Gone Be Back Soon

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Grande Fuego

Well-Known Member
Bois D'Arc Wand 12" Essence of Crystallized Dragon Fire

This Is Grande. He is as you can tell, my oldest and most neglected character. But he is out of school. And I'd like to excerise him more.
I'd planned that he would go travelling after school.
But, he has no one to travel with.

They would need to get along. Preferable the same age.
Grande is really nice, and sweet. He can be easily pushed over and is quite quiet. He tries hard, and has worked for everything he has. Grande likes to relax and just have fun. This journey would be all about fun. They would spend no more than a day in the one place. So they would have to be able to be up for long hours.
It can be a girl or a boy. Not bothered. All your character needs to be is fun. And like to have fun.


This sounds like quite a good idea. I have two characters i could offer. First i have Riley. He is always up for something new and exciting. He likes meeting new people and is easy to get along with. He has a good sense of humor sometimes although it is usually something he uses with the girls.

I have a female character i could offer you also. Her name is Laura Sherwood. As i havnt used her very much at all i dont really know a lot about her personality except she loves to have fun. She is a very bubbly girl and loves being around people. She is very trusting and once she decides that she likes someone there is no getting away from her.

Let me know if your interested.
I can offer up Christelle Benoit, if you like. She is an ex-Beauxbatons student and was head girl. She has *just* finished at school and I've been wondering what to do with her. She's quite into sticking to the rules.. However, now that her Beauxbatons days are over, Christelle is going to let herself be free again. She has a younger sister at Beauxbatons, so she will probably write to her every now and then. Christelle is a smart girl and would bring along a few 'necessary' supplies (i.e, potions to heal and mend, various anti-poisons, e.t.c. She can mix most of the stuff herself.)

They all sound cool.
Now I have to pick.

I think I might go with Christelle, Since they both went to Beauxbatons and were in the same year.
So they might have met a couple of times. PLus it sounds like it could be quite interesting.
So Christelle, Would you like to start off a topic or shall I?
The first place they would be is Marseille in France.
If you could start it, that'd be great :) I'll have to reply to it when I've caught up on sleep <_<
I have Mael Pelletier. She would probably have known Grande through Clemence (if we are still having them be best friends) and she finished school just a year before Grande and was head girl and all that. She is a little (okay not so little) strange but super fun to be around.
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