getting back into it

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Zora Simpson

OOC First Name
[dohtml]<center><div style="width: 300px; background-color: 000033; font-family: courier new; color: fff; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 15px; padding-bottom: .5em; padding-top: .5em">zora simpson</div><p><div style="width: 300px; text-align: justify; line-height: 90%">text text text text text</div></center>[/dohtml]
ok. i'm gonna offer up iz. or my newbie brody flynn. cause
i’ve just missed rp-ing with you and your charries so much
alexis :) anyway, you know izaak’s deal. of that i’m certain
but going by zora’s personality i’m fairly sure it would be a
love/hate kind of relationship. which seems like it could be
pretty cute and funny. so friends or enemies for my izy boii
yupp. XD and as for brody, idk, i haven’t really rp-ed at all
with him but i’ll get into that after my exams. anyway, he’s
a pretty chill guy. an indie new yorker and a hopeful photo
-grapher. he’s pretty much a blank canvas at the moment
so i’m up for just about anything. but yeah, it’s totally up to
you :) i am currently breaking for study, i should be back in
to swing soon though. but i would love to rp with you then.

for zora and brody, that sounds perfect. and as for izaak, i
know :( the poor baby. it’ll be interesting, cause i know he
won’t be taking sh*t from anybody, particularly now. so it’ll
definitely make for a very different topic XD anyway, i’ll be
sure to give you a shout out when exams end, which is in
like less than two weeks. and we can organise something.
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