Mason did not realize that. They both walked toward the kitchens, which was the right way. "I think they would. I heard amazing things have been made back there!" And eventually, the two made it to the kitchens to fulfill their empty stomachs. Not only that, Mason felt that he made another friend, which was awesome for him.


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