Graphics Request for Imogen [C]

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Poppy Jones

Active Member
Banner Order Form
Graphics Request; for Imogen Day
Character's Name: Poppy Jones
Banner Type: Standard
Banner Size: Whatever you see best fit. I'd say the least you can possibly make it, height wise. But I don't want it skinny :ummmm:
Celebrity you're using: Eve Myles
Images on banner: [x]
Text on banner: Poppy Jones
Fonts on banner: Jane Austin
Colour Scheme: Can you make the background same as/close to as the picture? Also, for the text colour can it be white with a black outline. If that doesn't work, try something that might. :)
Border colour/size: A thin black one please.

Okay it went a little weird, while I made it the same colour background.
I can change anything about it. Just say.
Here it is:


[x] [x]

Could you possibly add in these images either side of the center image and change the font of the text to Jellyka, Saint-Andrew's Queen? ;o

Thanks Immy. :wub:

I can do that, I was just wondering if you are aware, that it's the same image.
Unless, you meant for it to be the same image then, I'll do that, but I'm guessing it's not mean to be.

Okay, How's this, I'm not good with this type of banner, but I gave it my best shot.
I can change anything about it.


Request Completed & Archived

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