Open Fighting Cobwebs

June Davenport

The best prefect, obviously ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
The time was flying on Hogwarts, but June was still so very glad that she was here. She had been prepared for this an long time by her parents and was looking forward to it herself. She was doing well in classes, which was no suprise to her. If June would compare herself to others in class she knew she was better than any one of them. And it felt amazing that things were just going as she wanted so far. Slytherin the house she wanted to be in was great, but being in the dungeons not so. It wasn't like she was afraid of the dark, but she hated walking through an cobweb and seeing spiders and other insects. And as she had left the common room holding two books in her arms making her way to the library she tried to watch out for cobwebs and all. June hated getting dirty and would be much annoyed by it. And as she was distracted by someone she knew who walked by and greeted she missed the cobweb in front of her. And as she turned her head to the front she walked through one. June let het books fall on the ground and let out an scream. '' Why!?'' June said and went with her hand through her hair and face. Hopefully there was no spider on her head. She didn't even cared about the others around her. She didn't had to pretend she liked spiders.
Conan was slowly getting to grips of Hogwarts and the moving staircases and all the hidden nooks and crannies. Though he was still just as determined to try and find every little secret that Hogwarts had to offer before he graduated. Which was why he was spending a lot of time in the dungeons these days. There had to be some kind of hidden passageway hiding away in the dark, he was absolutely sure of it. And he was equally absolutely determined to try and find it. Which was why he found himself aimlessly wandering around in the dungeons, focused mainly on the walls to see if he could see some kind of telling crack (though there were a lot of cracks). He wasn't paying attention to the people walking past, not until a loud scream from behind him made him jump a good foot in the air, spinning around as he shouted back "It wasn't me!" He didn't know why he had said that, he hadn't done anything in the first place. It was just a kneejerk reaction to hearing someone scream, he supposed.
The day could not be worser than this. June sighted and moved her hands and head. As she heard someone talking after her scream. She frowned for an moment and didn't paid attention to who it was. But figured he needed to help her. '' What? No.'' June said confused. ''But can you check if there's an spider on me?!'' June said back and moved with her hands through her hair. She could hear an boys voice, and she could use someone to help her like now.
The fact it appeared he hadn't accidentally done something he wasn't aware of did help him calm down a little. Though he struggled to actually understand what she was asking of him in the first place. "Spiders? Why would there be spiders?" Sure, they were in a dark and dingy dungeon, but that didn't mean there were spiders just crawling over everyone. Or, at least, he really really hoped not. He liked to think he would notice if there were spiders crawling on his skin. "I don't see any spiders."
As the boy was asking an stupid question in her mind she had trouble with being nice. And sighted for an moment. But he said that he didn't saw spiders so she was glad. Trusting him was another one, she didn't knew him. '' Well.'' June than pointed at an cobweb she noticed close to where she was walking through and quickly took an tiny mirror out of her bag to see if the boy was telling the truth. But her back she could not see. She watched her hair which was not good enough for her now and sighted. '' Unless you can tell me which other disgusting insects this makes?'' June actually said pointing in the direction of some cobwebs above them, but than smiled afterwards putting it more as an joke. She now had someone in front of her and had to leave an impression and let people like her. '' Don't you guys have them at Gryffindor?'' June than saw his robes and his face seemed like some she had seen before in classes. And could breath normally again, but if she would feel something on her back the boy was so done.
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He did have to squint just a little bit in the dark to actually see the cobweb the other girl was pointing out, but he supposed there was one there. "Cobwebs don't have spiders on them," he also had to point out, nodding his head at that little bit of knowledge he had just shared, "Cobwebs are old." They were just the webs the spiders had left behind that had gotten all overed in dust. Spiders didn't live on them anymore, so the girl must be fine even if she had gone and walked through it. But that didn't stop it from being a little gross, he supposed. "I haven't seen any," not that he had really been looking hard for any sign of spiders in the first place, but he was still confident. "Maybe it's because we're in a dungeon. Spiders like dark places or whatever."
As June put her mirror away again and watched the Gryffindor boy she had to hold in an eyeroll. Perhaps the spider was not done with the cobweb yet or came back for it to eat his flys as dinner. There were many reasons to assume there were spiders around. And June was not gonna let them touch her, if she would learn more spells she was gonna use it on them for sure. The boy was suddenly an spider professional or something but June just nodded. '' They better be.'' She replied back and put an small smile after it. The last thing he said made her confused. First he asked why there would be spiders, and now the dungeon was an place where spiders liked to be. June hated it. Slytherin deserved to be somewhere else. Hufflepuff deserved to be all down here. '' What's Gryffindor tower like?'' June than asked him, meaning the common room and all. She was curious. '' I'm June by the way. Who are you?'' June than asked him. She figured people would know her since she was very known in the classroom. But she didn't knew his name yet.
It was something he Mama had told him when he was younger and still scared every time he saw a cobweb. And he was sure that she wouldn't lie to him like that and just say those kinds of things. Cobwebs were old. No spiders around that was for sure. And it was something the young Gryffindor was quite confident about, grinning as he once again nodded his head. "Mhm, I'm sure!" And now this girl would know that as well, so maybe she wouldn't be so worried about getting any spiders in her hair the next time she walked through a cobweb. If there even was a next time. And then she was asking about Gryffindor tower and the grin on his lips got wider. "It's really cool up there! There's a nice fireplace, really comfy chairs and you have a great view of the grounds from so high up. Is it not like that in the Slytherin common room?" Well, he supposed they were in the dungeons and all, but it could still be nice. "I'm Conan!" He next introduced himself, "Nice to meetcha."
June than sighted for an moment and figured she was safe for now. Focussing on getting information about another classmate, and to see how this Gryffindor was. He explained about the common room and June knew they were in the towers just like Ravenclaw as well. But it didn't made her jealous or anything or wanting to be in another house. June figured it was stupid of him to suggest it was less in Slytherin, but kept her face friendly. Still she was used to have a lot of luxuary and going to the fostering place was already less than what she was used to, Misha's place was better at least than the fostering, but still not what she was used to. The common room was ok, but sharing an room was just dumb.'' Slytherin has an amazing common room. Our head of house added new furniture and we can see the lake. Through some windows.'' June explained. She than tried to remember his name and face as he said his. And smiled. But his accent was really weird. June herself was british and spoke like that. '' Nice to meet you too.'' She added. Although she actually wondered if that really was. But so far, so good.
Conan quite enjoyed being in Gryffindor, he really couldn't imagine himself in any other house. And he didn't think that he wanted to be in any other house. He had specifically asked the sorting hat to put him in Gryffindor, after all. This was what he wanted and he wouldn't want to be stuck in another common room. "What furniture?" He did have to wonder when the girl started explaining what the Slytherin common room was actually like. "Looking into the lake sounds cool! Does that mean you get to see all the creatures that live in the lake and stuff? I hear there is a giant eel in the lake. Have you seen it?" Conan did want to see this so-call giant eel he had heard about, but every time he had headed down to the lake he hadn't seen any sign of it. Maybe it was under the water and he needed to dive down deep to find it or something like that.
As he asked the question she wondered what he ment by it. But she than thought of what Professor Castillo had said. '' Oh all kinds of stuff. Like chairs and all.'' The blonde explained. Not like an whole playground or anything if that is what he would like to hear. But that was childish ofcourse. He seemed to be interested about the lake, and that was something what June didn't even cared about. It was fun at first for an moment, but she prefered to just have an better view than fishes and ugly lake stuff. He went on about an giant eel where she already had heard some speaking about. '' You can see stuff, but it's not like there are merepeople or anything. Mostly just fish. But I never really sit a whole day in front of an window, so perhaps someone else had seen something like that.'' June than explained to him and smiled friendly. She had a lot of more stuff to do and didn't wasted her time on that stupid stuff.
"Right, chairs..." he trailed off. Not really what he had been expecting to hear at all. He'd been hoping the new furniture might be something really interesting, but apparently not. It just sounded like boring and generic stuff. Nothing to get all excited about. So, instead he listened as the girl explained what it was actually like to get a good view of what was in the lake. "It sounds pretty cool to me," he offered his own opinion, already having a view of what it must be like in his head. "Just getting to see everything swimming around. You could imagine that you were actually underwater having a cool adventure or something!" You couldn't really do something like that in the Gryffindor common room, not when it was so high up and bright.

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