Grande Fuego: The Return

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Grande Fuego

Well-Known Member
Bois D'Arc Wand 12" Essence of Crystallized Dragon Fire

Okay, well Grande is coming back, so he needs

Best Friends
A Girlfriend/Someone to end up with
Maybe a Mentee

I haven't RPed Grande in a while, and I'm yet to post a new biography for him, but here's what I have come up with.

He's 17, in his final year at Beauxbatons. He lives alone, in a small town in Southern France. It's called Cadolive and is about an hour away from Marseille. He works in a Salad bar for Wizards, Witches and Muggles alike. He's been working there for the past three years. He attends Beauxbatons, but is very distant from most students. He's just there to learn, nothing more nothing less. Most of his friends are muggles and together they go to Marseille and do young people stuff. Like Partay-ing, and just hanging out. This is when he doesn't work. Grande is a very nice person. He's very friendly to everyone but is a little bit of a push over, and will persuaded into doing things that the person asking wouldn't do. He works hard, though it doesn't always show. And he has an extremely laid back and let the waters of life carry you attitude towards life.
Thats All I can think of now. He's at the TriWizard Tournament right now, lurking in the background, watching from afar.

Now, onto my other characters.

Imogen Day
She's looking for a few friends. She's very kind, very hard working and if she puts her mind to it, excells at almost everything. She can be very affectionate. And is always smiling. She is very easy to get along with. Imogen is the type of person to notice straight away if something is wrong. She has motherly instincts that are stronger than most her age. Immy is a strong girl, who is not afraid of a little fight and will, if one of her friends are threatened fight back.

Lily Fossil
Lily is going through a confusing stage. She wants to be more honest, but doesn't quite know how. She's tell people she thinks she can trust her real name, and is trying to be less of a B*tch. But to put it frankly, she is a B*tch and nothing can stop these genes from coming out. She is obsessed with how she looks, and has begun to dance anywhere that is empty so she can stay healthy. She doesn't really have any friends, she has lots of enemies and has put in a new attempt at making friends. So for this, Lily needs a few friends, most likely Slytherins, or Ravenclaws. She'd have to see if she can trust the person first, so she might be a bit of b*tch to begin with. She also needs more enemies. She hates everyone basically, so this is for anyone, young and old. And finally, this girl needs a boy. She's going to go through a stage where she thinks she likes girls, but it will just be her lying to herself. But Lily needs a boy, who she will end up with and one that she can play with.

Elle White
Elle is a Dark Elite, so she wants rid of everyone who isn't Slytherin or like the rest of the Dark Elites, but Elle wouldn't strike you as a Dark Elite. She has a pretty smile which is a false friend. Elle has CIPA, which is a muggle condition, which affects every part of her. She will harm you if you try to harm her and she can get a little weird if people ask her too much on her condition. But it's so rare, most people haven't heard of it. Elle likes fashion, but is yet to discover a definitive style. Elle would easily make friends with people, it would just almost all of the time, be a one sided friendship. So I'm looking for a few friends, outside her immediate group. One Sided friendships and Enemies. And maybe a Mentor. Who depend on what she/he is like, Elle would either love or hate.

Elijah Tine
Now, I'm having a lot of fun with Eli, Elijah is a very lively and excitable boy. He loves nothing more than running around, jumping in puddles, climbing trees and swimming in the lake. He's very fun. And prides himself on having a good time. He can be quite spontateous and it's never quite clear what or why he is doing what ever it is, that he is doing. Elijah loves music and has his own personal mind stereo in his brain, though he does have withdrawl symptons from the time he's spent away from his iPod. Elijah plays the guitar, very well, the piano, not bad and sings more than anything. Eli is a hyperactive child and messy around a lot. He has love interest at this point in time.
So I need for him, Best friends, people like him, hyperactive, want to have fun all the time types. Friends, people he knows but doesn't talk to often. A best girl friend, a girl that is like him, but that there relationship never goes beyond friends. Kind of like Harry/Hermione, in the books. He would easily look up to someone, so a mentor. And maybe an enemy or two, because surely there are people at Hogwarts who hate the fact Elijah has so much.

Well I need to pull Cassandra out of her box more. Maybe something could work there?

Shes not very nice and people have to prove their worth to her most of the time. But she i an interesting person if you can get past the outer shell. So I don't know what would work... it could probably go either way. I've been looking for a boyfriend for her, so maybe that? Shes eighteen so Grandes probably the only one she could even begin to put up with xD she doesn't like anyone under age... 14-15 aside from family.

Need anything else? Just tell me.

Edit:Wait, he's muggleborn isn't he?

Chances are the boyfriend thing wouldn't work then xD
I can offer up Kita as a friend or a girlfriend. She loves to play love games though. Kita and her twin Kuyumo are netorius at Drumstrang for playing with emotions like love but now that Kuyumo is intrested in someone she feels lonely. Maybe Grande can be a centering force for her or something like that.
aww you can still have Andromeda as a friend ;)

also have a few over at BB that you can pal about with
theirs Alexius and Maximus Strauss (twins - 7th yr)
and Trilby Kiedis (6th yr already dating)
Ooh! Just remembered Sydney, her and Grande are in the same year at BB so we could work something out there. ^_^ I also have Apollinariya Dimitrova, graduated almost two years ago from a school in Italy and has two kids... Probably not much there but I'm throwing the line out anyways.

Quick Replies, Awesome.

Kelsey ~ They can just be friends, because she wouldn't like that he is very interested in Muggles and has a lot of Muggle friends. So maybe very lose friends, who've met a few times, but aren't that close.

Kita ~ They Can be friends, it seems better. He is a push over, but he wouldn't really want someone playing with his heart, he's had too much of that before. So they can be close friends.

Andy ~ Andy and Grande should RP. They only did a few times, before, I'm sure. And Grande could be friends with both of Alexius and Maximus, though he wouldn't appear to know the two were even in his year, ((Very Distant)) And he could be friends with Trilby, but he isn't really the type to talk to others, especially those not in his year. So he might not be so talkative when they first were to meet.

Maybe Sydney, could be a final? Someone he will eventually end up with.
He wouldn't have noticed her before but they could start something at the end of the year, and it could grow into something bigger. And grow stronger over time, before they give going out a chance? Something like that.

That would probably work ^_^ I'd say she'll have another boy(or girl)friend before settling down permenantly, so plenty of time for a friendship to develop first? :D

That would be fine. He'd prefer to be friends, good friends before anything.
So that would work out fine.
Shall we RP then?
Grande Fuego said:

Kita ~ They Can be friends, it seems better. He is a push over, but he wouldn't really want someone playing with his heart, he's had too much of that before. So they can be close friends.

That works seeing as her trust issues would hurt anyone who she get's closer than that too. Do you want to start it or should I?

Kelsey could you start this topic, please?

Kita, Could you start it the topic please?
Right and Right :D
I have Clemence Pelletier. She kind of goes through school like a shadow but I actually RPd her having one solid friend who thought the world of her despite being as shy as she is. The problem is that she doesn't speak any English ( :( ) so Grande would have to speak French for them to actually understand each other.

IDK, what do you think?

Grande knows French, his mother was french. So that's fine. Plus I know french OOC.
I've also said that Grande has one friend. So maybe they could just randomly bump into each other.
Or they could be like the one friend we both speak of?

Or they could just meet and become friends.
Which ever you'd prefer.
Teehee. I meant that they would be the one friend, so that'd be great.

Ah, I don't know french OOC. Google/ are my friends.

Lol sorry,
Mind still in a frazzled state.

Would you like to start it, or shall I?
No worry deary :)
And could you. I'm kind of doing some intense homework at the moment.
If you need more RPage Zuzuka is open because she's at Beauxbatons for the Triwizard :D

Did Grande and Zazuka RP when he was at Hogwarts?

But, they could RP, since she's at the school.
Shall I start one, or would you like to?
No they didn't that's why I'm taking this chance :D

You can start it if you like :D
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